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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. I'll purchase them if thers a way to tranfer stuff from on built memory to sd cards that means you could have loads of vc games on only a few sd cards. But I'll wait I know when the psp got releashed, i believe it was amazon doing a deal where you could buy a game and a memory stick and you got the memory stick half priced. You never know it may end up being the other way around, with the wii of course
  2. My dad preordered the Wii with 3 games(you guys know what they are;)) Anyway on the receipt it has the preorder number actually on it, it says i'm number 22, well chuffed seen as its been about a week since they took preorders. Uni ends on the 15th, Wii on the 8th - I'll have to rely on you lot telling me the uber coolness - I have my weekend planned out go into town buy xmas presents for family and me -then drink white hot chocolate while playing the 360, until a week before xmas then its wii lovin all round
  3. Sorry I thought you ignored me man I'm cool now! :santa: P.S. By the way in regards to luigi being a famous fighter, damn straight he is: HE's ONE OF THE FAMOUS MARIO BROS.
  4. I have already posted about that, zelda seen as its in my name:mad:
  5. Nicholas - Greek- victory of the people and part of my username: Zelda -German- Women warrior so Zeldafreak= Women warrior + freak Thats just so disturbing its true
  6. Eating grapes at the mo'.Early I squished them in my hands and made wine. Am I god, I thin so.
  7. Well tell me of what moderate to high paid jobs History graduates can get excluding retail and civil service(because we all know those those jobs are easy to come by - especially if you've got family working in both those professions who are recruiters)
  8. Your at Hull, right where is there a decent place to order pizza from. Thats both nice and thin and crispy
  9. Well you said history gradutates could get a job without getting extra qualifications. Plus these days anyway more jobs require a greater amount of expertise and with that the amount of jobs history graduates is getting less and less.
  10. Side note: when I purchase the Wii I'll have £25 worth on it. Going to see if I can get £200 worth by the summer 2007
  11. Never pictured you as a church type at all. Anyway on a side note this should be like so stickied. On another side note Sonic mega collection for the GC how does it save your proggress on a game. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  12. Personally theres nothing there I can see myself watching - I am to much into One Piece and Naruto. P.S must remember to finish off buying final fantasy unlimited
  13. Well its not called that now its called the sonic and the secret rings and this should be in the wii section. And technically its set on earth the rest of them were in worlds of a parallel version to the earth
  14. Same, but I have a the following housemates; a part chav, cyptriet(sp??), Norwegian lass, a londener, an annoying girl, and a disabled guy. God this is like the flat of the damned - they knock on my door I say I don't wanna go clubbing so then at 3am they keep knocking on my door. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. TBH if people never had a gc and only wanted tp from GC's back catalogue they would have to spend money on GC controller which I carn't see happening.
  16. source for that info - as I think platty already said its about transverable skills, so if you go for Bsc Games Technology then you'll find it tough to get a job in the the Games Industry. When I was thinking about my degree, I contacted these guys http://www.aswift.com/ They helped me to advise me on which university degree would stand me amongst the best possible chance of getting a job. They said that there clients looked favourably with Hull graduates because during there time have developed and know the hardware of the actual development kits. The thing is with History degrees is that most law firms like that and a law degree, so I have been told by a close friend who wishes to be a lawyer. He may be wrong. So what do you mean by extra qualifications, you mean if they want to be a lawyer lets say, and have a history degree. Do you think they can practise law straight away, I don't think so. BTW that doesn't make me full of shit
  17. Xbox 360 to get Guitar Hero 2 with brand new funky white guitar. How much will it cost though. P.S. They will put songs exclusive to the live marketplace to download
  18. what about people who only have dialup they wouldn't be able to access the vc. what about gamers who don't have the internet.
  19. You see I'm at uni and I don't see it like most of you guys do I try and do what I need to put a means to an end. Hull uni very nice place, surrounding area ok to progressively a dustpot. It was the same but in completely the opposit way with Manchester Met, center of town was immense slowly getting worse til you at the dustpot of MMU. But yeah anywho got a maths test tommorrow if you get under 20% they said they would reevaluate the situation (is it all talk or could they chuck you out?) P.S did I say we have to programme the game snake for our first bit of coursework, once I have done it I will probably put it on the internet for you guys to download
  20. You must turn up on the day to collect it otherwise, if they are in short numbers they will just put someone else in their place -thats why they haven't asked for a deposit.
  21. If I did I wouldn't of asked, plus don't you know its bad to call people names unless they are dead famous.
  22. I was talking about the ntsc launch, and I also said it was a few weeks in !
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