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No More Heroes


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Guest Captain Falcon

Here's a quick question that I hope someone can answer...


Do the K-Entertainment missions purposely alter the difficulty, beyond that which you set at the start, to stop you racking up huge kills on certain missions.


I only ask because I thought I blast through the game on easy and do the mission in gold town near Thunder Ryu's dojo - the kill as many as you can in 3 minutes for 1,500lbs per kill - to earn lots of money and finish kitting out my wardrobe.


And try as I might, I couldn't seem to get any more kills than I was getting on normal or hard. I think my highest was 106 but I swear I did better than that on normal and hit the 100 mark on hard as well.

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afaik, no. Personally I can never quite hit the 100 mark at all. I think 93 or 96 was my high. I have seen a screen where someone got about 124 maybe 130~ and that's the highest I've ever heard.


Also, spam the Low Charge on the Tsubaki Mk. III

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Guest Captain Falcon
afaik, no. Personally I can never quite hit the 100 mark at all. I think 93 or 96 was my high. I have seen a screen where someone got about 124 maybe 130~ and that's the highest I've ever heard.


Also, spam the Low Charge on the Tsubaki Mk. III


That's what I tend to do, but I do the combo slowly to make sure that the enemies have had a chance to re-spawn, but i often get caught out when I leave a corner.


I just find it really strange...

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Ok, guys. Just finished the game, and here are my quick thoughts:


Hahahaha, Suda51 sure knows how to make games interesting.


Basically, I played up to Bad Girl yesterday, and just finished the battle to take you to rank one. Suddenly, this game started to take the piss out of...well..everything. Talking about being a game, fast-forwarding, haha. It was pretty funny.


Then, I viewed the endings, but the real ending was blacked out. So, I had to view the interwabs to find out how to get the real ending...you just needed to get three beam katanas...ahhh.


So, that last battle with Henry was pretty fun. He's a bitch, isn't he? Twice I got impaled and then killed.Bastard.


That last piece of dialogue was quality, and I'm just a bit sad that it's over. But, that reference with the Back to the Future "To Be Continued" font at the end just made me chuckle.


Overall, this has been a very good gaming experience. Can't wait for the sequel.



There's many things that I think could be done for the sequel to be excellent. I'll post them in a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No More Cel-Shading Heroes!


From GameFaqs:

So a friend and I are working to port the models from No More Heroes into GarrysMod (a modification of HL2 that allows you to import source compatible models and pose them to your liking - or create things with the various props and tools that are available) and we ran across a stunning discovery: The models actually look really REALLY nice without the cell shading.


Now, don't get me wrong - the cell shading is part of the experience that makes NMH look so awesome and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I was outright amazed when he sent me the beta of BadGirl for initial testing. It really makes me wonder what the game would've looked like if the cell shading had been skipped completely (as all this is, is a model port without applying the cell shading filter as a specular or normal map). So, I figured that I'd just drop off this promo image here of the beta port as an example of what we're working with, and if any other characters make it to the beta stage of the porting process, I'll be sure to leave more screenshots (we're currently planning on BadGirl, Sylvia (not sure which version we're porting though) and Travis for sure - as it all depends on how long it takes to get these ports working).


NOTE: for those wondering, yes this image was edited in Photoshop - but the textures on the model were NOT modified whatsoever. This is only a "lighting and color tone" rework, nothing more (read: I don't have the time NOR skill to create a realistic looking fake for something like this, so please don't even go there).


New screen:




New info:


"To answer the question about 'texture quality', yes - these are the original untouched textures. They are of 512x512 and 1024x1024 quality on average, which only furthers the idea that this title originally started out on another system, as a game designed solely to display at 480p wouldn't really need textures this high in resolution (256x256 to 512x512 would be the highest you'd normally see)."

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Ok, I mentioned that I would post three things which I think would make the sequel lovely, so here they are:


1. Variation


The combat in this game is great. It's very fluid, fun, and there's quite a nice variety of things that you can do, such as the wrestling moves. But, at times, it could get in danger of being repetitive. Each section up until the ranking features the same structure, which is "Start off in hotel, do part time job, do assassination mission, kill ranked assassin, repeat." When you've already done this a few times, it does run the risk of putting you off. Now, I wanted to get to eat assassin, so it never put me off entirely, but I can definitely see why others were put off when playing this.


My answer: This game featured some interesting characters, so why not use them more inbetween each assassin-fight? Like, some sort of pre-scripted event. The Legend of Zelda series does this well, like the ranch in Majora's Mask, or protecting the wagon. Something like that would be great, but of course adapted so that it fits in well with this universe. Just something to add variety. Funny enough, this game did something like this right at the end, before getting to the number 1 assassin - the bike section. Now, this was more like it, but again that could have been expanded on.


2. More Ways to Earn Money


Again, like the mission structure, this felt quite repetitive. Some of the part-time jobs and missions were pretty good, but overall I didn't think that there were many ways you could earn money. As a result, it meant that I had to replay/retry missions and jobs to raise money, particularly if I had blown it all on new shirts or clothes.


My Answer: Overall, the town felt a bit life-less at times. There were lots of houses and places, but a lot of them were for scenary. So, what would putting some of them to better use. Maybe even something like a Casino where you can gamble to try and earn money. What about the ability to buy and sell items, so a trading aspect. You could expand on this, and maybe you can take control of certain characters once you climb up the rankings, so that they do certain things for you.


Add some more characters into the mix, where they give you secret missions or things to do, if anything just to make use of more locations around the city. Or, more collectables scattered around the place, where you can sell these, or use these to give to certain people for money, like the L-Balls.


3. Extra Content


Ok, this was pretty strange. Now, at the start of the game, you have the heavenly star video showing on your TV. I saw the option to select other videos, and I thought "oh wow, you can obviously obtain more of these throughout the game and watch them." But...this didn't happen! You had a videogames and movies store, but only had the option to buy wrestling tapes, which you used only once, didn't even see the video itself, and only had to collect four. To make things even more confusing, there is a section of the game where you're on a subway train and you spend the next five minutes playing a space-shooter type game (forgot the name). That was perfect! It was quirky, different because it broke away from the main game, and it just seemed special. Now, why weren't you given the option to find more of these throughout the game, and play them at the Motel? This would have given the motel a much bigger focus.


My answer: Just like I stated above, give us more opportunity to receive extra content, like on that train. What about the ability to buy games, get given them as gifts, and play them on the tv in the Motel? Or music videos, or maybe even video clips relating to other references, like the Star Wars/Back to the Future references in the game. Some humour perhaps (this game was filled with it!). It felt like a missed opportunity, imo.


So, there you have it. Three things which struck me when I was playing the game. It's absolutely awesome, so don't think that I'm slating it. These are just three things that I think would make the sequel more complete. This game has done many things spot on, like the controls, the combat, the humour, an awesome main character who we actually like, so why not look at the things that weren't done so well and aim to improve the sequel?

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I think they confirmed the next one will be more of a game and less of playable artistic satire. NMH did exactly what they wanted it to do, all those game design "flaws" (like pressing a button for 3 minutes to fill cars at the gas station and the ghost town) were intended, but don't help much the product as a game.

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I think they confirmed the next one will be more of a game and less of playable artistic satire. NMH did exactly what they wanted it to do, all those game design "flaws" (like pressing a button for 3 minutes to fill cars at the gas station and the ghost town) were intended, but don't help much the product as a game.


I know a lot of what was done in this game was done on purpose, but I think that there were other things (some of which I listed) that were perhaps overlooked. It is very easy to overlook some of them, and it's only when you complete the game and look back that you see that certain things could have been improved.


But, I wouldn't want the satire to be taken away. It gave the game it's charm. :)

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  • 3 months later...

hate to drag this one out of the mud but i couldnt find it anywhere.


Does the european version supports 480p? Because some rising star published games dont have this option (little king story). Its for my brother an his HDTV doesnt support 480i/576i over component.


Would be nice to see a photo of the back of the casing, also is the european version as good as the usa version?

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Was never really censored though, was it? The decision to add the blood to the US version while releasing the original, Japanese-developed bloodless version in Europe was a business choice made by Suda 51 himself.


I personally didn't really mind.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Also, as I remember it, during the first bits of revealing, it was bloody across version, then they decided to remove it in all but the US version.


Exactly - why would you show a game chock full of blood in every public airing of said title (around the world), and declare it to be the most bloodily violent game in some time only to take it out right at the end?


If it was always the case it wasn't going to be in the Japanese version, why bother showing it to them with it in?



Personally, I'm not bothered by it's absence - the game is really fun to play and it encouraged multiple plays through. Sure the cutscenes look a bit iffy now on reflection, but I never lost sleep over it and it wasn't totally apparent until I saw the comparison videos on youtube after I completed it - at which point I didn't care.


Also, isn't the blood said to be the cause of quite a bit of slowdown in the US version?

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Also, isn't the blood said to be the cause of quite a bit of slowdown in the US version?


I guess that could maybe be it, but that only happens when killing 4-6 people at once which is generally everyone about you so it doesn't affect anything lasts maybe a second and I don't really notice it.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I guess that could maybe be it, but that only happens when killing 4-6 people at once which is generally everyone about you so it doesn't affect anything lasts maybe a second and I don't really notice it.


Does it almost seem intentional then like they are trying to add to the effect or does it just seem a bit choppy?

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  • 2 months later...

OK, this game is Awesome!!


Just started it the other day and last night I beat Shinobu (for the no.8 ranking).

Cracking boss battle! That one move she does where it goes to a cutscene and she's teleporting around for ages taking hits at you almost whipped me out... but I just survived it and finished her off with the next blow!... PHEW!

Guessing she returns in the sequel!


Also spent some time doing jobs and fights around town etc...


The style, character, humour etc... of the game is just fantastic, such great characters that you like straight away. Loads of cool stuff and subtleties, great retro sound fx and other things thrown in, like the star wars style retro leader board... just loving it so far!!


The way you level up your stats by going to the gym is cool, and the Travis customisation is great!

Sure the bike and town are pretty crap, but I actually don't care because so far the rest of the game's been so good!...


BTW... did anyone else have trouble hitting the baseballs you can hit back to attack?

I can't seem to do it AT ALL! It's like I'm standing too far away, and even if I could get it right, my timing seems way off... almost like you have to swing before/as they throw the ball!

Edited by Retro_Link
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