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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Played for an hour and a half and I'm stuck... at the fishing bit. If I was rating it now I would give it a 0.


1) It doesn't tell you how to fish

2) You can wait for ages and not catch any

3) This is no way at all a new player would work out how to reel in the fish

4) You have to catch 2 fish


I've caught one and then gave up. I'll give it another go later.

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I've just started to head towards the first dungeon and loving it to bits so far.


I was extremely disappointed when I rigged the Wii up to my HDTV and it looked abysmal via composite, but now I've put it onto the CRT in the living room it's all just so pretty. This game is just so very pretty.


Loving the nostalgia with the music, little blends of old and new really highlight Nintendo's work this time around and considering I'm still in the prologue of the game it can be said this is pretty lengthy. I understand what people said about the first few hours seeming slow, but I'm just trying to cherish every moment because the new Zelda bus doesn't make a stop very often.


It was great how the three little tasks at the start in the village all interlink and I kind of liked the ambiguity as they took me a while to figure out. Midna by the way is awesome. She has a lot of personality and is instantly likeable. Her laugh on the remote is terrifying though and I'm not sure it will lend itself well to late nights.


About the intro to the game being drawn out, I don't think so. It's very nice to see Link's established life and friends around his home. You can already feel like everyone has known each other for years and it's just very, very quaint. Goat herding is fun too, as is having Epona so early on.

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I got my copy from Asda at midday, and got back had alittle go for 15mins, then my Mum got back from going out, so had to give her the game.


I'm not going to see it till Christmas. :smile:


Considering the wait has been so long anyway, then I'm sure I can hold out for another 2-3 weeks.

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Ok just finished the Forest temple and my opinion has seriously gone up about this game, fantastic level. Especially considering it's the first one! If we compare it to OoT, the way the quality jumped from the Deku Tree onwards this could be one masterpiece of a game.


Disappointed however that the victory music wasn't exactly memorable... at all... though am glad to see the boss title back, even if it was a bit short and hard to read.

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I was quite annoyed with this game at first but it's just because I didn't get the hang of fishing AT ALL.. I was up pretty early after getting very little sleep last night, so my brain just isn't working as well as it should. Once I finally worked out how to catch the damn fish I finally allowed myself to love this game. I haven't got very far since, but I can see how beautiful the game is. The cutscenes are fantastic looking, I'm really starting to get engrossed by the art style.


I'm happy with the controls, really getting used to them. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds, I managed to avoid most of the spoilers so I don't know what's in store. I have to force myself to avoid playing it too much, otherwise I'm definitely gonna fail my exams..

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I got stuck at the fishing too xD so badly explained and I didn't realise the hook was hanging off the floaty thing and that the floaty thing sinking meant I had a fish. I love it so far except I've turned off the remote sounds and I want to turn off Navi too, but turning off the pointer altogether makes other things harder :/

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Just finished Forest Temple too. Yeah game so far seems way much better than OoT and way more "adult" oriented. Though they could have made the final boss a little harder. I mean i couldn't even have the time to learn a tactic before i kill him hehe but doesn't matter.


PS. Is it me or after 15 years Princess Zelda is actually HOT?


PS 2. My God i HAVE to stop playing!!!


PS 3. I'll shut up sorry:(

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How in hell do I get the slingshot? And get OUT of Odona village!




You need to climb on the pillars and use the eagle to steal the woman's baby basket from the monkey up the river. As a reward for returning her basket she will give you the fishing rod Colin made. You can then use that to catch a fish near the cat who will then run home after you catch 2. You can then buy the slingshot from the fat lady.


The fishing didn't annoy me very much, but then again I did catch 2 fish really quickly. The lack of explanation is quite shocking though. Seems you're on your own early on for this Zelda adventure.

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Just got up to the entrance to the Forest Temple, after 4 1/4 hours. I'm really, really enjoying it so far - it's so much better than The Wind Waker was at this point. Sword fighting is fantastic, and Midna is a brilliant character. The only problem I had so far was the fishing, like many people.


I love the amount of detail that's gone into the game, like the little frogs in Ordon Village. Could this be an Ocarina of Time beater? Too early to say at this stage, but if it keeps this high standard, who knows?

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The fishing didn't annoy me very much, but then again I did catch 2 fish really quickly. The lack of explanation is quite shocking though. Seems you're on your own early on for this Zelda adventure.

Fucking finally managed it. After around an hour...


I only needed to catch one. But I did catch another on the other side of the village so maybe it's just two total.

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This game is amazing. I'm currently on the second dungeon, and I love the Wolf Link sections. Music is wonderful - familiar yet different.


Oh, the box is gorgeous. (did the US get the shiny gold/silver cover? or is it just that the images of it don't show it very well).


Controls are perfect - it's just so relaxing just walking around, with both your hands in comfortable positions, and the sword fighting is ace.


Only annoying bit so far was the fishing. Once I knew what to do, It was easy tho.

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