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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. No for that WW:SM was the other Nintendo Japan is getting instead of ExciteTruck, then I think by the 15th though EXciteTruck comes out over there.
  2. Oh I would lke to edit my statement to Tony Hawks Downhill Jam will be online at launch( according to the boxart)
  3. Why you ask because ExciteTruck is only on the Wii, just like on Nintendo GC games they all said 'only on'
  4. It can be done like Xbox Live for downloads like some of the demos don't come out in Japan that we get and vice versa, however I am still dubious I think it would work out cheaper for the software to have it region free and have the main console region free as well to save money in production costs and enable the games to be cheaper. People who are not gamers think 'What the hell £40(£50 in the case of next gen) a game'. Most people would be willing I bet £29.99 for a game for the Wii. I feel Simply if everything on the Wii was region free that surely would lower production costs(region encorders on DVD players can range from £5-10) ( and stop companies like Datel making freeloader like device) lower software costs -> which would make mass market price and therefore mass popularity.
  5. Its not her words its Nintendos words, I think Perin may of been talking about online stuff, and Yaranton was talking about retail.
  6. Well seen as she is the only women you can properly wrestle in thw WWE I'd say yes, especially since shes one of the only women i've seen that can apply the sharpshooter
  7. But ExciteTruck doesn't say exclusive on the box art either
  8. The difference is Nintendo has had a better history in bothe Americas and Japan, So we pay the cost of having to market the console so that the Wii totally breaks even in the shortrun Shampoos are different because they use the same actors/actoress then badly dump the commercial, so there marketing costs are low enough so they can charge £3 and still manage to make around 10-15% profit on each one.
  9. http://gonintendo.com/?p=5757 Bad Bad news now Nintendo as a whole are stating the Wii will be region encoded. Hopefully the VC won't and other online stuff
  10. Nintendo said it would launch worldwide and it wouldn't be last, well technically speaking they haven't been last at launching worldwide. THey said they were hoping it would a bit of a difference, and Nintendos never said that no games would be online at launch they haven't revealed there plans for any online content apart from basic VC information. Never said they would launch with Mario or MP3. You see people expected, Nintendo never really liked to comment.
  11. Have you ever considered why they haven't released online details about any games, this is if my source is correct will have the ability for online multiplayer
  12. I wasn't ignoring you I have completed my fund thing and need not bother right it, but if you must know just say i have got the money together 100.00% complete, k
  13. I think its more important that Nintendo needs to release both Wario Ware: SM and also ExciteTruck over hereto show off both how good the controller can map to different games and also because loads of family comes over then and a minigame game is a good way to demonstrae the togetherness of the Wii
  14. Anywho I am thinking about 5-10 games, a Wii, a VC controller and probs about 4000 Wii points so about £436-636 whith the other Amazon vouchers and £65 saved per week will make it in 5 weeks, at uni for 12 weeks so by the end I should have enough saved up for a few treats this Xmas
  15. You forgot to add Wii Play there mate, and I'll wait for a proper list from NoE you never know the true list of games, plus Mortal Kombat:Armaggedon is confirmed for launch window and that is supposed to be releases on Wii in the fortnight after the Wii is released so you never know what we'll end up getting
  16. The images are better on the japanese press website, however seen as Nintendo are publishing it on behalf of Spike I don't think it will be bad, and remeber it comes out on the 2nd december with the Wii in Japan
  17. I have had a thought if there is a tingle-tpe character I wonder if you Mii's face will change this characer type face, Or if there is a chess minigame or something, P.S. Does anyone know the estimated hours that Nintendo said WW was, and what they have said about TP. Cheers
  18. its not really that about sticking with the Pound Sterling, because when you import things you usually get it cheaper and because Nintendos a huge company they could get massive savings on transport costs. I personally feel we will be paying the costs of NoA and NoJ(NCL) for their Marketing campaigns, while we won't even get a decent commercial and print adverts.
  19. Yes been looking at this more and more, the only thing that seems bad is the actual way you kill the bugs
  20. I personally think it will do a variety of things: If in Opera it will take you back to the google homepage If in other Wii channels takes you back pages, maybe?? And If you go to a friends house it connects all controllers to the Wii, maybe in an online game it takes you back to the lobby, (if my idea that once you type in your friends codes they create 'bonds' and in turn create a beutiful friends list, and a network of friends
  21. I don't think it will be out by March and I don't think it will come out at Chrismas, I have a feeling SSBB will be out May woldwide, just think thats when Nintendo does there massive press conference so they can so it of days before it comes out for online multiplayer. The thing I presume they will do is work with Broadband providers, and give a way a USB to ethernet thing as well as up to 3 free game downloads/ 1 free game download, Opera and maybe Wii Music/Wii Paint thing.
  22. What peopleare saying Okamis presentation is as good as the Zelda games
  23. I know we can state this but do we actually have a number to put to this, or have they simply realised that they should stop in case they don't get enough and have said its 'unavailable'
  24. because in every other Zelda game Link uses his left hand for sword plus the e3 demo was reversed for the Wii press event
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