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My Wii fitness is 26 today, down from 28 yesterday.



I love golf, yesterday I got an albatross, called 'double eagle' in the game, (-3) on hole 5, and I would of set a new record overall had I not double bogeyed the next hole! My personal best is -3 at golf and my PB is 181 on bowling.

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Guest Stefkov
My Wii fitness is 26 today, down from 28 yesterday.



I love golf, yesterday I got an albatross, called 'double eagle' in the game, (-3) on hole 5, and I would of set a new record overall had I not double bogeyed the next hole! My personal best is -3 at golf and my PB is 181 on bowling.

ooo nice an albatross. I dont think I've done good on the full nine hole on golf yet, Ive got -3 on the easy holes. I will do later and see what I get.

I tried to get a perfect game last night on bowling. I got too tired and I kept getting 9 pics down after gettign 3 strikes in a row at the begining.

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ooo nice an albatross. I dont think I've done good on the full nine hole on golf yet, Ive got -3 on the easy holes. I will do later and see what I get.


I hit it from the fairway, and it hit the top of the flag and dropped straight down into the hole.

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Guest Stefkov
I hit it from the fairway, and it hit the top of the flag and dropped straight down into the hole.


awesome! I cant beat my personaly best of 225 in bowling, I just got 175 earlier, which didnt even bat my original PB of 180 :(

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This game is so deceptively awesome. At first I was properly addicted to tennis and found everything else a bit shit. Then I learned how amazing bowling was on this thing. Now I'm discovering the joys of Wii Sports golf - been playing that so much today, so relaxing yet enjoyable. Not yet found the appeal of boxing of baseball yet but judging from comments on here, I think it's only time... In baseball though I can't seem to aim where i've hit the ball or get anywhere near an out of the stadium hit

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In baseball though I can't seem to aim where i've hit the ball or get anywhere near an out of the stadium hit


You can't 'aim' in base ball!! It's ALL about timing, hit it early and it'll go left (If you're right handed that is), hit it late it'll go right. Get it bang on it'll go straight!!


Saying I'm really crap at it, so I'm not one to talk... :(

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Me and my Mum played baseball yesterday. She got an 'Out of the Park', which kinda put me to shame. She beat me by 1 point in the end :(


In my last post I posted about how golf was crap. I've changed my mind...to a certain degree. I thought it was just a power gauge game, when in fact you DO aim the ball, choose your club, check wind etc etc. The only hard part is putting - I find putting the small distances [under 5m] very unresponsive on the Wiimote's behalf. It doesn't detect a small enough swing.

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I've hardly spent anytime on golf, but I will do love boxing now, previously hated it.


Also amusingly I have become the victim of a wii injury, my girlfriend doing a backhand in tennis whacked me straight in the eye, thank god it hasn't bruised, but my eye socket is pretty sore...

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well got a new best score of 201 in bowling today. on 970 now so very close to being pro, had been this close once before, but then today have had a mare at bowling and was playing awful for quite a few games in succession.


Also baseball finally clicked for me beat the computer 14-3! will post pics later! but I still find it hard in multiplayer to get the timing right as there is noticeable delay between the bowler bowling and it actually happening on the screen, hate the way bowling doesn't seem to work, you press buttons for different bowling techniques, kinda defeats the object of it all I reckon to have button presses altho I suppose it does make it more simple.


now just gotta get into golf and boxing. got a bronze medal on the hitting to the green wii training for golf but other than that been pretty shite so far!!!


tennis remains my number 1 fav though just so much depths to the shots, my cross court forehands are becoming the stuff of legends as are my backhands at the net, to knock it past people. just love it so much, can't wait for a real tennis game to come out.

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