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Favourite Legend of Zelda


What is your favourite Legend of Zelda game  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite Legend of Zelda game

    • Legend of Zelda I
    • Zelda II: Adventures of Link
    • A Link to the Past
    • Link's Awakening
    • Ocarina of Time
    • Majora's Mask
    • Oracle series
    • The Wind Waker
    • The Minish Cap
    • Twilight Princess

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I know there's a similar topic in the Retro gaming section but thought it would be interesting to do a poll so we can compare results...


Since polls only allow for 10 results, the Oracle games have been mergend and Four Swords, being a multiplayer Zelda game has been ditched. If either are your favourites you can obviously say so on here.


Let's see... (and tell us why as well)


You copied from fav zelda which copied my fav mario... its surprising how genius catches on. As for the game, easily twilight princess- work of art, massive landscape, ingenious weapons and dungeons which you can actually, y' know, enjoy, make out for an almost perfect zelda game.

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I've not read all the posts yet - but I will.


Ocarina of Time is fast becoming an overrated game around here.


Majora's Mask gets my backing. twas between it and Links Awakening but Majora's Mask was longer and 3D and had more to do, so it sneaked it. Links Awakening still has a really moving story though.

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Having played all the Zelda games except for the CD-I ones, here's what I think:


The Legend of Zelda: Revolutionary for its time, and still provides a bit of enjoyment today... but obviously can't match the big players. I've got up to the last dungeon with all the heart pieces.


Zelda II: I don't like this one much at all... it's clunky and boring. So I haven't played much of it.


A link to the past: Brilliant, I think this is the epitome of 2D gaming. It's so fun, and there are loads of great bits. For this reason, I have done all there is to do.


All the gameboy ones: I've never really got into these, but I can see the merit. I ought to play them more, as I own all of them apart from Link's awakening.


Ocarina of time: Also excellent, this has so may little things in it that make it great. I've completed and got the Biggoron's sword, but haven't done many other sidequests.


Majora's Mask: I should play this more. Every time I've tried it, I've got a bit bored and given up before it gets good...


Wind Waker: Good, and introducing interesting ideas, but flawed overall. I neverthess completed it and enjoyed it.


Twilight Princess: I'm playing this one at the moment, and I've just completed the Arbiter's grounds. It's a very good game, but doesn't match up to Ocarina.


Four swords: Great fun, but not deep enough to be true contenders. But then they aren't supposed to be.


So, overall, I think a link to the past wins it for me.


For someone who says they've played all the Zelda's except the CD-I ones you sure give up on a Zelda game easy. Call yourself a fan?


You haven't played much of Zelda II, You never really got into 'the gameboy ones', you haven't played Link's Awakening, you give up on MM a lot before it gets good...


On another note... 10/10/10 split between OOT/MM and TP at the mo.

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For someone who says they've played all the Zelda's except the CD-I ones you sure give up on a Zelda game easy. Call yourself a fan?


You haven't played much of Zelda II, You never really got into 'the gameboy ones', you haven't played Link's Awakening, you give up on MM a lot before it gets good...


On another note... 10/10/10 split between OOT/MM and TP at the mo.

I have played Link's Awakening, it is a gameboy game. I thought it was the worst one. I never claimed to be a Zelda fan, and I don't see why I should play games I don't find interesting... If it isn't interesting enough to get to the good bits, that is the game's failure, not mine.

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I'd say the first ever game in the series. Established the foundation for this series. I'm sure it would've been thought of anyway later down the track but still this game is special for the very reason that it spawned one of the best video game series to date.

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For someone who says they've played all the Zelda's except the CD-I ones you sure give up on a Zelda game easy. Call yourself a fan?


You haven't played much of Zelda II, You never really got into 'the gameboy ones', you haven't played Link's Awakening, you give up on MM a lot before it gets good...


On another note... 10/10/10 split between OOT/MM and TP at the mo.


Y'know, for once I agree with you. I think your point is agreeable, and you've made a good impression. Carry on like that, motion2000 and we might be able to get along. I can't decide between ww and tp...

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Copied from the other thread


I like Majora's Mask the best, then Wind Waker....Those 2 seem to have more character than the others.

Then it'd be Ocarina, then Twilight Princess.

It's hard to place the 2D Zeldas into that list, especially as I haven't played the Oracles, or LA(DX).



As I said, I like Majora's Mask the best as it has a lot of character and as the game is based around Clock Town, you spend a lot of time there and get to know the residents and their way of life. If also has the best difficulty.


Wind Waker would win if the bosses were a little harder, the last part of the game was a couple of dungeons (rather than sailing & paying Tingle), and if the final fight was....decent. The great things WW did bring to the table was the amazing character of the game itself, and the lovable characters in it.

The whole "Sploosh, Kaboom" thing actually brought tears to my eyes.

I also feel that Wind Waker had the best dungeons of the 4 3D Zeldas.


OOT does come third, but the ones above it wouldn't be rated so highly without it. The whole story of WW links to OOT and the past, and MM has characters you already know. I did feel that the controls for OOT could be a lil frustrating during certain parts of the game (Bongo Bongo springs to mind the most). I don't really know what else to write about it, the Hyrule was great in that game, and you could call Epona whenever you wanted as Adult Link once you'd won her; instead of only being able to call her whenever you want near the end of the game *coughtpcough*.


Twilight Princess has some amazing parts and stumbles at others. Wolf Link was kinda pants and there could have been more links to the 'timeline' added.

Random sentence: Hyrule seems to have changed a lot, possibly due to seismic activities.

Twilight Princess lacked character and 'characters'; the only places/people that there seemed to be was the Gorons, the kids of Ordon, the Postman, the gay clowns.....and that's it (appart from the Explorer group & those soldiers).

Kakariko was inhabited by 3 people, Hyrule was boring (appart from the Gorons & the shop owned by that Ordon baby - who was the coolest of the Ordonians), the Zora were the Zora and the other place was a village inhabited by 20 cats, a chicken and a woman soon to peg it.

The dungeons also lacked the oompf (sp?:heh:) the WW ones had (not that they were rubbish, some were pretty great and clever).

The game was however awesome in a lot of respects and people shouldn't think I hated the game, as I really did enjoy it. The weapons were good and the Yetis were also cool, as were Zant & Ganondorf. And the Final battle(s) was one of the best ever.

I just felt that overall the game and even the enemies lacked the character from the other games (especially the town).


Oh yeah...The Hidden skills were an excellent addition aswell, especially since WW Link's ones were added as proper moves rather than 'press A now'.



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only 6 votes for ALTTP ATM lol too few! come on people, you know 2D is best :heh:


anywho, i voted for it because it set found the true foundations of which every other Zelda game has copied. it had sooooooo many items and it was a huge game too. some great puzzles, beautiful art direction, the light vs dark worlds, the upgrades for your weapons etc it was all just so right.

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Link's Awakening holds the best memories for me, the original gameboy one playing it on the big chunky gb so i'd probably go with that one followed closley by the one on the SNES. I have to be honest though they are all good so this is real hard to choose.


Though I haven't had the pleasure of playing Twilight Princess yet.

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There really hasn't been a game that's been as deep and engrossing to me as Majora's Mask. It's going to take a lot to surpass it, but I'm confidant that Eiji Anouma will do so.




I'd also have to put Links Awakening up there with the best since its the only game I gave up on (Dungeon 7 where you have to destriy all the pillars!) and came back to a full year and a half later and completed like I hadn't put it down for a second!


I like the Zelda's with a dark twists to them and thats why Majora's Mask is my favourite!

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You people know nothing. MM is clearly the best.


I voted for MM, but im really not sure. I think it just edges the rest, but every time i remember back playing another Zelda, i want to pick it! I think theyre all great, but MM and WW get points for being different!

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Ocarina has taken quite a lead. Perhaps it should have had the rose-tint voting bar and not Zelda 1. I kid, fantastic game and truly deserving. So long as Twilight Princess beats Wind Waker I'll be happ- Oh my God, Solitanze has taken over my account.


LOL I thought TP had the rose-tinted bar... thought it fit quite nicely too ;)

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I don't think I can name my favourite Zelda. I love them in different ways.


Ocarina: At that time, I had never played anything like it. It was unparalleled, and was really just a kickass adventure.


Majora's Mask: I loved the 3 day system, and there just felt like a million things in this game that I didn't explore. I will play this again, for sure.


Wind Waker: I loved this the least of the 3D games, but it's still great. The visuals win this for me.


Twilight Princess: Just have an awesome memory of playing this. I sat aside some time for myself and this game, and just really immersed myself. This is one of the only games where I've thought "right, fuck everything else, I'm going to play this."



They are the 3D games. Now, of the 2D games, I have no doubt in my mind that A Link to the Past is the greatest. I still haven't finished it, but will go back to it eventually.



So...please don't make me choose. It's toooo hard.

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