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Manhunt 2


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Quoted from the IGN Wiik in review:


Big developers heading to Wii. Manhunt 2 will test the water for adult titles on Wii.


so if it doesn't sell....Wii will be buggered when it comes to adult themed games?


Fair enough IGN - But by this reckoning...Putting one M rated title as the focus of the entire future of 'adult' content on the Wii seems somewhat confusing..Especially when said console is less than a year old and it's ONE game! What if Rockstar balls it up? What then?


It seems that an adult Wii game at the moment simply means 'Manhunt 2'. This not only grates on me as gaming should be a broad spectrum yet in the same vein isn't Brain training on the DS aimed at adults (advertising in TIME, readers digest publications etc)? Yet, frustratingly this never paved the way for more adult titles for the DS..Different genre I guess..but then what is classed as a MATURE genre? I feel there is a fundamental problem with identity in the industry.


A recent article on Nintendojo.com mentioned VC sales and how the Mario, Zelda (Nintendo) franchises were the most popular downloads..Yet if we want more "elusive" titles on the VC we need to buy more of the elusive titles that exist. Makes sense right? But surely the massive uptake of the Wii should guarantee that these niche titles sell? Just give it time. It's not only us 'gamers' buying the Wii, evidently.


Maybe the above IGN statement shows that the industry itself still sees Nintendo in a certain light and even with the sheer amount of Wii consoles sold, mature titles just "wont" sell on the Wii. We have seen this with the DS. it's the most popular device of recent times yet still lacks mature (read: Adult themed?) games.


Either way...I'm looking forward to Manhunt 2 (on its own merits) :¬) I'm just confused as to why IGN would imply that developers see Manhunt 2 as the proving ground for Wii. Here's hoping Rockstar (and the sales) deliver.


I don't think the industry knows how to view the Wii yet. On one hand stuff like Wii Play and Rayman Raving Rabids are selling at a great rate, while on the other hand stuff like Red Steel and Zelda is also selling in great numbers.


The GameCube undoubtedly became a console which was best for games aimed at the 5-10 age bracket, and that adult games were simply a no go for it. Thing is, the Wii has no doubt completely reinvented it's userbase, and I think it's low price point and lack of HD gaming is a great appeal to most adults, who don't really have the money spare for a new consoles, not to mention a HD TV.


Stuff like this is always a Catch 22. You need more adult games to get more adult gamers, but you need more adult gamers to get more adult games. Thankfully it seems that the Wii is already building up a small following on adult games (Scarface, Godfather, Far Cry, Resident Evil etc) and has some of the best looking ones in the future. Manhunt 2 will be the first step but I think No More Heroes will be the true game to prove the Wii's adult userbase.


I can see the Wii version getting tons of hype about it's controls though. The motion controls will attract alot of attention I can see people buying the Wii just cause of the reputation Manhunt 2 gives it. It's going to be the definitive adult game on the Wii and I predict it will sell well enough to warrant more support for the genre.

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Manhunt will be the first original title however so will be a better indication, sales wise, of how well an 18+ title can do on the Wii. Publishers can't say that sales weren't as high as expected because people had already bought it on another system.


Agreed. I've got my fingers crossed, but I'm not sure what sales will be like for this one.

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;473213]But as jammy said' date=' what if its just a bad game?[/quote']


I am worried about that, the first manhunt is one of my favourite games, but this is completely seperate from the original and it lacks the headset which used to make the 1st one so atmospheric, you couldn't even breath deep as you would get caught! whether the physical moves will drag me in the same way I dunno...

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;473213]But as jammy said' date=' what if its just a bad game?[/quote']

I'm sure these 'anylists' will take into account what reviews it receives.


I think it's going to get great reviews anyway, not just for being a great game, but because the reviewers will feel a responsibility to help it sell for the sake of the Wii.


I think it'll sell around 250k in it's first month, and then probably go on to reach 400k. That would be very good sales and no doubt bring alot more interest for 18+ games. Red Steel sold 1 million though, which should mean Manhunt 2 is capable of being much higher :o .

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I still stand firm by my notion that The Godfather is an astounding example of what motion control can bring to a game. (Remake or not.) For EA to get the gameplay controls spot on the first time around was astonishing. (IE threatening buisinesses.)

The Godfather remains one of my favourite Wii games simply due to the tactile, robust and consistant controls. I'm glad there is a sequel in development, the Wii deserves to be a part of it. Maybe by then we will see all of the elements already in place really get the attention they deserve instead of the game being judged as a remake.


Considering Manhunt 2, Scarface and No More Heroes will have come and gone by this time next year, I hope franchises will constantly evolve on the Wii thanks to the ideas and implementations of other developers controls. I'm sick of sequels just having a "tighter" camera or a "workable" targeting system surounding new missions. The Wii is slowly doing its job. Evolving the way we play and revitalising franchises both old and new. Just my two pence.

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Well i got my monthly dose of Ngamer magazine this morning they have given Manhunt 2 92%! 'As dark as we've ever played, Manhunt 2 is a brilliantly constructed piece of fanservice for horror enthusiasts and a masterclass in stealthy nastiness!


Must admit i am suprised that they have given this game such a high score!

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NGamerReview: 92%


edit: "As dark a game as we've ever played, Manhunt 2 is a brilliantly constructed piece of fanservice for horror enthusiasts and a masterclass in stealthy nastiness"


This is a must buy for me now.. i cant wait to get it ... and everyone else should buy it if it truly is a great game

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I'mn so glad at all the postive buzz this game is getting, it IS the type of game Nintendo has been missing for years (Res Evil 4 excepted) and it will do really well, I sometimes feel games like this, Res Evil, Guitar Hero are the types of games that kick nintendo into realising there is a huge hardcore market on the Wii as well. Nothing frustrtaes me more hearing devleopers talk at how the Wii's audience is the casual gamers and expanded audience so they're trying to make their game "pick-up and play", and hearing that Nintendo are saying similar things (Re: HAMMER cancellation rumour) it was very disheartening!! I only want the Wii - and I want every god damn game on the machine!!!

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Manhunt 2 isn't getting released in the UK.




Any French import sites at all?



WTF - Draconian measures employed by an over-protective nanny state. The Daily Mail brigade have a lot to f'ing answer for.


Hope that someone sees sense and overturns this decision as there is worse things in this world to worry about , and no they ain't caused by f'ing video games. Its actually news like this that makes me wanna kill people and not the game itself.


As above , recommended PAL import sites please.

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