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No More Heroes


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Well the GTA series has a lot of character, or at least had. The scripts of the main Rockstar North games have always been well written, especially the radio hosts which have always had tons of hilarious dialogue (Vice City especially). The cities have a nice attention to detail too, each area of a city feels defined and not like the attempts at recreating real cities in the Spiderman and other sandbox games where everything feels like endless strings of the same buildings.


All it's really ever been is the same sort of concept as gangster and mafia films, yet applied to game format and with tongue in cheek humour. It was never just a "crime simulator".


So yeah, I would actually say the GTA series > Virtually every other sandbox game out there, though I haven't played enough of Crackdown to really determine that (It seemed totally awesome).

That doesn't mean anything to me. The games have always had a lot of production value, but the soul is missing. It's like the Big Mac of games; never has a burger been researched to perfection, never has a burger seemed so awefully nice to eat, and never has it been so ridiculously popular in the public, but in the end it's empty and hollow.


It's like Twilight Princess (hold your breath). Out of sheer production value, gameplay-wise it's the best Zelda of all times, but there's a lack of soul and therefore it doesn't beat the previous games. Having said that, TP has plenty of soul to make it awesome. GTA feels like you're playing a shell.


Only Vice City had some character, I'll give you that. The rest seemed uninspired to me.

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Allow me to disagree on just about everything. After watching the GTA4 trailer, I got all hyped again ans started playing San Andreas, and I got to remember how awesome and complete it is. I also disagree on Vice City, even though I love the 80s, the building design was too repetitive for my liking.

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I don't really like GTA. I played the 2D ones to death and I ocasionally play the new ones, but they're so damn boring after 15 minutes and they're so bland. Either way this games has NOTHING to do with GTA, just because it has a small town where you ride in a bike doesnt mean anything

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You gotta admit it does feel a bit like GTA, the minimap is a direct copy of the GTA one, and the indoors/gameplay parts are so vibrant and unique that it contrasts with city's blandness (similar to the blandness one might feel in GTA games, because they're so huge they can't design it in a lot of detail).


Maybe one of the reasons it doesn't sell well in Japan, is in some association they might do to western games like GTA.


Edit: Nigga Gangsta!

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What's up with this comparing No More Heroes to GTA?


I've played both of the games, and there is close to nothing to compare. Its like comparing Nights to Marble Madness ffs.


And in case this hasn't been posted here already:

No More Heroes - Blood in PAL version petition


Sign it, bee-otches


I was talking about it because I said there is NOTHING to compare but then the topic out of nowhere turned into bashing the GTA franchise.

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I was talking about it because I said there is NOTHING to compare but then the topic out of nowhere turned into bashing the GTA franchise.


Yea, it was nothing personal. I just saw all the talk about GTA and I thought I'd try to put a stop to it.. After all, this is the No More Heroes topic, not the GTA topic =)

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I agree, i'm not asking or telling anybody else to boycott the game, we need more games like this on Wii, it's just the big brother attitude & unnecessary censorship, people telling me what i can & can't view or play otherwise i will turn into a crazed bloodthirsty serial killer that annoys me & the only way i can put my view across is to not buy an unnecessarily censored product as the power of money outweighs the power of any petition or e-mail ( i have also e-mailed & signed the petition ) in this so called democratic country.

Erm, can somebody please pick my toys up, i seem to have thrown them out of my pram!!




Are Japan getting the same watered down version of the game as Europe ??


How can it be watered down when it was made by a japanese developer? surely that is the original version? Anyway like I said before I actually like the effect it uses way over blood...

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How can it be watered down when it was made by a japanese developer? surely that is the original version? Anyway like I said before I actually like the effect it uses way over blood...


Japan got a watered down version of Resident Evil 4. And they're getting the blood-less version of No More Heroes.

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bombed in Japan. 13k first week!!


Done better than killer 7 though. :)


Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX2 did 15k its first week.


I dunno why games aren't selling well in Japan lately, must be because Christmas is right around the corner, and either people don't buy games because they think they might get them as a present, or something like that.

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NMH had little marketing and yes it was not expected to do very well. Naruto very strange as the GC games were up there as the strongest third party sellers. maybe Naruto has burned out and people no longer interested.


Third party software is struggling on the Wii though..

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Third party software is struggling on the Wii though..


Don't be foolish, third parties are doing great on the Wii. Hell, name one third party game that deserved to sell more then it ever did? (Let's leave Zack and Wiki out until it's racked up some European sales).


And er, No More Heroes has sold as well as anyone could have expected. It's a Suda 51 game for crist sake, they never sell great and the fact it sold 10k on it's first day is more then some of his games have sold in their lifetime.

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