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So is anyone on here, apart from Redshell, going to be getting this game come friday?


I'm extremely tempted. But since I'm getting my Wii in a few days and playing catch-up on GCN games, I already have Zelda TP, Windwaker, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario to play. Should keep me going until 2009!

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I'll get it, but not urgently. This is one of the games I was really pumped about getting at launch, but my enthusiasm has just gone. I'll be going to the centre on the 14th for a CD (supporting good bands ftw, although torrents are good too :p) so I may pick it up then.

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Surely some of the Portuguese mafia will be getting this? :hmm:
I will, but probably not on launch, since I've blown my money on Sega consoles lately :)


If the comments on this thread are positive, that'll probably hype me though and speed up the process of buying it, it surely did with Chibi Robo, and made me get the game. (awesome game btw)

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Super Star Destroyer owns all!


hmmm I seem to remember that it was brought down by a tiny one man space ship that crashed into it..


I'll get Eledeeds at some point.. it's just that I bought a 360 some weeks back and havent really used my Wii since then... is it too late to turn back to the Light Side?

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hmmm I seem to remember that it was brought down by a tiny one man space ship that crashed into it..


Ah, but that was after the Rebels had pounded the shield generators for ages, causing the bridge deflector shield to pack up. /geek


Amazon: Delivery Estimate 8-10th May :cry:

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Thats what you get for shopping at Amazon. Horrible delivery times.


But on the plus side, you get a really attractive shade of grey on the packaging.


I am quite tempted by Trauma Centre too.

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