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next gen game prices


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Anybody else concerned about this?

cause the 360 games are going to be £50 rrp each, will the rev games follow suit? cause I can't afford £50 rrp or even £40 per game, in fact £30's pushing it at the moment. Please nintendo stick with £40 rrp, so you can sell shit loads :)

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360 is confirmed at 50 quid?? Jesus...

I swear I read a nintendo interview were he explained what Nintendo is trying to do with the revolution, and he mentioned not making it as powerful so developing costs arent expensive and making it quiet for production costs.


But, with 360 at 50 quid a pop..what on earth is PS3 gonna cost at with its games?

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360 is confirmed at 50 quid?? Jesus...

I swear I read a nintendo interview were he explained what Nintendo is trying to do with the revolution, and he mentioned not making it as powerful so developing costs arent expensive and making it quiet for production costs.


But, with 360 at 50 quid a pop..what on earth is PS3 gonna cost at with its games?


I'm not sure its confirmed at £50 but play.com/gameplay.com/GAMEUK online stores are taking pre-orders at £40-£50, play.com says down from the £50 rrp to £40 price, gameplay.com says £45 ssp?? down to £40 and GAMEUK is just £45-£50.

Maybe nintendo could go the route of the DS, cheaper software to shift more units, I think cheaper software might bring in more people, I'd prefer to have a more expensive rev and pay less for software in the long run!

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I think game prices are already too high. I have no problem to pay 50€ to 60€ for a very good game like Zelda or RE4 where a lot of effort was put in but many average games like Starfox Assault are at the same price and I completed the game in about six hours and it has no replay value for me - so I felt ripped off. The only Gamestore in my area is 20 kilometers away and it offers no better prices than the average retailer but decent collection.

If game prices go up I will buy less games and wait until they are reduced - except for the very good games I want too badly.

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The problem is that if Nintendo helps developers to produce without much more costs this doesn't mean customers get the games for less money too. I think for the current and next-gen games the price is already too much especially if Europe always pays the bills for the others.


USA console = 300$ and in EU = 300€ and with games it is the same. I hope Revolution prices will stay at the same level maybe even a bit less but I fear the opposite will hapen.

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I think it's unlikely that Revo games will cost more then £40 - this is the sort of thing that put Nintendo off expensive HD-support and going for an uber-powerful console. Costs are much lower for developers, lower for customers. They've always maintained that they wanna keep costs down, and I think they will.

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Games have come down in prices quite a bit in recent times, who else can rember toruk at £70?, when the current gen consoles first came out prices went up to near £50, they will soon drop down, and just buy them of amazon, as there be much cheaper there with free delivery, i only pay £30 top for a new game, even though some stores will charhe about £40-£45. Devoplment costs may go up, but i dough the price will change with the rev. it is easy to develop for and ninty have said they are ganna keep costs down, i would be worried by how much the try and get for ps3 games.

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SPIEGEL ONLINE: Do you also tell the people “Gaming can be cheaper than with our competition�


Iwata: I think we should prepare a dynamical price range, from which the consumers can chose. Depending on the size and volume of the projects maybe we want different price-classes. For masterpieces like “The Legend of Zelda†maybe we will charge as much as our competition but depending on the Software we will apply different prices.

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Mostly hot air! I remember "Oh yes DS games will be cheaper than GBA games" ... and now I just paid 45€ for Advance Wars whereas GBA games cost max. 40€.



I just hope and wait until the first Revolution games are in stores!


Its a good point, the range for DS was meant to be £20-£30 and how many games have been at the £20 end, 1, as far as i know polarium thats it, so is this what nintendo classify as a dynamic price range, i hope not!

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I also remember £70 for n64 turok, hell, i even payed the same for perfect dark(inluding expansion pack) which was a damn sight more worth it. All this talk about £50-£60 for an xbox360 or ps3 game is depressing . 3rd party developers will hopefully balk at the cost and jump on the revo bandwagon (if EA doesnt buy them out first). Im one of those lucky enough to afford this expensive addiction of mine but some are not so fortunate ,as some point out its a bit tight on current consoles never mind next gen.Nintendo have a chance to score big time but if they follow the path of greed as sony and microsoft seem destined for theyll blow it. Its expensive enough already and a price hike by nintendo would be as welcome as haemaroids at rodeo.

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Mostly hot air! I remember "Oh yes DS games will be cheaper than GBA games" ... and now I just paid 45€ for Advance Wars whereas GBA games cost max. 40€.


I can't believe games are so expensive in Europe.

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I paid around £70 for Donkey Kong 64, that was the most i have ever paid for a game before. Since then, i tend to spend around £32 on games brand new from the Internet.


I think that Revo games will cost around £30-£40 per game i hope. Can't believe that 360 games are gonna cost £50 per game.

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Holy, I wasnt much of a big Nintendo fan around N64, so i missed out on alot of classics. But no wonder my mum wouldn buy me any more 64 games when some of them cost that much.


Imagine how much a full volume 360 game will cost then...and im dreading the thought of PS3 prices, since Sony are getting more players into the market than nintendo right now.

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I remember reading an article(can't rememeber where) about how microsoft and sony are just trying to sell consoles and games to the hardcore fan base, because its easy, reliable money, make a game you know most hardcore fans like and the $$$$ come rolling in any time you like. We're seeing this happening with the next generation, the consoles and games are being priced to pray on this hardcore gaming money pot, that they know will pay whatever they want them too, to get hold of certain game titles. The problem with this is at a point this hardcore sector is gonna get board of the same old shit that looks nicer (how many bows can you put on a turd before people realise its just shit?) and then their in trouble, sorry about the rant but this is the point, I think nintendo realise this and are going in the right direction, but they need to price the games to make more people think, "well it's cheap enough might as well give it a try" which is what they need and want with rev and that is not gonna happen if the price goes over £40!

Just my point of view.

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Ds games are the same price as GBA games!?! Also I remember spending big nmoney - Super Street Gigter 2 turbo in limited edition tin was £60, Mortal Kombat 2 was £60. Its insane to think, never pay that now!!


Next gen I think Rev will be cheaper, I think what Iwata said is probably right. Different pricing. Although tgeres only been polarium over here, the brain games are half the price so they will be cheaper and I bet all those newly announced puzzlers and training games will be cheap too!!!

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Am i right in thinking that Donkey Kong Country was £60? And that was SNES era. No one should be charging more than £40 for a game, it's pure greed. If they go up to £50 - £60, i will definitely stop buying so many games because i just can't afford it.


I don't think Nintendo will do this though since they're trying to encourage more people into games not the other way around.

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DS game are suprisingly cheap in my opinion, im suprised that the max i've seen for a PSP game is 35 pound (any one seen higher? im sure some titles will be 40).


The new generation of handhelds has been pretty suprising with pricing.


But back on topic, I wouldnt be suprised if it was an extra 5 onto your game prices for some titles, but im pretty sure it wont be too expensive next gen for revolution.

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