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Everything posted by gothic_hobbit

  1. Fake breasts certainly aren't though !
  2. Western digital drives are the most reliable IMHO !
  3. http://collider.com/ghostbusters-rerelease/114802/ This is going to be sweet I tells ya
  4. Wow, that's cheap ! Where did you acquire such a deal if you don't mind me asking ?
  5. I've had the same issues on the Reed site. So called 'employers' asking for bank details etc !
  6. Terminator 2 looks sweet on bluray. It blows the standard def version out of the water
  7. I actually thought Jazz Jackrabbit was a killer game back in the day. The bonus stages were just awesomeness
  8. Killzone 3 FTW
  9. I just hope they include LAN and Gamecube controller support this time around
  10. What about the laminated book of dreams ?
  11. You mean TNA ! Anyway, we have the evil that is Rupert Murdoch to blame for all of this, the evil tosser !
  12. Tis the season isn't it ? I had a bad headache and a sore throat yesterday
  13. It's all part of the great big plan. Listen to this old segment from George HW Bush : Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER
  14. I totally agree. HD595's are hard to beat
  15. That sounds dodgy to me ! I would only give out such details if I knew for definite I got the job.
  16. This : I couldn't resist the red box
  17. I sincerely doubt it's the final one to be honest. The 'Final' Destination anyone ?
  18. soz, wrong thread...
  19. Has anyone seen that Jacamo advert ? Now there's some horrible looking clothes
  20. Trillian ownz Windows Live Messenger any day ! WLM is just bloatware
  21. The best thing about Ruff N Tumble was it's techno rock soundtrack \m/
  22. It's funny how no one said that about Batman Begins. After all, there were only 8 years between that movie and Batman & Robin ! So, if you do the maths, it would be far more acceptable for this reboot to be released in 2015 rather than 2012 ?
  23. He nicked his show format from Jerry Springer and watered it down. At least on Jerry Springer they allow the contestants to beat the living crap out of each other Apart from that though, he IS exploiting misery. Although having said that, the contestants on the show ARE just bad as him. Graham the councilor may well be the only decent human being on that show !
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