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Or if you want something a little more portable, with a stupid amount of bass. The Sennheiser CX300 series are great.


I bought two pairs... one of which Letty stole >_>


Ah i hate the ones that you stick in your ears. Plus i tend to break them somehow...Need the big cushy kind.

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Imagine this chap's name:




On a ticket.


Lucky bastard. : peace:

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Imagine this chap's name:




On a ticket.


Lucky bastard. : peace:


What he said. :o

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Imagine this chap's name:




On a ticket.


Bastard. Must book tickets...



Also, for Music Technology work at college we use Sennheiser eH350's.. Fantastic little things.

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sennheiser HD215's here ^^;




They remind me of wheels, don't ask, but they look cool ^.^

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They remind me of wheels, don't ask, but they look cool ^.^


hahaah i was looking at the ones Letty has, but I think they may have been dearer at the time... I paid 60 quid for those bad boys. The sound is pretty epic. : peace:

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These are what I have - the top left ones. Top stuff and much better than the CX300 and slightly better than the Shure e2c.


These are the ones I'm gonna get next:



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Imagine this chap's name:




On a ticket.


First thing that came into my head was bastard. Bastard. Bastard. Bastard.


Then I scrolled down and everyone had already said it. So instead I will call you a fuckbarrel. You lucky fuckbarrel.


sennheiser HD215's here ^^;




Strangely enough, these are the other pair I was looking at. How do they sound? Could you fathom wearing them in public as that is what I intend to do.


Also you paid sixty bones for them? Are we thinking of the same ones? EDITL I gettit, you bought them a while back, I am an idiot.




The other two I was looking at were these or these. I want some that look good and sound better than the standard Zune earphones I use atm and I wanna spend maximum £35 really.

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See I kinda want to invest in decent headphones but I always wonder if the price justifies them, I mean £30+ for headphones...? And they would need to be pretty tough, I tend to break mine...

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Strangely enough, these are the other pair I was looking at. How do they sound? Could you fathom wearing them in public as that is what I intend to do.


Also you paid sixty bones for them? Are we thinking of the same ones? EDITL I gettit, you bought them a while back, I am an idiot.



Hahaha yeah i bought them a good 6 months ago :smile:






That the sort of real life size! ^^;


ALSO! The earphone socket jack thinger unplugs from the headset part itself, so if you break the cable you just have to get a replacement cable, and not replace the whole headphones! Winner! and its got like a telephone cable the way its twisty, so it never gets tangled. ever.

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and its got like a telephone cable the way its twisty, so it never gets tangled. ever.


...Thats a great idea!! Mine always gets tanlged, and theres like 2 meter's of cable D:

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Cable detaches here:




Cable of awesome



Total agreement Letty! I'm a disaster with cables!

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I need to get Dylan Moran tickets asap. I missed out on the chance to see Bill Bailey, Moran and Ross Noble last year because I waited too long to get tickets. :(

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This arrived today, 15 days earlier than release day.




PAL as well, bought it online.

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This arrived today, 15 days earlier than release day.




PAL as well, bought it online.


Sweet! I'm thinking of getting that as well. :smile:

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I just bought Ballack....ok, I only bought the new kit. (With Lampard on the back.)


I hated it t first but its grown on me a lot.

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Got this for £17.99 on Play.com...good things come to those who wait!



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Hahaha yeah i bought them a good 6 months ago :smile:






That the sort of real life size! ^^;


ALSO! The earphone socket jack thinger unplugs from the headset part itself, so if you break the cable you just have to get a replacement cable, and not replace the whole headphones! Winner! and its got like a telephone cable the way its twisty, so it never gets tangled. ever.


They look cool, I will probably get those.


Also that pic is useful as it shows what they look like on a real person rather than some stock photo of just the headphones. I think I could pull those off in public, might get some strange looks in the gym, but eh, I probably get strange looks anyway.

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Got this for £17.99 on Play.com...good things come to those who wait!

I was £14.99 at shopto not long ago, might still be aswell.

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