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A Mario Christmas (Starts on page 8)

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I have some muchos apologising to do here. I've been busy occasionally, but I'm not using that as an excuse, as I've had plenty of time to make more comics. But I've been lazy, and I'm sorry for that. Maybe this teaser will make up for it:




So yeah, I have something planned. Those who were here last December should know what to expect. Ho ho ho and all that. Lets hope this kicks me into gear. And lets also hope that the Wii doesn't take my attention away from this :heh:.


(I was thinking of making a separate thread for when the time actually comes, but if you guys would prefer it in here, I don't mind.)

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(Yes, I couldn't think of a better name.)


Hey guys. I know it's kinda late. Sorry about that. Well, it's Christmas again. Seems I'll be doing this once more, attempting to make 24 (or more...) comics, one comic a day, just like last year. Lets hope I accomplish just that eh. Here it is. Hope you enjoy the series. If it gets done that is :heh:.



Any of you mods/admins feel that this should be merged with the Nintendo topic/moved to Wii Discussion/whatever, then by all means, do what you want.

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