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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Yes, absolutely no idea aout Welsh.... But one thing I do know is that it's Welsh_Gamer's Birthday! Haps, man!
  2. Yeah, I knew this guy was going to be a dick from the get go - the correspondence we shared to arrange the match was all him dictating terms. I'm sure there are those who get on with such personalities, but I'm not one. Luckily his team will be in the division above so we are unlikely to meet.
  3. Argh... Played a warm up match yesterday, and got quite badly injured by the opposing team Captain. The guy is 6.5 and at least 18 stone, just ran straight into me. Smacked my head on the underside of is ribcage and the back of my skull hard on the AstroTurf, lower back hit pretty hard too. No need to play so aggressively, especially for a warm up match. But I got the impression before the match that the team were mostly total dicks. Anyway, my team lost 7-2, but as the other team were last year's top division champions and my team only met each other...yesterday, we did very well. We never stopped challenging for the ball, we never stopped going after the goals.
  4. Look at your avatar, and just come to terms with it, man. I'm here for you. If anybody cool asks, I'll just say he came and stood next to ME. Anyway, I think there's no guarantee of success when moving teams, and even if there is success it may well be short lived. Staying on the subject of Ba, he was a demon in the first half of his first season, but a nonentity after that. I'm worried the same will happen to Sissoko.
  5. Agreed, but for how much longer? Admittedly, I wasn't much impressed by Collo's behaviour recently.
  6. Y'see, I don't feel sorry for Ba at all. He obviously wanted to leave, but never came out and said it, just hinted with the release clause BS and hoped someone would activate it. Then Chelsea, who have paid double for unproven players snap him up for as good as nothing. Carroll I feel sorry for as he obviously didn't want to go, but the money was too good to turn down for us.
  7. In my unprofessional opinion, you need to start making peace with yourself and preparing for the inevitable. Woke up with a terrible sore throat, but not unexpected as I went to bed with a sore throat as well. Only problem is that I'm captaining a football team and tonight is the first training session/practice match against last season's champions...
  8. Oooohhhhh.... P.E. And this guy got a C in it? ...snufflesnufflesnufflechortleblortHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHAAHA! POST MORE!
  9. What's "Pe" and how does one acquire a GCSE in it?
  10. I would if I could, but that would leave me with two dodgy knees. Tell you what: let's cut our bodies in half down the middle and we can approximately make one whole functioning human being And what are these "bumcakes" of which you speak? Small delectables in a double-round shape with pink icing?
  11. And you, have proved to be... ...a real human being. And a real hero.
  12. 10/10 and I've not lived in the UK for nearly 6 years...
  13. Got on the Underground (metro) in Shanghai today. Offered an old lady my seat, who promptly burst into tears of voluble gratitude (old lady, not the seat). A lady gets on with her father in a wheelchair: he obviously has final stage Parkinson's and she's struggling to push the chair. Suddenly the chair collapses, the wheel has given out and the chair goes sliding all over. I grab it and stop the old gent from falling out. She panics and holds up the wheel, easy to see that the thread is loose so I grab the tape from my bag and lash the wheel back on. A long conversation about Parkinson's follows as well as the difficulties of caring for people. Off she trots. Then I lean up against the door.... Next thing I know I'm being choked half to death by an eight-month-old baby with an iron grip on my scarf. I manoeuvre the scarf out of his chubby vice-like hands and he starts howling... Off with the scarf and back into the baby's hands. Cue one cheerful baby. We pull up to my station and there's a loud "THUD" about halfway down the carriage: someone has fallen over. I push my way through the onlookers and everybody is all "no, don't help!" and I see the guy sprawling on the floor drunk as a skunk. I check his airway breathing, and circulation - all fine but he's out cold. No-one else is lifting a finger. I get him into a seat and luckily the station manager comes along and we drag him off the train so everyone can get on with their journey. Out I trot. Next thing I know, I'm being mobbed by a bunch of locals gabbling at me in their heathen lingo. From what I gather, I've been a good boy. Of course, now my legs ached from the hour of standing, my hands are smothered in wheel grease, I've got a cold neck and I stink like cheap booze.
  14. I was 3 and at home one lunchtime watching the Open University on BBC 2. They had an episode which was just these backlit white line drawings against a black background of a beach. I'm still turned on by backlit drawings even today... Sometimes they have teeth. You're well out of it, to be honest. *press* A friend of mine was a bit freaky - he would eat toast without butter, milk with sugar and cornflakes without milk... He used to stuff Barbies down his pants then take them out and cover them with talcum powder. *press* I found my Dad's stash at 12, some friends and I were playing Warhammer 40,000 for the weekend, so I took them over with me. *press*
  15. 1) Don't care. 2) Not fussed. 3) *press*
  16. If I could, I'd be pressing my man-parts on everyone and everything.
  17. I'm sorry, but I think we have to get married. When I'm stressed, my Compulsions kick in. I usually start with a little tooth brushing...about twenty times a day, hand washing say twice or thrice as many times as I go to the bathroom. Or a nice run.
  18. stabstabstabstab... ...did you find the knife? I left it in an obvious place... ...YOU! Sorry, had a bit to drink.... it's been a rough day.
  19. "It's always in the last place you look!" Of course it is, fuckwit! Once you've found it, you stop looking and therefore by definition it is the last place you look!
  20. Enquiry? They were actively encouraging him to break his contract and making a bad situation worse. It's practically tapping. I'm sure the legality or illegality is open to debate, but they were definitely acting in a "bringing-the-game-into-disrepute" fashion.
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