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Why is it like 5 minutes long? I skipped bits cause I didn't want to ruin it for myself...ridiculous.


But yeah, I jizzed once it got going. I could love Whiplash, I already love Mickey Rourke. I already love Black Widow and Scarlett. If that trailer was better presented, I'd truly be reeling.

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The Sorcerors Apprentice


Cool as phuck IMO.


Oh god, I wish the world would fuck off with these kinds of movies. I said the same thing when the Percy Fuckwit and a 17 Drag Queens of Ancient Greece trailer came out.


Typical SHIT. Cyncial ugly crank is like "Oh wait, I'm NOT a WIZARD!/VAMPIRE'S SECRETARY!/ZEUS' SON!/CUNT WIPE!" and then shitty wise mentor is like "Yes you are, FOCUS and you can save the world, only you can help us, he's coming for you, we must prepare".


I'm so bored of the concept. Not AS sick as I am of lukewarm vampirism. But yeah, enough Twilight True Diaries of a Soceror's Cleaner's Assistant.

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Oh god, I wish the world would fuck off with these kinds of movies. I said the same thing when the Percy Fuckwit and a 17 Drag Queens of Ancient Greece trailer came out.


Typical SHIT. Cyncial ugly crank is like "Oh wait, I'm NOT a WIZARD!/VAMPIRE'S SECRETARY!/ZEUS' SON!/CUNT WIPE!" and then shitty wise mentor is like "Yes you are, FOCUS and you can save the world, only you can help us, he's coming for you, we must prepare".


I'm so bored of the concept. Not AS sick as I am of lukewarm vampirism. But yeah, enough Twilight True Diaries of a Soceror's Cleaner's Assistant.


I do completely agree with you....BUT.


A) Nic Cage is STILL one of my favouriteies. I don't care if he's produced shit recently. He's in next years best movie, so...., AND Jay Baruchel (which is nice to see him getting some meatier roles recently rather than stoner flat mate)


B) I'm writing something similar, which is both lukewarm vampirjism AND magic lol. But mine is instantly way more fucking awesome because its trying and hopefully succeeding to be fairly original or uncliched, and its got a fucking awesome as all hell black Chinese person.


(is "half cast" racist, or is that the actual term for it....either way, you could say he is Half Cast) teehee. If this is racist then I'm not aware of it being so, for the record.

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That actually reminded me, (1) Nic Cage does annoy me so much. I've seen several films he's good in, but even so, he's annoying. The same way Tom Cruise is annoying. Not as annoying as Ricky Gervais. Who just puts me off seeing anything with him in (no reason, his face/prescence angers me).


(2) I realised mid-post that Cast was basically that. Which I think is why I was never truly convinced by a lot of it/the future plans. Especially the villain. Soz. The rest is fine. In retrospect I really like thingy, the robot suit man. The fact he's there.

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That actually reminded me, (1) Nic Cage does annoy me so much. I've seen several films he's good in, but even so, he's annoying. The same way Tom Cruise is annoying. Not as annoying as Ricky Gervais. Who just puts me off seeing anything with him in (no reason, his face/prescence angers me).


(2) I realised mid-post that Cast was basically that. Which I think is why I was never truly convinced by a lot of it/the future plans. Especially the villain. Soz. The rest is fine. In retrospect I really like thingy, the robot suit man. The fact he's there.


Yeah, I can guarantee you'll be convinced by literally not many issues in. It really is doing almost the opposite to the norm. But the villain is a good'un. He's pure evil, and he's simple. There will of course be other villains, and 90% will be more complex.


We'll see how you feel about Gorlan when you see more of him too.

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