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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Hooray, a draw! Good result for us!
  2. Did we? I remember making various derogatory remarks about your sister and you cast aspersions on the size and usefulness of my manhood... I don't remember a reasoned discussion... ...mind you, I don't really remember what I had for breakfast just now, and I'm still wiping it off my face. Whatever it was. Anyway, I think our mass-debate was on being a bad winner rather than a bad loser: "LOLOLOLOL We absolutely CRUSHED the other team 5-0!" "They were a group of part-time teenagers, we SHOULD have crushed them, there's no greatness in that. Look at me SLAUGHTER this ant, for example! Bwa ha haha! I'm clearly superior to this ant, but I DEFEATED him! Yes! I'm great!" Eveyone's a bad loser. I'm reminded of Churchill's quote: In War: Resolution In Defeat: Defiance In Victory: Magnanimity In Peace: Goodwill
  3. After the match, Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger had the following to say: "Wah, wah, boo-hoo, everyone hates us, life's so unfair and you're all big meanies".
  4. Well, thank god for that: the rest of us will be able to fit in the cinema without you and your MASSIVE EGO there.
  5. I did enjoy the first three, never thought it necessary to watch the straight-to-DVD releases. I never laughed so hard as I laughed at the "Lesbian" scene in Pie 2.
  6. Iun


    Aspirin, vinegar, seafood. Individual symptoms for each: Rash. Fever, vomiting. Chronic poops.
  7. I was out at "Colin Farrell". I had an open mind right up until I read those two words.
  8. Now, you see, I would. When Tim was in Charge of the site, he gave me the DS news to break. I updated the site and then about an hour later he sent me an email with the all the European press releases... despite the virus protection I had, I got nicely infected with Lovesan and some other Trojans. From Tim! My parents used my PC once without my permission and when I had taken Norton off to reload. They completely cacked everything up in about 30 minutes. I'd really rather not have to worry about some asswipe in Wisconsin and his vendetta against Microsoft when looking at Swedish Hamster Porn.
  9. Iun


    Now you see... there's something so incredibly wrong with your spelling of "Man-God"...
  10. Apple for me has always been about an easier UI and the non-integration of the OS with Internet access. Cuts down on the viruses, and as I visit A LOT of porn sites and alternative humour sites, it really helps.
  11. Iun


    Until you learn the difference between "crap" and "awesome" you're only ever going to be held back... I've tried explaining it to you several times: "The Sequels to The Matrix Were Crap" Now you try it!
  12. Happy Birthday! Little late to the party, but hey, I can totally take advantage of the one drunk chick who's semi-conscious!
  13. Ah, I think I've heard of this... there are spontaneous and unexplained occurrences of extra letter "l" in Roullette, whereas in Roulette you can expect fewer "l's".
  14. Is that anything like Roulette?
  15. Mrs Iun has been in that state since marriage. I think someone spiked the wedding cake.
  16. I've always been an AI in the system here, I thought everybody knew...
  17. "I've got a brand new combine harvester, I'll lend you the key" You've got seven acres, I've got TWO OR THREE. Stupid insomnia...
  18. "Shut Your Fucking Face, Uncle Fucker"
  19. For some reason, I read that as "Three Witted Whore" and was about to make a considered rebuttal...
  20. IBS...ow... three days of gut-wrenching pain... then: onions. Stupidity...
  21. Welcome, Brother, we've been waiting for you...
  22. I got 2 posts on UK:R! It always made me smile. But, so sad now... I was kind of praying it was an April Fools. So long as Idiot Toys keeps going...
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