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This is so funny, Nintendo Europe just haven't got a clue at the moment!


I sent the following email a couple of days ago:




I was wondering if you have the exact release date for Eledees on the Wii. The official website says April 2007 and as this has passed is there a new date?


and have just recieved the following reply


Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.


I am sorry but I do not have a confirmed release date for this product.


Kind regards,


Your Nintendo Team


Now, as some people here have had their copies shipped to them for the 4th May, how can NoE NOT know that it's being released in two days time? They're getting beyond a joke now!

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:laughing: Gotta love NoE's generic e-mail response.


I got exactly the same reply when I e-mailed them about the component cable.


After what appeared to be a turnaround with Wii launching so soon after the US and Japan, it's pretty safe to say that NoE have now returned to form.


Is Watchdog still on TV? I reckon we should try and get NoE on that. :heh:

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I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. :wink:


I get the feeling Eledees is going to be another Excite Truck.

Bad reviews, low initial sales and then... Boom! :hehe:


My copies being picked from Gameplay!


You gotta send me some of your own created levels dude! :awesome:

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My copies being picked from Gameplay!


You gotta send me some of your own created levels dude! :awesome:



You mean edited levels? (You edit existing levels, and you can only do so much to them. I don't think you can create them from scratch)

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You gotta send me some of your own created levels dude! :awesome:
Will do man. You too. : peace:


You should still be able to create accurate mock ups of say, your bedroom, the living room etc...
I'm so looking forward to trying that out!




I just got my e-mail from Gameplay, so hopefully this will arrive tomorrow.

Nice to see Gameplay dispatching early again anyway.



*EDIT 2*

Postie has just been, Eledees Get!! :)

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hmmm I seem to remember that it was brought down by a tiny one man space ship that crashed into it..


I'll get Eledeeds at some point.. it's just that I bought a 360 some weeks back and havent really used my Wii since then... is it too late to turn back to the Light Side?

You don't remember the fact that it's shields were taken out 1st?


When I got a 360 I stopped playing my Wii for a while, partly due to the fact I then had no money for new Wii games, and my time was being taken up by 360.

Though now my 360's been scratching up my CoD3s I'v turned back to the Wii until I get round to being bothered to send my 360 into Microsoft.



Is Watchdog still on TV? I reckon we should try and get NoE on that. :heh:

Of course it is.


I'v actually emailed them once, and NEVER got a reply of any sort.

I HATE generic replies to e-mails too, they NEVER help and always tell you what you either know, or tell you to contact them by phone...WHY NOT JUST SEND THAT DEPARTMENT THE EMAIL?!!?!?!? ARRRGGHHH*


*Talking to you there Microsoft


Gameplay certainly have it sorted with their IM sevice.


It's actually ironic that Microsofts adverts claim that businesses can sort things out and have all data and such stored on a system, due to Microsoft's software, and yet they can't even do it themselves!!!

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You don't remember the fact that it's shields were taken out 1st?


Don'y you remember all the people diving in the control room? One of them probably landed on the manuvering controls, and caused the thing to be piloted into the death star. They couldn't stoot the A-Wing because it's sensors were taken out (the large dome), it's bridge shields were also down. It also had a whole fleet aimed at it.

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I try to post some impressions later. I feel in a harsh mood today, probably because i had to get up 4:45am for work and wasn't in the mood. :hehe:


So, i'm gonna be strict on this one...Thats what you get for taking miles too long to get here.

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Ok this game is so my cup of tea it’s not even funny. I’ve played for around 2 hours now and am seriously loving it. :love:


It’s scary how well Konami has utilized the Wii Remote in this game, especially as it was a launch title. So far the controls have been completely flawless. My first experience with this game has actually been very similar to that of Wii Sports, the feeling of interaction is just as immense, if not more so. Picking stuff up and chucking it around, opening doors and turning on taps ect… all feels so perfect and true to life.


I only played the first couple of stages before jumping into edit mode, but as far as I can tell it’s no way near as limited as what has been suggested. You literally have an empty room and access to all of the furniture from that particular stage to decorate it as you see fit. Moving items around is incredibly easy and you can reposition/rotate things any time you like. It’s like a mini version of a 3D app on Wii! There is a limit to how much stuff you can place, but it seems to be very generous. I already know for sure that this mode is going to last me a long time (love level editors) the scope for creating some cool levels is definitely present with this game. People on my Wii address book should be afraid, very afraid! :heh:


Speaking of which I got a nice little surprise when I started up this game today, a message popped up saying I had received a screenshot. I was like, huh? But it was from Dcubed who must have the US version.

Cheers for that mate! : peace: Send me some stages now.


So yeah, I really like this game. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever played before, a truly unique game made possible by a truly unique console. Now this is what I bought a Wii for.

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Ok this game is so my cup of tea it’s not even funny. I’ve played for around 2 hours now and am seriously loving it. :love:


Thanks for the impressions, Redshell. They've helped to remove a nagging doubt I've been having about the game ever since preordering it. : peace:

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