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Everything posted by Will

  1. Well my bills over the past few years have averaged about the following: TV License - £36.89 a quarter Virgin (TV, net, phone) - £50 a month Electric - £35 a month Gas - £16 a month I'd say you'd be pushed to get it all within £450 a month, but £500 should be just about doable. It's nothing at all if it's between 2 of you!
  2. During any sessions really, it just feels like nothing is going on around you. If you and the 23 cars weren't there then the tracks would be ghost towns. I do like it though, tried a bit of online and enjoyed it, I'm not very good yet though. I find using a controller you have to have at least traction control on or I just can't do anything. Looking forward to getting a proper wheel setup.
  3. I'd guess £150-£200, I wouldn't expect it to be too far from current DS price-points. Hopefully we'll get some launch date news at this briefing or whatever it is. I'd love it if they get the thing out in at least one region before Christmas.
  4. Right now I see no reason that there wouldn't be, they seem to be finishing just the right order for it almost to be down to actual positions in the final race. Imagine if all five of them know they win the title if they win that final race, it would be absolutely immense!
  5. I'm just not sure about this, it plays nicely but everything seems so sparse and empty. I like all the extras around the racing but I'm just not sure if its that great as a whole. I almost think F1 2006 was better... Anyway, I might try a bit of online, my PSN ID is wiill if anyone fancies a game.
  6. Another great race, result-wise and actual in-race interest-wise. I'm really really loving this season. Definitely thinking it will go down to the last race now, I've found tickets for the main stand in Dubai for £450, just waiting for my mate to get in touch with me and I think I'm going to book them. Great season.
  7. Mines on the way, can't wait to get playing it tomorrow.
  8. As an actual reply to the sales numbers Zechs posted - they're way way off.
  9. Oh my it looks absolutely amazing. What's the best wheel available for the PS3? I'm thinking I'd really like to have a decent one for when this comes out. If there is a better one on 360 it could also sway my buying decision.
  10. Awesome, if you're happy with the service I'm definitely going to get myself a decent amounts worth of codes tonight.
  11. They're definitely not something to be dismissed out of hand. I've met plenty of girls through them, some good, some bad. I don't personally see it as any different to meeting girls in a bar or any other random place. It's just an extra way of making that connection. The main issue tends to be people pre-conceptions that it isn't normal meeting people online. In my experience it tends to only be the socially inept that feel weird about it. At the end of the day if it doesn't work out then you've lost nothing by trying. If it does work out then who gives a fuck how you originally met?
  12. I really can't wait, my most anticipated game of the year.
  13. Very pleased with that result, the way things are going this could very well go down to the last race with all 5 of them in contention. If so I will definitely be moving plans around to go to the last race.
  14. He'll yeah I'm so looking forward to that game, looked fantastic when they were playing. Looking forward to a good race today, I just hope Fernando can get a good result, if he can't catch up at least a little this weekend then I think its all over for the title.
  15. Those Japanese covers are amazing! If they release them in west i will almost certainly buy the whole lot of them. I'm currently attempting to watch Nausicaa, keep getting about half way through when for numerous reasons I have to stop. I like it very much so far though.
  16. I'd leave the keyboard for a bit to dry out, disconnect everything and then set everything back up. If that doesn't do the trick you'll have to get yourself a new keyboard.
  17. Also the touch wouldn't need to be running all of the phone stuff in the background, that's probably enough to just push it into useable territory.
  18. Have any of you signed up for game center yet? My ID is will' if anyone wants to add me.
  19. I really enjoyed this, regardless of whether it was staged or not it was bloody good TV. Am I right in assuming there will be another one in a month? Or was the countdown he started just a little message that we could all change our life like he did in the next 30 days?
  20. A cyclist ran a red light this morning and hit my car. Repair estimate is £2,000. So angry!
  21. Love Sciroccos very cool motors and one where the modern update actually seems to do job that lives up to the original. I really like the look of yours, muchos respect on that! Love the pics in the other thread too, I really need to get to some car shows soon.
  22. Successful, happy and with no regrets. Pretty general really, there's nothing in particular i want, so long as things broadly fit into those 3 things then it's all good by me.
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