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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. I rented splinter cell for a week or so, saved my game on level 5, then whenever i go to the load game screen the xbox just hangs.... yay! I guess i could have tried to fix it, but it was annoying me anyway so i took it back.
  2. Those of you still wanting to pre-order and live around the Coventry area, the Virgin Megastore in town are still guaranteeing orders on release day, apparantly they haven't had many pre-orders yet so your chances are high. It's a 30 quid deposit so that's probably discouraging all the chavs from ordering for a laugh.
  3. Considering the price of a PS3, I'd bloody hope the internet stuff was free!
  4. So what do you reckon? Will the Wii specially format the SD cards for use solely with itself and make it pretty much unreadable with PCs, Macs etc? Will each file saved on the SD card be encrypted using a private key unique to the Wii it was saved on so they can't be traded from one Wii to another? Or will they allow trading of Saved Games, but has some sort of DRM in place to stop free trading of the downloadable games?
  5. Ok fellas, I've got a grand in the bank and want a nice HDTV, preferably 37 inches or bigger so i'm not downgrading on size from my current CRT, what does anyone suggest. I suppose at a push I could go a couple of hundred quid over a grand but would rather not obviously.
  6. Hey guys, I got Just Cause at the weekend and I think it's pretty good. the only problem I'm having is that it keeps crashing on me all the time! Does anyone know of any possible solutions to try and fix this as I've searched the internet and no one else seems to have this problem. I remember there being some sort of action i can take that clears the cache on the xbox that sometimes stops these crashing issues, any help would be appreciated.
  7. You probably already know this but that last achievement is only unlocked by completing every level in the game with the character at level 9... not just by getting all the characters to level nine. Sucks I know.
  8. It's fun. For me at least. I don't get much free time these days so when I get 1-2 hours free to play it's nice to have something obvious to aim for in that time. Achievements are one of the obvious ways for me to do this. The other, lesser, reason is that it gives me and my (real life) friends some healthy competition alongside the leaderboards. I don't understand why this means MS is playing me like a fool but if that means i don't have to take pictures of my tv showing the ending of prey and posting it to my mates as proof that i completed it then fool me up MS!
  9. Thanks Takeo, maybe it's out in US only or something. YAY West Midlands.... though i'm only here cos that's where my job is. Yorkshireman born and bred.
  10. Can someone please check the marketplace, apparently there's a FEAR demo available to download. If it's there I might pop home in my lunch hour and get it downloading.
  11. So Nintendo go all out to say "We can't just make hardware that's more powerful than the last generation every time, we have to innovate, simplify the interface and reach out to a broader audience." and then they're going to add "Oh, and also, here's the next Game Boy, it's like the old Game Boy but more powerful and with a more complicated interface." I doubt it. I think Nintendo have almost painted themselves into a corner with the whole DS/Wii generation because they can't release something that's just a more powerful version of anything they've previously released without being hypocritical to the whole Wii ethos. But at the same time, you can't complain that if Nintendo stick to their guns, they are forced to innovate all the time and produce truly original hardware every generation.
  12. I'm just wondering how anyone can "sneakily cut down a tree"!
  13. maybe each wii-mote will have a unique friend code (transferrable like you can with the ds to ds transferral), then you take your mote to a friends house and it logs you in as yourself my magic!
  14. Is it??? Bloody hell, i've had it on 3 lives all this time! I might actually get to finish level 5 with 7 lives.... then just need to do the co-op score!
  15. Uno on Xbox Live because if there's an AI player vs 3 Human players, the AI will win almost every time and I can't help but think it is cheating!
  16. Hardware and software are functionally interchangable, therefore hardware can be buggy, just like software - see the whole floating point calculation bug in some IBM processor models for an example.
  17. My gf is a semi gaming GF, and hot (opinion i guess but people seem to agree). By semi i mean that she plays some ds and xbox live arcade games.. at the moment she's the barometer i use to see if a game is casual player friendly so if she doesn't get on with the Wii when i get one, I'll be expecting it to flop (unfortunately)
  18. So... the buttons are now "Back" and "Pause"? Interesting!
  19. (if anyone cares) Me and the missis yes, i look shit, but i don't care and i don't take a good photo
  20. Anyone any idea what Cloning Clyde is? I need some sort of simple game that the GF will enjoy to keep her quiet. She's nearly completed Jewel Quest so hopefully a good one will be out soon.
  21. Hmmm.. i think someone posted in that thread that it was only open to US residents but no one believed him.
  22. Hey guys, those of you who have been kind enough to add me to their friends list (and those who haven't but wouldn't mind to) just so you know, i really want to get into the old live multiplayer this weekend as the missis is working sat-mon so i can get some quality time in. I appreciate some invitations and suggestions to any games you guys want to try out... i'm loaded at the mo, so can pop out and get any games i'm missing.
  23. Maybe they'll have a video streaming site where you can stream all the latest video clips of upcoming games. wiistream.com Hmm, maybe not
  24. My version won't activate dammit... problems microsoft's end apparantly
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