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  Cookyman said:
Of course I will - I'm a man of my word - if your right I will take a large slice of humble pie and probably choke on it. :o


Just please stop making statements that have no evidence of being genuine and stating them as fact.


I'll start charging the phaser now as well. : peace:


Yep, the constant 'fact giving' is really annoying. You have NO evidence whatsoever, yet continue to tell us it's coming 2008. Of course it is. Maybe it will, who knows? Not you, that's for sure.


  ZeldaFreak said:
But I don't like the controller full stop. I just wish every game had te option to play with classic controller.


What don't you like about it?

  ZeldaFreak said:
But I don't like the controller full stop. I just wish every game had te option to play with classic controller.



Hmm think your in the minority there ZeldaFreak and since Wii games are designed with the Wiimote in mind your screwed. Ah well at least you've got your 360 to keep you going in quality games. You could always sell your Wii and buy some more of the games you fancy on the 360.


Then at a later date prob January 2008 if your logic dictates buy a new Wii and get smash brothers and start complaining about the controls again! lol


Sorry man that was too easy! couldn't help myself! :bouncy:

  That Guy said:
Yep, the constant 'fact giving' is really annoying. You have NO evidence whatsoever, yet continue to tell us it's coming 2008. Of course it is. Maybe it will, who knows? Not you, that's for sure.




What don't you like about it?


What I like about it is:


+ motion sensing feature(not because its good its just it could be intergrated in certain games like samba di amigo)

+ speaker (but it would of been better if they put in a higher quality on)

+ rumble (its not essential but good never the less)


What I don't like about it is:


+ pointing functionality.

  ZeldaFreak said:
What I like about it is:


+ motion sensing feature

+ speaker (but it would of been better if they put in a higher quality on)

+ rumble (its not essential but good never the less)


What I don't like about it is:


+ pointing functionality.


The pointer function works very well, you just haven't positioned it right.

  fanman said:
The pointer function works very well, you just haven't positioned it right.


Well not for me it jumps all over the place - freezes and then repeats.


Its probably I only was playing it at night and therefore needed the lights on.


But if thats true whats causing the problem then its a design flaw on nintendos part.

  ZeldaFreak said:
Well not for me it jumps all over the place - freezes and then repeats.


Its probably I only was playing it at night and therefore needed the lights on.


But if thats true whats causing the problem then its a design flaw on nintendos part.


Move the sensor forward to the front of the tv, or if your tv is high up, put the sensor bar at the bottom.


Mine functions properly.

  fanman said:
Move the sensor forward to the front of the tv, or if your tv is high up, put the sensor bar at the bottom.


Mine functions properly.


Can't though at the base of my tv its a curved, and is the only place I can put it.


Can't put it on the tv because it doesn't balance on it.


Needs better games on a more regular basis. yeah the sales are crazy but enough of wii sports and wii play. When i first saw the Wii i thought it would be perfect for light gun shooters (Time Crisis, House of the Dead etc) so its a shame that we are hearing no news on light gun shooters.


it would be nice too see games actually looking like Wii titles and not PS2/GC. VC has too be cheaper for sure, unless you have a japanese Wii prices are too high.


also like xbox live arcade, they should let you download a trial version first!!

  khilafah said:
Needs better games on a more regular basis. yeah the sales are crazy but enough of wii sports and wii play. When i first saw the Wii i thought it would be perfect for light gun shooters (Time Crisis, House of the Dead etc) so its a shame that we are hearing no news on light gun shooters.


it would be nice too see games actually looking like Wii titles and not PS2/GC. VC has too be cheaper for sure, unless you have a japanese Wii prices are too high.


also like xbox live arcade, they should let you download a trial version first!!


A light gun though 'sees' your tv differently to what the wii controller 'sees' it as they would have to add a reticle and loads of redesigning the gameplay.

P o s t i n S h o r t:

- High-Defenition. It's not like we don't care, Nintendo.

- True online. I've got friends, but reaching them over Wii is way to hard. get voice chat, online play and communications sorted out in a positive, Xbox Live-like way.

- Quicker loading of Channels and mostly: the OS itself. It's slow.


Here's my go on the subject: Basicly, I wouldn't change that much to the Wii. In the next generation, the only true change could be HD. I would however start development on the web getting started. more online services. I'm not talking about a full music library or movie directory - no, I'm talking about true online. Accesible forums, chat-room, easy to use online friends - no Wii-codes, and out with ridiculous things like the News Channel and Weather channel. They're nice to see, but the loading takes to long. So here's another: improve the loading times on the system. It should be able to be done - add some RAm, come 'on, Nintendo, it isn't that expensive.


The next Wii can't afford to be focused on games alone anymroe, it needs media-feature, wether or not people already own DVD-players and CD-compatible sound-bursters. Wii should do that, too. Don't be shaby on those little costs, boys. And then, finnally, like so many probably said before, true HD. Get off your lazy chairs and get us some HD. It's fricking two letters, but they make a hell of a lot to people who enjoy specs. And casual gamers don't dislike it either, Nintendo - it's not like it's infectious or something.


- Better graphics, I'm not massively bothered about HD support, just graphics that look next gen. I'd have liked to see Zelda and Metroid in much greater detail.


- Not a TOTAL reliance on the new control method.


- VC controllers to work with GC games.


However, I have learned to like the name, it's a real talking point. I have also learned to like the controller for the games it's suited to.


Yeah when Nintendo said you would see the graphics and say "wow". I say it looks fairly "poor". I personally think thnik Nintendo has missunderstood what real gamers want out of their console. And thats software that doesn't take 5 hours to play through.


Yeah zelda:tp was a 40hour game(to do everything) but didn't they say it would be around 50 odd hours.


You see, I think there are some good ideas in this thread on how to improve the Wii and make it a better Wii without turning it into another console.


But what I cannot for the life of me understand is stuff like:


"I hate everything about the Wii, the name, the size, the colour white etc etc, why oh why couldn't they use a controller like the dual shock, I wish they'd made it HDD, it should have Sony style online support, and a 60gig hard drive, and more storage capacity, like blueray or something, and it should have third party games like Metal Gear coming out for it, why oh why will no-one make a system like this for me, I'd pay up to $600 for it for sure, you've screwed us over nintendo, what are people with my tastes supposed to do, it's not fair, no-one caters for me, lets start a Wii bashing thread and a mail bomb campaign".


Instead of sitting around wishing the Wii was a PS3, buy a PS3...

  ZeldaFreak said:
Yeah when Nintendo said you would see the graphics and say "wow". I say it looks fairly "poor". I personally think thnik Nintendo has missunderstood what real gamers want out of their console. And thats software that doesn't take 5 hours to play through.


Yeah zelda:tp was a 40hour game(to do everything) but didn't they say it would be around 50 odd hours.


F**k NO it'd take longer to rush through it with a walkthrough


They have probably been said, but things I would of done would be.


1, Have rechargable wiimotes, FFS seriously I'm fed up of buying batteries.


2, More internal storage memory. If they are going to allow demos and such, then we need more space.


3, Better component for online. Wii codes are plain crappy and totally bollocks. What is wrong with having a username for the Wii instead? Would of been soooo much easier. The friends list is a load of crap really too. It doesn't tell you who is online or off.


4, More juice wouldn't of hurt really. I'd like to know how much profit they are making on the Wii. Just to see what extra power and such could of been put in. This isn't that much of a factor, but it would of been nice to see just a glimpse of what the Wii is capable of from the start rather than waiting for games to show it later on.


5, Extra Wiimotes and Nunchuks should be a little cheaper. £45 each time is a little expensive.


Still even with alot of these niggles, the system is still great fun to play. I'm happy I own one.

  BlueStar said:
You see, I think there are some good ideas in this thread on how to improve the Wii and make it a better Wii without turning it into another console.


But what I cannot for the life of me understand is stuff like:


"I hate everything about the Wii, the name, the size, the colour white etc etc, why oh why couldn't they use a controller like the dual shock, I wish they'd made it HDD, it should have Sony style online support, and a 60gig hard drive, and more storage capacity, like blueray or something, and it should have third party games like Metal Gear coming out for it, why oh why will no-one make a system like this for me, I'd pay up to $600 for it for sure, you've screwed us over nintendo, what are people with my tastes supposed to do, it's not fair, no-one caters for me, lets start a Wii bashing thread and a mail bomb campaign".


Instead of sitting around wishing the Wii was a PS3, buy a PS3...


We aren't asking for alot:

- if they releashed the wii with 2/3 of the power of a 360.

- With an unified online experience

- With the option to play games with "normal controls" (i.e. using the classic controller)

- At least it should of had the option to play games in 720p - with using an upscaler if they truely didn't want to deliver on HD content.


There is no perfect way to make a console. What one person will love about it, another one will hate.


If you think there's something that needs improving upon, then that's purely your opinion and not necessarily the general consensus.


I think Abraham Lincoln didn't quite say it best:


You can please some of the people all of the time.

You can please all of the people some of the time.

But you can't please all of the people all of the time.

  ZeldaFreak said:
We aren't asking for alot:

- if they releashed the wii with 2/3 of the power of a 360.

- With an unified online experience

- With the option to play games with "normal controls" (i.e. using the classic controller)

- At least it should of had the option to play games in 720p - with using an upscaler if they truely didn't want to deliver on HD content.


That makes even less sense, it wouldn't have sold nearly as many units if it was just a watered down Xbox 360. How much would this piss poor jack-of-all-trades machine of yours cost?

  BlueStar said:
That makes even less sense, it wouldn't have sold nearly as many units if it was just a watered down Xbox 360. How much would this piss poor jack-of-all-trades machine of yours cost?


Exactly. people would just go and buy a 360.

  ZeldaFreak said:
We aren't asking for alot:

- if they releashed the wii with 2/3 of the power of a 360.

- With an unified online experience

- With the option to play games with "normal controls" (i.e. using the classic controller)

- At least it should of had the option to play games in 720p - with using an upscaler if they truely didn't want to deliver on HD content.


If the Wii was like this, I wouldn't have bought it.

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