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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. I won £1239 pounds on the lottery once, and if my stupid mum had been born a day later, i would have picked 30 instead of 29 and would have match all 6 numbers instead of 5. Oh well, it paid for my deposit on my house and it's better than a kick in the nads.
  2. That one where you control a computer chip that takes control of different robot animals. I can't remember the name but it got some good reviews but sold poorly so i picked it up much later. Was just awkward.
  3. Apparantly, this is all set in the danger room so the sentinels aren't actually real.. which is why wolvie doesn't really care that much.
  4. As far as i know, the xbox doesn't have to be online for the media center stuff to work, just be part of a local network with the media center pc. As long as you can connect the pc to the xbox and they communicate ok, no internet connection should be needed
  5. Try unplugging and reseating every component in your PC, from memory to graphics card... make sure you give everything a good push.
  6. The .NET Framework is a library of reusable classes created by microsoft to aid developers in creating windows and web applications. It needs to be installed on any machine that uses software created using the framework. The easiest way to get it would be to run windows update on the pc you're trying to get working. The framework should be one of the updates listed. There are actually 2 supported versions of the framework that can co-exist on the same machine, version 1.1 and version 2.0, I imagine that the version you require is 1.1 if no specific version was mentioned as it is the most commonly used version at the moment. If you have no download limits i would recommend getting both anyway. If you can't find it on windows update, search the microsoft site for the redistributable (not the SDK)
  7. Would Nintendo dare release Revolution at around the same time? If they want to get it out before Christmas I guess they'll release it Sept-Oct.. though i'm willing to bet on a staggered release with us in Europe getting it in 2007.
  8. Looks like a mixture between animal crossing and nintendogs from first (admittedly small) impressions. I don't expect this one to be on my must buy list in the future.
  9. the first port of call for these problems is usually to check the disk for errors and then defragment as one possibility could be a faulty/fragmented hard drive. If you have multiple (physical) hard drives, try and keep and eye out to see if the problem only occurs on one of them.
  10. PM me both you and your mum's login email and i'll invite you both, then install the beta and everyone is happy
  11. That is referencing the old version of the beta, the new one is much prettier
  12. I forgot to mention, when you PM me, please give me the email address you use to sign into msn messenger or i can't invite you. Sorry for the confusion
  13. I've got 19 invites available to whoever would live to use the beta messenger. I don't personally like it but it's always nice to try out the latest thing! If you want one, please PM me and i'll send out the invite when i get home tonight. Remember, if anyone else uses the PC for messenger, they will have to be registered to use the beta too or they won't be able to use messenger at all (without messing about anyway). EDIT: I forgot to mention, when you PM me, please give me the email address you use to sign into msn messenger or i can't invite you. Sorry for the confusion
  14. I think everyone needs to educated about importance of breast bounce and the pain this can cause. Or alternatively, click the below link to see lots of bouncing boobies! http://www.shockabsorber.co.uk/bounceometer/shock.html
  15. I'm not 100%, but No
  16. It's just a generic shipping front end that has no context to what it is shipping. Bad design by Microsoft really, allowing us no US guys to order them, even though the chances are we won't get any. This is similar to the deal that they have where they ship out little lego-like superheros to us programmers to attend their e-seminars and webcasts. I attend them quite a lot but they never send me the goods as it says US only (even though i can enter my shipping details).
  17. *This offer is available in the U.S. only while supplies last. Limit one per customer. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery
  18. Why do you come to this site? I come here to read news on upcoming Nintendo products, things that could appear months if not years in the future. All i was asking for was a website that does similar for the xbox live arcade titles. Am i also being lazy when i look at the release list of games on this site? Should i instead always go to a shop and see what's been released that day?
  19. Cool, didn't know about that one. There was a great article about Live Arcade in this months Edge that showed a few up and coming games, no release dates however, hence this thread for a possible link to enlitenment. That Major Nelson blog seems to be the best there is at the moment. It's pretty informative but doesn't seem to show detail of what's coming up, just what's recently happened. That's the nature of all blogs i suppose though.
  20. is that a joke? I don't get it.
  21. Are there any websites out there that show what's up and coming in the arcade for the UK? I want to know when texas hold em and Street Fighter 2 are coming out!
  22. I agree, but also, I want to see what would happen if someone did post this over at gamefaqs... anybody willing to post it... for the sake of science?
  23. The free beta of Microsoft One Care seems ok to me... integrates nicely with xp sp2 if you have it.
  24. Microsoft are responsable for my monthly wage so I have to keep up to date with the latest technologies issued by them. Unfortunately, they occupy a position that some people would say "damned if they do, damned if they don't". Microsoft listen carefully to customer feedback and suggestions to new functionalities and many of these change requests are based on existing functionalities used by one of their competitors. If they choose to implement these technologies then people will say "M$ are just copying apple" or whoever. If they choose to ignore the requested changes then people will say "why don't they do something like apple did, it would be so much better". A case in point is the new tabbed browsing in IE7, everyone is saying they copied the firefox browser... which they did in response to customer request. If they decided to not implement tabbed browsing, there would have been all sorts of protestations demanding it to be put in.
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