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Your Wow Wii Moments Thread


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Wow moment: When I turned it on, and it didn't ask me to point the Wiimote at the top left of the screen then press A, then point my Wiimote at the bottom right of the screen and press A, then point my Wiimote at the target in the centre of the screen and press A.

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Picture the scene.


I hadn't pre-ordered my Wii.


I've been waiting this console ever since the first N5 rumblings were swimming around the press.


About two weeks ago, I thought, Hmmm, Maybe I should pre-order, but then thought, nahhh, Nintendo have got my back.


They will have enough Wiis.


Yesterday, I see all this stuff on the news and on here about how Nintendo aren't fulfilling their shipments and a lot of stores are now saying that it will be hard to get hold of a Wii before Christmas.


This leads me to get the bus to town last night, roam around any shop that possibly sells games in search of one, or at least somewhere to pre-order for the next shipment.


In the pouring rain, with the flu.


Then about 20 minutes ago my Dad decides to tell me he pre-ordered one four months ago, then proceeds to whip out a Wii, WiiPlay, A Nunchuck, Zelda and Red Steel.


That was my magic Wii Moment.


I bet you were buzzing :bouncy:

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I've not played yet, but what I think is cool so far, is how everything just seems a lot more... adult I suppose. Just looking at the boxes, the artwork, just the design of everything.


Everything about Gamecube was kinda childish, not necesarly in a bad way, but this looks like it could really appeal to a lot more people.

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I've not played yet, but what I think is cool so far, is how everything just seems a lot more... adult I suppose. Just looking at the boxes, the artwork, just the design of everything.


Everything about Gamecube was kinda childish, not necesarly in a bad way, but this looks like it could really appeal to a lot more people.


Yeah, I thought the same. Everything about Wii is so much more stylish and appealing. I don't know what was going through Nintendo's mind when they launched with a Purple GameCube anyway. Looking at that and comparing it with Wii, you might even think it was a different company altogether!


Wii is innovative and it looks good too. I think that's why people will invest in it. It also looks damn sexy wherever you put it. It just oozes style and that's what Nintendo needed. I can't wait for the games to start rolling through. Zelda is awesome so far. It's a thumbs up from me to Nintendo.


My Wow Wii moment was probably my first hit in Wii Tennis. And also the Zelda start screen...sends shivers down my spine, and when you hit a + b together and the sword slashes out of the Wiimote and the TV = brilliance. The whole thing has just pleased me completely. :bouncy:

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Got to sat mine was whwen I put the first Disc in, watching it eat it up I dunno made me even more happy...Ok I wasn't too happy when I found out I had put it in the wrong way but I got to watch it spit the CD back out.


I was just about to post about the disc slot. If it wouldn't break the console, I'd do it all day.

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Guest Stefkov

I was wowed at how quiet and small it was. Putting it relatively close to my 360 only then I realised. Its tiny.

Then when it makes that whirring noise when taking a disc i think is just cool.

Plus being able to take a disc out of it while its not one is awesome!


What would have made it even cooler was, that disc that shows up on the side of the disc channel. If you pulled that with A+B, and puller it out. It woul deject the disc. But that dont happen. :(

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And horsefighting in Zelda blew me away.


Definitely agree, the horse fighting bit in Zelda is awesome, especially the bit on the bridge! Also, how cool is the training for bowling in Wii Sports?! Getting a strike with a hundred pins is such a good feeling :yay:


My Grandad came over & I was showing him Wii Play. When he said, "I'm going to have to get me one of these" I knew Nintendo were on to a winner.

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Had five friends in my room today, we had three rounds of golf and did some bowling :D it was a lot of fun. My Sister also loved Wii sports and my Mum was able to ride around on Epona and slice things with a sword. It was just great to see so many people picking up the game really quickly and loving it.

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3 days on and only had about 4 hours to play (been busy). Strangely I've only played Wii Sports...! It is enduring more than I thought it could.


I think the first Wow moment was 2 trays inside the box. I heard about it, but different to experience it myself. Nice touch. Then the next Wow moment was revealing wii remote and nunchuck. Wii remote was beautifully weighty, while Nunchuck felt light and cheap at first, but that was only the 1st impression. Wii remote was especially a Wow moment. Heard legends about it, how it could slain dragons etc so I was like, Oh so this is it!! Then came the 2nd tray with Wii in it, it weigh'd in heavily!! So much heavier than I thought, I thought to myself "Wow, technology inside" :bowdown:

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I think the first Wow moment was 2 trays inside the box. I heard about it, but different to experience it myself. Nice touch.

My trays were in upside-down. I didn't get to think "wow, trays", I was too busy thinking "shit, my stuff's falling out".


Plus, my Motorola Razr came in an infinitely cooler box, in which when you pulled one tray out, the second smaller tray came out by itself, simulatenously, on the other side :D

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I was wowed by how 2 of my friends jumped right in and played Wii sports, swinging, bowling and punching the Wii-mote without a hint of shame or self-consciousness


Wow #2- Midna=badass


Wow #3 The prices of VC games. I recall a quote by Miyamoto a while back saying that the VC was NOT meant to be a revenue stream, but rather an attractive selling point. Good one...

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