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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Diamond on white gold. 0.32 K diamond and 24k white gold. It's beautiful!
  2. I mean, I want to paint you while I'm not wearing any clothes. But yeah, you can get naked too, that'd be even better!
  3. A-digga digga-digga-digga..... DELETED!
  4. This is all so scary: flowers, dress, photographs, suit, locations, who to invite, who to snub, who to rub, honeymoon... Any advice, Mr O?
  5. You can still wear the dress! Tennis was pretty fab. The second match was a lot closer. The first match I was totally rooting for Djokovic, can't have a stinking Argentinian winning. The second match it was not obvious which way it was going to go, but Davydenko had the staying power in the end. Difficult to know who to go for there - the dirty commie or the cheese-eating surrender monkey. I have a pretty simple world view. Makes things easy. She can do it all as far as I'm concerned! The way things are done here is a little different: you get married before the actual day and the day itself is more like 8 hours of toasts and congratulations over a few meals. Consider yourself my mistress now, babe Many thanks to everyone, it hasn't all quite sunk in yet! I don't see the harm in a preview, hands-on (oo-er!), Review and Roundtable. Hell, maybe even a video review.
  6. Close, but no guitar!Isplit with my awful ex a while back and then got it together with this lady who had been a friend for a long time. It's one of those things that is just so right
  7. Yep. Went to the Shanghai Masters Cup yesterday asked my girlfriend if she wouldn't mind putting up with the likes of me for the next 50 years or so. For some stupid reason she said "yes" ! Crazy, huh?
  8. Comparing Shearer to a poacher even slightly earns you -4million points and reserves you a room in your own particular section of Hell. And Berbatov is a good holder, not so much of a cheeky needs-a-punch-in-the-face player as Van Nistelrooy. That man needs a punch in his horse-like face.
  9. Good to see Beye's card rescinded, it was a fair challenge and he played the ball. Nice to have something, no matter how small, go our way.
  10. Happy Birthday, sniff, our little boy... all grown up...
  11. I had the same problem with a guy in my Halls at university. Every night he'd come back at 2am and play his music until 5am and sometimes 6am. Could not sleep at all, and most of my hall-mates were too hammered to notice. This carried on for 6 months, until one day I broke his jaw on a sink in the communal bathroom. I hate people like this, it's as though nothing you can do as a reasonable human being affects them, and if you sink to their level...well, it's satisfying, but you're in the wrong.
  12. I have to say, it's typical British attitude that is making Hamilton into a monster. We seem to build up strong and successful characters, only to shoot them down when we are bored of them later. What we seem to like is the big-hearted loser, the guy who gives it his all but never quite measures up. People like Frank Bruno, who was a joke as a boxer, but a really lovely guy. Then we get Hamilton who is an actual contender, and we have no idea what to do, so we attack him.
  13. What? Seriously, what? Of course it's right! The problem is the generation of children who were brough up by hippies are now starting to breed and they weren't smacked like they should have been. Smacking is NOT the only form of punishment, in fact it should be the very LAST weapon n your arsenal. But that does not mean you should be afraid to use it. Shouting, exclusion, naughty steps, the corner, removal of privileges are all effective when used in the right manner. The firm whack across the very much deserving backside of the little shit who believes himself immune to punishment should be used to snap the little bastard back into reality. But again, it's about balance. If you smack for every offence, then the child knows that no matter what he does wrong, he will receive the same punishment. Similarly, if you discipline for trivial offences like fidgeting or playing with hair, then the child thinks it really does not matter what he or she does, because they will always be punished for it. So therefore the child just ignores the rules as irrelevant, because they will always be in the wrong. The rule of three is a damn good way of getting things sorted: Stage one: Tell the child what you want e.g. "stop biting your sister" If the child does not respond, go to Stage 2. Stage 2: Tell the child what you want, and the consequences of not doing it. "Stop biting your sister, or you will go and stand in the corner." If the child does not does as he/she is told, then immediately enact the consequences at Stage 3. Stage 3: "You did not stop biting your sister, now you stand in the corner." Take child, place in corner. The issue here is that a lot of people get to stage 3 and then the child says they will stop being naughty. Igore them. They had adequate chance to comply, and now it is time to show the consequences of their actions. Punishments should also always be immediate and appropriate. If you wait to discipline a child, then they can dissociate the action with the result, and repeat it again. This is not the only way to do things, but it is generaqlly a good starting point. Some children will not respond and there are other methods. Such as a good smack. For example, we had a child in our kindergarten who was just basically a piece of shit with legs. Rude, inconsiderate of other kids around him and a general spoilsport whenever he did not get what he wanted. We tried so many methods of discipline with him: exclusion, the rule of three, rewards for good behaviour... we even asked his parents what they did with hime. The answer was unsurprisingly "At home, he can do whatever he likes. We're too busy enjoying our social life and watching TV to take the time." The solution: WHACK! One day he was subjected to the rule of three, and the consequence was a smack. It scared him shitless. He'd been living in his own little world where he was king for so long that he could just ignore reality. The swift, forewarned consequence of his action snapped him back ino reality. Ever since then: model pupil. You tried the rest, there was only one solution remaining. Of course, schools in the West aren't prone to smacking kids, in fact I was shocked at my colleague for what she did, but it turned out it was exactly what he needed.
  14. Very bad bipolar episode right now. Be quite happy to lie under my desk at work and cry. Mental illness sucks.
  15. Lousy no-good God, first you took Heath Ledger and now Paul Newman! Yet Tom Cruise STILL gets to peddle his shit!
  16. Smack him inna face and tell him that your donkey ain't for grinding. It's strictly for hauling vegetables to market. And by "vegetables" I mean "meat and two veg" and by "market" I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  17. Some woman are basically baby-factories with legs, so this would at least put them to useful employ. Plus what would happen to all the Dairy Cows that were suddenly useless? I don't think that farmers would be willing to have a load of useless milk-tanks around not producing milk. Frankly, the steaks are too high.
  18. Saiiiiiiilors, fighting in the Dance Hall, oh man, look at those cavemen go.... Oh, sorry, wrong thread. What I've seen of the series looks good.
  19. 1. Peter Falk (Columbo) so that just as he was leaving I could say "Aaah... just one more thing." 2. David Bowie who is a man who single-handedly made so many changes to people's perceptions of music and the music industry. 3. Seth MacFarlane so we could have a damn good laugh at Fox for being so, so wrong. And we could both bitch about the Simpson's dragging on after it's not funny any more. 4. Michael Biehn who is the perennial "other one" in all his movies, but always manages to look ridiculously cool. I'd like to ask him how he felt about his incredibly deep performance in Terminator being so strongly overshadowed by Arnie that no-one remembers him.
  20. You know, I had been wondering about this guy lately... condolences.
  21. About 16-18 months old, I remember whistling at my grandad as he came home from work. He was really proud.
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