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  Stefkov said:
Is this out?

I went into some store when I checked this thread not long ago and didn't see it.


Yeah its out now, came out on Friday.


I managed to obtain all the hidden items last night. Some of them are erally useful, like the stealth suit, as the little tanks and guns dont shoot you at all. Also managed to do 6 challenges and get a few more S ranks, slowly but surely im getting there.

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  Hero-of-Time said:
Yeah mission 27 is probably the hardest in the game, here is some tips...


Hope that helps.



That helped a lot. :)


I really didn't want to have to look at that but frustration was kicking in , even after reading it still took quite a few attempts as that is such a brutal level.


Have now completed the story mode , the last boss was fun (albeit , not difficult) , so will have to go back to improve some grades , find missing pink eledees , do some challenges and even attempt to improve my completion stats.


After that the is still the rather deep level editor to mess with , such is the amount to do in this game.

Guest Stefkov
  Hero-of-Time said:
Yeah its out now, came out on Friday.

Thanks, another game I need to get :(


Watched sum clips of this on YouTube last night and read sum reviews, and I'm defintley intrested in it now! Gonna pick it up sometime in the summer holidays. Can't afford it right now either!


Wow, I have skimmed through the last few pages of this topic and this game does sound rather good! If anyone finds it at a bargain price anywhere(£20 like excitetruck please? :D) let me know! I might rent it at some point over summer, or possibly even buy it. Sounds cool!

*checks out gamefaqs reviews*

Btw, does anyone have a lifetime of this game?


Completed story mode earlier, did mission 27 on my second go in the end! Just took a look at the tips but was quite surprised as I didn't do any of that to beat it! :heh:


Loved the last stage, but had some killer slowdown towards the end of it! Final Boss was cool though...


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I agree with you RedShell about the later stages of the game. They are still fun though, I mean throwing around a bulldozer with a little electric gun is hilarious.


Been trying to get all of those pesky Pink Eledees last night, some of them are very well hidden and its going to take a while to get all of them.


I read the review of this game on Gamecentral this morning ( Channel 4 teletxt ) and once again the reviewers knock this game for being short. Sure the main story can be beatn quite quickly but the stuff that is available after the game is immense and will take ages to fully do. Do reviewers not take this kind of thing into account when reviewing a game?


I was also wondering what everyones ranking was at the end of the game?


Haven't had alot of time to play this at all really (again), which is a damn shame, as it's great fun.


I'm on a extremely early level...i think it's 4 or 5 and pleased that they are mixing up the 'just find the eledees' idea of the game with extra objectives.


I love it, it's just so different and feels very 'Nintendo' to me. It just makes you realise why the Wii was such a good idea.


Haven't touched the level editor etc... but may leave that to the end anyway.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Do reviewers not take this kind of thing into account when reviewing a game?


I was also wondering what everyones ranking was at the end of the game?

It doesn't look like they do. They certainly haven't with Eledees, the amount of new content to still be discovered after completing story mode is pretty immense.


I don't remember my ranking now, :hmm: should have taken a pic.

Do you know what you got?



  Owen said:
Haven't touched the level editor etc... but may leave that to the end anyway.
Yeah it's a good idea to leave edit mode until you finish the main game, as you add stuff to it by getting at least a B Rank in all the story mode stages.

My current completion stats which I am gradually working on improving (bracketed numbers were original stats):-


Total captured - 15513 (12235)

Total Watts - 555518w (493642w)

No. of objects -1138 (1097)

Total obj weight - 11652629.86 (9801040.86)

Objects broken - 743 (546)

Power restored - 81.6% (79.7%)

Nests found - 32.9% (27.4%)

Time Cleared - 3h 57m 29s (4h 08m 37s)

Ranking - King Of Curiosity (unchanged)


I still have a lot of work to do with 'S' rankings and pinks , and logging the above may seem a bit anal but when I enjoy a game as much as this who cares :heh:


* Tip (if anyone is unsure , beating the final boss again will give renewed stats)


My first rank was King of Curiosity then after playing some more I managed to some how get King of Destruction and again after playing some more I got King of Curiosity again.


There are 2 unlockables in the game that require you to get the titles King of Noise and King of Capture but no one knows how on earth to get these. Many people on G-faqs have emailed Konami to see what the hell you have to do to get these titles. If anyone on here manages to somehow unlock them then can you please post your stats, cheers.

  ThePigMarcher said:
* Tip (if anyone is unsure , beating the final boss again will give renewed stats)
Cheers, just did that:




My original time was 3:25 I think, but it took me less time to beat the boss on my second go.

What’s everyone’s total game time? I’m on around 27 hours. Just goes to show how much play time there is outside of the Story mode.


  Hero-of-Time said:
There are 2 unlockables in the game that require you to get the titles King of Noise and King of Capture but no one knows how on earth to get these. Many people on G-faqs have emailed Konami to see what the hell you have to do to get these titles.


I'm guessing for King of Noise you have to make sure you don't get any sound penalties, as for King of Capture, surely it won't be something as evil as you have to capture every single Eledee in the game!? Or will it? :laughing:

Either way I'm going to struggle with those I think.


Played some multiplayer for the first time last night, hectic doesn't even begin to describe it! And this was just 2 player.

It's pretty funny as you can both pick up the same object and fight over it, my mate soon discovered a really annoying tactic though of grabbing a massive object and holding it up close, therefore blocking the view to the Eledees! :mad:


You can set the camera control up to flick between the players, we had it set to 30 sec each. You have to make really good use of your time with the camera though, as catching Eledees when you're not controlling the view is much more difficult!

  RedShell said:
I'm guessing for King of Noise you have to make sure you don't get any sound penalties,


Thats what was initially thought but some guy got a rank of King of Silence so we have figured that you must have to make lots of noise on those sound penelty missions. I have been redoing them the past few days but keeping just 1 chance left before I end the mission, still hasnt worked though. I will crack it as I hate have unlocked things on my games.

  breachloader said:
I saw on http://wii.smoothartist.com/?show=released that this game has an online mode. Is it worth getting for this? I don't really know much about the game.


I got the LAN adapter and want to get a game with online features. :)


The online mode is just for swapping levels you have made (i think anyway. been a while since i've read up about this game).

Guest Stefkov

Just bought this today (Finally).

Love it so far, really quite fun to search around and such. Only got up to level 2. Got an A on it, got a B on level 1.

Might play more tonight.


I said it before and I'll say it again: Konami said they'd use WiiConnect24 with this game. We can send levels and such to our friends on this, and Konami said they'd send news ones to us. Is there any truth to this? Has Konami confirmed it? Obviously they haven't actually sent a new level or you'd all be raving about that, but has it at least been confirmed?


So much for being a short game , granted you can see the end credits pretty quickly if you wanted to but you would be missing a whole chunk of the game. I have just hit the 40 hour mark on my file (without even giving the level editor a proper look) and that is far more time than I thought I would get out of this , and it's only now that slight boredom is creeping in.


I am still searching for some pink eledees and S grades , although I have all but one rare item so things should start getting easier , but I should probably give this a rest for a few days.


I still haven't managed to unlock anything other than 'King Of Curiosity' either so those other titles are perplexing me a bit.


Mayjest , I also heard somewhere that Konami were going to making extra levels available , but cannot remember where I heard it or the reliability of that source.

  ThePigMarcher said:
So much for being a short game , granted you can see the end credits pretty quickly if you wanted to but you would be missing a whole chunk of the game. I have just hit the 40 hour mark on my file (without even giving the level editor a proper look) and that is far more time than I thought I would get out of this , and it's only now that slight boredom is creeping in.


I think im in the 20 odd hour mark and I still havent got all the Pink Eleedes and S ranks so again there is still plenty for me to do.


  Cube said:
If it's in ASDA for a decent price (I'm getting dragged there)...I'll get it.


Did you pick this up then Cube?


  Happenstance said:
Im only on mission 4 so far but I really hope when this kids parents get home hes in some serious trouble, their house is a disgrace!


LMBO. Thats a valid point! The place was trashed by the time I had finished with it and not just the house either, pretty much the whole neighbourhood!

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