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Flat/Housemates From Hell


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Go for it, Gaggle.


Man, there's some horrific stories, here. Eenuh, I have no idea how you coped living like that. Sounds like a nightmare.


My girlfriend moved into halls last year, and she found that she didn't really have anything in common with her flatmates. There were 2 decent blokes, but they both left. The rest were a bit slobbish.


Anyway, she hated living there, so was around mine most of the time. She went back and found that the place was in a tip. She took some pictures on her phone, and it was a tip, to be honest. Sink and drain were full of dishes. Cutlery was always in the sink, so you had to fish it out of there incase you needed to use it. The cooker was basically...hell-ish. Nobody ever cleaned it.


Basically, every time she went back there (which wasn't much, as she stayed at mine due to hating it there), she cleaned up. I'm so, so glad I never had to live with these people.

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In my second year at uni, one of the girls I shared a house with drove me and my other two housemates up the wall. She had slight cerebral palsey, and was one of those people who think that the world owes them a favour because of their disability. Basically, she thought that it was an excuse to get out of doing any housework, and when she did do, say, the washing up, it was always such a half arsed job that it had to be done again later. In the first month, when all four of use were cooking, she blamed us for not helping her when she dropped a pizza when taking it out of the oven, even though she didn't even ask for help.


She's also one of those people who constantly talks about herself, and would frequently interrupt discussions about anything to tell us that she had an essay that was due in soon, and she was sure to fail it (even though she got some of the highest marks given out on my course for almost every piece of work). The one time she did find a unit of work hard, she complained to the lecturers that it was stressing her out so much, and they ended up making the low marks for that unit not count towards her final grade.


She also used to talk to herself all the time when she was alone in the room - and I mean have proper conversations with nobody, even leaving pauses for the imaginary friend to answer. We could even hear her laughing to herself! The first time we thought it it sounded just lke she was on the phone, and when we went in her room we were shocked to see her just sitting on her bed, grinning to herself!


There are so many weird stories from that year I could go on forever.. It just annoys me when I tell people about it and they think I'm terrible for saying things like this about a girl with cerebral palsey, when it wasn't that that was annoying about her at all.

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The cooker was basically...hell-ish. Nobody ever cleaned it.

We have a cooker-ish like that too, except we do occasionally clean it. But the shit just comes back 10 seconds later... You're not even using the top bit, cleaned so it's nice and beige. Oven cook some chips. The top goes completely brown again. Fuck.

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In the first year at University I basically did not get any sleep because of this one guy down the corridor who played his music from 2am to 5am. Then when I complained he would bang on my door early morning and run away.


I broke his jaw for him. He didn't do it again.

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I live with a bunch of retards.

My brother is incapable of cleaning up after his self, infact its like living with a 5 year old rather than a 24 year old. Not to mention he's a fucking tool.


My sister has a problem with windows, she opens then EVERYWHERE. Its not like i don't like fresh air, but its the middle of freaking winter and the house is so cold in most rooms because of her.


She has to keep those pornstar nipples erect now though doesn't she remember!

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We have a cooker-ish like that too, except we do occasionally clean it. But the shit just comes back 10 seconds later... You're not even using the top bit, cleaned so it's nice and beige. Oven cook some chips. The top goes completely brown again. Fuck.


Haha, damn.

In the end, it usually works out for the best if you just clean up straight away after yourself. On most days, there was less than a 2 minute gap between me eating my dinner and then me washing the plates. Probably worked out for the best really.


In the first year at University I basically did not get any sleep because of this one guy down the corridor who played his music from 2am to 5am. Then when I complained he would bang on my door early morning and run away.


I broke his jaw for him. He didn't do it again.


That's class. :laughing:


Never doing the shared house thing ever again, I have some true horror stories that make gaggles look like fairy tales, but I've had to repress them so badly I'd rather not recount them.

Living with the wife is bad enough tbh.


That sounds terrible, and you didn't even give details! Probably best not to go into it then if it brings back horrible memories.


Mike: You're housemate sounds a bit freaky. She sounds like a cross between two people I know. One of these girls is from home and would basically just make up shit stories about her life all the time (which probably weren't true, like she was the crowned Queen of Russia), she would occassionally laugh to herself. Niiice.

And the other is just "me me me me me me me". Gah, I feel your pain. It ain't her condition thats the problem, its her.

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My brother is a pain, he has a part-time job working at Homebase, and when he comes in he tells me and my other brother to do stuff for him, such as plug the Xbox 360/PS2/GC in, he also leaves bowls and plates around whenever he's finished with them, and if they need to be moved, he'll tell one of us to do it. As soon as he's done those hard three hours of work on certain days he doesn't lift a finger all night. He does a normal 9-5 day on a Sunday, so he is excused from that, but to work THREE HOURS! 6pm-9pm! Jesus Christ! And I can't argue, he's better than me at arguing, because I haven't got a job I shouldn't complain, but I really don't think working for just three hours on 2 nights a week does not entitle you to be the Queen Of Sheba!


I have to say something though, that sounds exactly like me. I'm in the eldest in the house and well I have a part time job and uni. My part time job is like Friday (12 hours shift),saturday (12hour shift) and Sunday (10 hours shift) and when I come home I expect my dinner to be ready and hot. I expect to watch my own channels play my games and don't have to fight with anyone for the PC. Luckily for me my little brothers do all that stuff without me ever having to say anything.


My youngest brother, (I think is now 10), cooks for me lol. Like we both were up at 5 in the morning (he wakes up early for school and cartoons haha) watching some cartoons and an Indian movie (Kal Ho Na Ho for those who are interested) and he ended up making me a full breakfast that I didn't even ask for which I thought was really nice of him when I think about it now lol. I almost always get him to change the scart/plug in one of the consoles for me. To get me the remote controls (even though I am closer) and just stuff like that but other than asking for those things, they all do stuff without me asking them to which I really don't know why.


Ah well, I live with my 3 younger bros and parents and out of everyone I am probably the most lazy but then I'm only lazy because everyone does everything anyway. I've never washed dishes, done the hoover, even hung my own clothes but I would do it if they told me to, don't get me wrong. I sometimes offer but then says its ok so I don't bother asking anymore. I get everything done for me, I only ever remember washing the dishes once in my life in the house. Never did the hoover or anything but then my mum is a housewive and a machine. She does everything...a bit scary.


If I was living with other people in a rented flat then it wouldn't bother me at all. I am very picky when it comes to hygiene so I would make it my duty to wash the dishes (or I wouldn't feel comfortable), I would do the hoover (in my own room at least) and cook the food (mine at least) so when it comes to work I don't shy away from it.


In fact,sometimes I feel so lazy that I can't be bothered playing games. I get my little brother to play and complete them for me haha. I just watch and buy them.


Anyway I sound like a bad guy haha

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This'll be a fun vent. In the first year of Uni, I lived with a complete nutjob. At first, it was just little things like leaving her dishes in the sink and not washing them. That was kinda annoying, but not life threatening. Then she moved on from that to using other people's cutlery and taking other people's food. More annoying. After that, she stepped up the pace. Her room was above mine, and she used to listen to her one CD - Celine Dione's "My Heart Will Go On" - for hours at a time, while she danced to it. Dancing so hard, in fact, that the light fitting on the ceiling in my room fell out. Despite being told to cut it out, she persisted. Then we got into the really grim territory. We discovered that she had incredibly poor hygiene skills - she kept leaving massive floaters in the bog, the toilet was left filled with blood whenever she had the painters in, and she left drips of blood on the floor going from the bathroom to her room. This was capped off by her leaving a sanitary towel on the radiator. A used sanitary towel, no less. I came up with the theory that she was trying to dry it out and use it again. We confronted her about it and told her that not only was it disgusting, it's also massively unhygienic and dangerous to do shit like that. She went to the halls staff and told them we'd been bullying her. Goon. She would also blank people whenever she came into the room - even if you said hi, she wouldn't respond. I'm amazed she managed to make it that far in life without falling under a bus.


Currently, one of the girls I'm living with is similarly socially handicapped. She's a real attention seeker - mine and another flatmate's rooms are next to the kitchen, and she'll give us a running commentary whenever she goes in there if our doors are open. It's quite an often occurence to hear "Oooh, what will I have, I'm so hungy, whoops, dropped a fork, clumsy me" or the strains of her wonderfully off-key singing floating through from the kitchen. She'll also wander around the house in her underwear, which doesn't have the desired effect when she's got more tires than a Kwik Fit garage. She's another one who's seemingly never washed a dish in her life, as she always piles the sink high with her dirty dishes (and other people's that she's used as well). She also never clears food off her plate before dumping it into the sink - the plug's usually blocked with noodles, beans or other food. Add to that she always leaves the door open whenever she goes to the bathroom - I've lost count of the number of times that I've walked upstairs to be confronted by an unholy vision of her grunting out a steamer. She's also a nasty little racist - probably the choicest cuts of her sub-Littlejohn rants was when she blamed her driving test failure not on the numerous errors that she made, but she "would have to have a fucking paki as my instructor". There's more to add to that, but I can't be arsed at the moment.

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