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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. they are talking with take 2 whom are bringing a baseball game, and reggie wants more mature titles, guess what they won't bring gta, why you may ask because Rockstar may not want to bring GTA to the Wii, my guess is something like bully
  2. Hero remember never sell your 360 until the good stuff starts coming out xmas 06 onwards my friend
  3. Seen as Tony Hawks is online at launch I give it merit to that, and Call of Duty is okay on the Wii, remember these games have been mostly finished off and are just looking to improve the graphics
  4. Yes game companies who don't act big an say it will have this in and this in and up with nothing they promised. I don't trust game companies who put more graphics over gameplay. I don't trust game companies who put a new controller concept over graphics. I don't trust game companies who state they are going to bring a major franchise and end up being a crap half baked cheesy idea- FF Crystal Chronicals is one of these games.
  5. I didn't sat a small minority, I said a small majority
  6. Yeah its just a remake of the xbox version dante
  7. Never trust a french man or anyone else from europe they like to spin the truth
  8. Of course they have a chance, and it would be ignorant to think so, why would therefore Namco-Bandai brin TrustyBell to the 360 in Japan and NA if they knew no one would buy themin Japan. Answer me this how do you know the 360 won't do better in Japan? You carn't. I also think your very ignorant to think Japanese people won't work that way - I personally think theres a very small majority of people in Japan who will work that way. Some Japanese gamers also like games like Tom Clancy Advanced Warfighter - why do you think the english version is the most imported 360 game answer me that Your very arogant 15 year old boy pedrocaslivia
  9. Right aand if I lived in Japan and could either afford a Wii or 360 with a true masterpiece of a title like Blue Dragon I know what I would do, oh only about 10 monthes if you believe the rumours until Blue Dragon yahoo!!!!
  10. I now for a fact Take Two were thinking of bringing a baseball game to it, I personally feel if they do bring games for it they'll be more like fighter games/funny style-maybe a new conker-esque game
  11. I want to add this at the mo in launch day for both japan and America their is not that killer app game that makes you say 'damn I want to play that NOW!!!' Theres been a few 'That looks fun'. I'm more particulaly wondering if Nintendo will survive in Japan what with Blue Dragon on 360, I have a feeling that the winner of japan this xmas will infact be 360, as there are no RPGS coming out with the wii in Japan
  12. To me I know they made it easier to fire arrows, etc by putting it fire with the button, but I seriously am not lookin forward to the Wii version, if the graphics were outstandingly better than the GC version then maybe - but to me the immersion in a game isn't about control methods its about story and the gameplay and presentation of the game, and to an even lesser extent graphics. If the gameplay and graphics are average - with both story and presentation being very good, then i'll purchase the game in question if however its the other way around I won't buy it. Why do you think I've never bought a WW2 game.
  13. The way your saying it may be from a team that are doing PSP versions. Is wrong there were no dynasty warriors games for the gamecube, they have to start at what they know and build up its got a Q1 release date for Japan for christs sakes at least they are trying to fit a game to the controller, unlike other developers who are saying if they were allowed to use the shell controller option, NOT THE CLASSIC -thats only for VC games, then its actually easier to spend more time polishing up the graphics and have a good story.
  14. Never listen to Matt Cassassamania, hes a fool he has lied to create hype- didn't he want to work for ps3/ps2-ign. If nintendo has said all small gestures will be on 1:1 scheme then i believe them
  15. According to the official box art it is online
  16. Tony Hawks is online at launch so there
  17. Now all we need is confirmation that it comes to Europe. Namco Bandai hates Europe you know
  18. Thank you, I never really look for the bad things, as well this game isn't coming out until early 2007 in Jap so theres plently of time to improve. Also this game will be more like house of the Dead in gameply terms than previous Dynasty Warriors
  19. No if memory serves they created Xenosagas or Star Ocean - think it was Star Ocean though
  20. Metroid:GeForce series with Samus Aran out of her Armour(sp??)
  21. Both it looks ok, and gameplay wise remember 1st generation Wii games will look not much better than GC games, the fact it looksas bad as you think is that they are stills from a video and then enlarged
  22. I know eveyone thinks damn that game looks perty but does the Ps3 games play better, I think we can answer this question, No is the answer. Even quite a few games on both the Wii and 360 arn't any better, the stories are still for the most part stale if it weren't for companies like Capcom and Ubisoft taking the odd ocassional risks where is the addrenline rush in videogames.
  23. Carn't wait for Lost Oddysee and Blue Dragon
  24. I don't know what all the bitching is about LoZ has been a great series(apart from CDi games) they know what there doing end of the more pressing questions: 1) in regards to the Wii is the sensor bar does that mean if you have the TV on the wall will it not detect the movement of the Wiimote. 2) And in terms of TP the story will we see the enemies from Oracles of ages/seasons make a reapparence.
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