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  Ollie said:
This thread is gay.


Agreed, It's full of arse kissing, now a Forum Hate thread would be cool because arguments are much more entertaining than this crap.

  McMad said:
Agreed, It's full of arse kissing, now a Forum Hate thread would be cool because arguments are much more entertaining than this crap.


I agree, Afterall the internet is serious business.

  Twilight_Link said:
Talks the truth!




*cough* 2 years *cough*


Also McFly are awesome and A Link To The Past is better than Links Awakening :heh:

You know I love ya!


I know you do but what you doing getting an extra year younger than me?! That accounts for our growing number of differences, then. I allow you to prefere the Snes Zelda, but come on, we gotta get that McFly notion sorted, brother! :heh:

  Supergrunch said:
Generally a nice guy, even if he claims he's a hardened cynic... :heh:


Im nice, but I just dont let people in or trust them.


Anyway, The Bard: Certainly a character, and thats a good thing.


Letty is awesome. Fact.


  darksnowman said:
You like McFly but hopefully that will pass, just a bunch of kids trying to do punk.


"We are a pop band. If we tried to do anything else we'd be selling out."



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