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New Game Annoucement...Soon!


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Maybe they've got the rights on Beyond Good an Evil, or have an exclusivee deal with Ubisoft to get it to Wii. Now that would be great. But instead of hoping on that, i'de give my money for a new Donkey Kong or maybe even a next Zelda? Or Mario Kart? Ah well, too much of goodness to chose from.


EDIT: Golden Sun 3, gimme, gimme, gimme! It will make Too Human look like crapshit and it would be the best game imagenable! Give me Golden Sun 3! Come on, Camelot, show us the love.

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I think I would prefer to see Golden Sun 3 on DS, personally.


I think Pikmin will be great on Wii - I never enjoyed it much on GC, but I would certainly be interested in a Wii version. Some kind of indication of the possibilities for RTS games?

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I'm swaying towards it being Pikmin 3 or Pilotwings.


We know Pikmin 3 is in development, and has been for sometime, and it's part of a series....The game must be nearly complete and will probably be out this year.


Pilotwings has also been talked about for some-time now, which makes me believe someone knows something we don't.


Donkey Kong Wii is also happening, but i don't think we'll see that this year.....it's just seems to early....

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Miyamoto never confirmed Kid Icarus, and I don't think he confirmed Pikmin 3 either.



yes they did in an interview with Shigeru miyamoto it goes like this:


IGN: Will you make Kid Icarus for Revolution?


Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, I'm actually working really closely right now with the director of the [original] game. Now, whether or not when we get the Revolution all set up and everything is finalized, well who knows? That might be one of those characters where everybody says, "Hey, with the way our console is designed, that would be a perfect match." My question to you is, if we made this game would you buy it?


IGN: Absolutely.


Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, we obviously can't ignore that. Okay, we'll get the Eggplant Wizard coming back


and that was about 2 years ago here is the link to the full interview



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