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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. I think Retro will be given the task of doing a starfox game or they are going to be doing their new IP FPS with a crysis gameplay concept
  2. I am going to get both versions Its good to have maybe quests to get in each to get diffeent weapons like in wii version there be the final mask in MM and in the GC version they may put the Biggorons sword in it.
  3. OMFG Because its shit!!!!!!!!11 Only kidding No I think its mainly because people will still consider it a GC title I think some of the textures and facial animations along with lighting are improved in the Wii version than the GC version
  4. what will they do after MP3 what will retro do? AHHH this carn't be the end then no 1st person shooters made by ninty
  5. I reckon thres a special item in each version that does different things: Like fire rod and an ice rod Right one point Nintendo Power is just like NOM/ONM a publisher gets a license and creates a magazine, they speak bull just like ONM and there supposed exclusive news, andin the actual magazine in just had Zelda, Monkey ball, Tony Hawks and Wii Sports confirmed for launch
  6. Sonic is a great game if you remember every single sonic game has been a substandard version of a mario game then its ok
  7. Thats not what I'm saying is because he can see by 10% then if they have bright colours for the buttons to press and have voice over for the story, plus as well it makes everyone in the audience by a Wii for there kids.
  8. Firstly it was billed as day 1 title always launch window, then IGN used their imagination as they claimed it was nearly complete and they spoke bullshit in order to get people coming to their site. They new it wasn't ready and never was a day one launch title. When they said TP was coming out wih the system then you realise that Mario and MP3 would never be out day 1 launch window or just after.
  9. Or hes been iven a special version of the TP which allows him to reconise whats going on the screen and maybe even someone reading out the text for him
  10. I don' know where everyone said it would be available at launch day. Whenever Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft say 35 games at launch - they mean launch window which is from launch day to march 2007 when MP3 will come out.
  11. Maybe the first thing might happen, but I highly doubt that. And it was a head of one of the company divisions said something about that it would be difficult to put wii demos up as only 512MB of flash memory, but they said about the official magazines being allowed access to create a demo disc for the Wii. With the themes idea I believe Reggie did say 'they' should concentrate on giving user an everlasting experience not for something which doesn't add to a gameplay experience. The only things I would like to see is what I previsouly mentioned and the ability to download DS demos to your Wii and have them create a download emo station inside the Wii for it.
  12. Apparently the demo of Lost Oddysee and Blue Dragon will be available to Japan and Korea only.
  13. well concentrate with the big countriesthen go for the little countries like switzerland, belgium, portugal, norway, sweden, poland, etc. at a later date
  14. THere are actually only a few games I need by years end: 1)Kameo 2)Amped 3 3)Smackdown Vs Raw 07 4)Gears of War 5)Sonic the Hedgehog 6)Viva Pinata 7) DoA4(maybe??) And thats it
  15. Are the 4million consoles already produced if this is the case, then maybe they are trying to find how many more units they will have. Depends on the amount of regions as well I want them to concentrate on the uK and Ireland, and maybe france and germany and thats it, all these smaller countries should have their wii's at a different date
  16. Lighten up dude have you played the Cdi Zelda games they were said to be good and turned out crap, this has been in development so long that of course I can understand the best but for the last couple of Zelda games I would imagine anything over 90% would be good. EDIT: I want to tell you something tthe demo at the Wii event may be a demo created over 1 month ago, its obvisiously wasn't finished just 3 days before the event, even if thats the case its still out of date
  17. I highly dount it I reckon that has a different logo put in a similiar way that Net Play with PS2 is put on their box covers
  18. I reckon that Nintendos given him an empty box
  19. i predict they could partner up with either Gamespot, GTTV or another Games journalist type company and offer a paid subscribtion for a year. Maybe even talk to sky for people who want a years subscribtion to maybe Sky one, 2 and 3 for £25 a year. That stuff would hype the wii bigstyle only thing is you would need broadband.
  20. Not to mention its cost effective so more publishers and developers can take a risk and still get a profit, something which I doubt we will see on ps3 until theres a critical userbase
  21. of the Uk the 5 quintiles are what most econimists use to show poverty, statistics, but its about 1/5, but I was taking about the richest 10% not the amount of people generally
  22. http://gonintendo.com/?p=5762 There you go its cot the WiFi connection on it and its pretty letimate boxart, only one with the logo on, but remember how Tony Hawks launched the DS service makes kinda sense
  23. Its not really 1 in 5 its more likely the 1st quintile which only accounts for around 10% of the population
  24. To be fair mate Nintendo have said they want people who don't play games the get the Wii, Microsoft said this with the 360 and the same with sony and the playstation 3. However if I was really going to ask someone who wanted a bluray player I would advice them to get a sony vaio laptop(one with bluray player included) and have them hook it up to a projector. If they were a true technophile they wouldn't even want to ask what or even want a Bluray player. However I know technophiles who are considering the Wii because its innovated and not scary with all this HDMI output, HD output and all these extra things, that most do not own
  25. I think they could create a new IP or put some of their games they have put on 64 onto the VC. I bet right now just like Reflectons Interactive they are doing some R+D on what the limits are on the system, and what they could create for it.
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