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I've a translation to do, English to French - "Immigration Energises our Economy." Sounds like fun doesnt it?


I've read through it and it seems like there are gonna be two awkward parts:


- Britain, a soft touch? Hardly.


- The word underinvestment.


Any groovy ideas would be appreciated. :smile:

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I'm doing Physics for chemistry. Hooray. i didn't do Physics at A level. Shit.




"The C60 molecule is a sphere of diameter 1nm (10^-9m) with an ionisation energy of 7.5eV. Find the energy of photons which could eject electrons from C60 with a wavelength which would match the molecular size."


I'm quite stuck because I'm not quite sure how to bend lambda = h/p. And the lambda = h/sqrt (2mk) doesn't help either.


Stupid physics (sorry Chris! But I did do history instead which shows how badly I got on with the subject...)

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energy (joules) = h * frequency


frequency = c / wavelenght


energy (eV) = energy (joules)/e (as in 1.602*10^-19)


thats the best i can think of at the moment. But it is 5am in the morning and I'm very tired. Stupid work. I can't remember any of the basic stuff.


7.5eV gives me about 165nm. so its not that. 1nm is about 1238eV. but i don't know, I don't do molecules. individual atoms only I'm afraid. Hyperfine energy levels of Hydrogen and Helium especially. sorry I can't help much.

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While it's not homework I'II like some help with a little language. How do I say in either Spanish or Iltalian.



"Your presense is offending me and I wish you to leave"


Italian: "La tua presensa mi offende personalmente, e sarei grato se te ne andasi"


Spanish: "Tu presencia me está ofendiendo y deseo ke sales "


It's something like that.

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Ugh, some other hardcore nerd help me.


If, in C++, you need to fill a boolean matrix with all 'true' values, then the right notation would be: bool check_table[6][4] = { { true } }; right?


If that's true I need some aspirin, quickly.

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oh poo, i'm stuck on chemistry.

I've drawn the different structural isomers of C5H12 but i need to put them in order of boiling point and explain why...

I think you'll find that the more rounded or branched they are, the lower the boiling point, as straight chain molecules can stack closer together and thus form stronger intermolecular forces, so more energy is required to break these forces.

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I think you'll find that the more rounded or branched they are, the lower the boiling point, as straight chain molecules can stack closer together and thus form stronger intermolecular forces, so more energy is required to break these forces.


you're a legend :D


I'm stuck on one more question though (last one though)...


State a suitable reagent and conditons for the reaction of:


Propene -> Propane.


I'm guessing you name a catalyst or something...?

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you're a legend :D


I'm stuck on one more question though (last one though)...


State a suitable reagent and conditons for the reaction of:


Propene -> Propane.


I'm guessing you name a catalyst or something...?


Yeah, basically you use a Nickel catalyst in an atmosphere of hydrogen to hydrogenate the alkene. 450K and 1MPa if silly A levels conditions knowledge serves me correctly.

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I q = 2p - 5

II q = (p^2) + 10p + 7


2p - 5 = (p^2) + 10p + 7 (equate I and II)


Rearrange and solve this quadratic for p, substitute the answer you get into either I or II for q.




I y = 4x + 4

II (x^2) + (y^2) = 36


(x^2) + (4x+4)^2 = 36 (substitute I into II)


Multiply out and rearrange this, solve the resulting quadratic for x, substitute this value into I or II to find y.

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I y = 4x + 4

II (x^2) + (y^2) = 36


(x^2) + (4x+4)^2 = 36 (substitute I into II)


Multiply out and rearrange this, solve the resulting quadratic for x, substitute this value into I or II to find y.


I multiplied out the brackets and cancelled down. And got 17x^2 + 32x = 20. I then factorised and got x(17x+32)=20. I don't know where to go from here.


EDIT: I've realised where I've gone wrong.

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I multiplied out the brackets and cancelled down. And got 17x^2 + 32x = 20. I then factorised and got x(17x+32)=20. I don't know where to go from here.


EDIT: I've realised where I've gone wrong.

You should always rearrange quadratics so that they are equal to 0, then try and factorise. If you can't factorise them, use the formula (or complete the square, which is effectively the same thing).

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