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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. This week's Downloads. 3DS Sonic Generations (SEGA) - €24.99/£19.99 Secrets of the Titanic 1912-2012 (Avanquest) - €10.99/£9.99 That's all she wrote.
  2. This week's Downloads. Wii U Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (Capcom) - €14.99/£11.99 Wii U VC Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - €4.99/£3.49 Discount Toki Tori 2+ (Two Tribes) - €8.99/£7.79 (Was €14.99/£12.99)
  3. What's the price point for the redesigned Vita?
  4. That's... Pretty damn good actually. How does PS Vita TV work? (Not watching the conference btw)
  5. That yellow is a nice colour, longer battery life is always welcome on a portable, but why the screen change?
  6. One Direction fans send Gabby Agbonlahor death threats after injuring Louis Tomlinson in charity game http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/gabriel-agbonlahor-tackles-louis-tomlinson-2260599 Do people take life for granted? Do they not watch the news on how innocent people are being murdered on a daily basis in different countries all around the world? But when one man gets tackled fairly in a charity football match, his fans start sending death threats.
  7. I'm guessing you can still watch them on normal TV's but you won't benefit from the visual upgrades unless you have a 4K TV. It's kinda like watching a HD program on a SD TV, but the quality will be exactly the same.
  8. I hardly make any progress whenever I play this. Either I walk past the guards and get pushed, running after a burglar and getting chased, jumping on the rooftop and getting shot etc. They get on my nerves and I have to stop whatever I'm doing and teach them a lesson. Just had to get that off my chest. Good game though.
  9. My last pre-order.
  10. Pikachu should've listened to Ash and stayed in his Poke-ball all those years ago. Otherwise he wouldn't have been subjected to this abuse :p
  11. They may as well bring out the GC VC then, but clearly that's so far off as they haven't even given us the GBA VC titles.
  12. Went back to this yesterday. Quite a challenging game, but it was surprisingly easy to get back into the groove of things again.
  13. Pikachu... we're gonna miss you We got some super armor.
  14. Off the top of my head: Snowboard Kids Still one of my all-time favs, we invested a lot of time into this gem, but since we never had a controller pak we had to start anew everyday... Still never stopped us playing. In fact from time we still bust out the mighty N64 and play it! Super Mario Sunshine Probably my joint 2nd favourite 3D Mario. Simply put I just loved it, great location, enjoyable soundtrack and the Fludd was just a blast to use! If we never get another F-Zero then I want a remake of... F-Zero GX I'm fortunate to have played so many superb racers during my years of gaming, the likes of Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Double Dash & Diddy Kong Racing etc. However F-Zero GX was a completely different beast altogether. It was one of the few games that gave me that real sense of speed. It was pure exhilaration! The game also had rockin' soundtrack and a fantastic campaign mode that you won't find in other racers. You also had the cranked up difficulty, and 29 other racers to boot. Perhaps the best part of GX was the tracks. No two were the same and each you had to master in order to come out on top. They were SO much fun to play and I've never played a game with so many varied tracks since. GX was also beautiful to the eyes, they really aced the visuals and a HD remake would just be out of this world. Having said that a GX remake shouldn't be limited to a visual makeover, it would need to have an online multiplayer mode, I don't know if leader boards when it comes to time trials and the ability to share your created machines with others around the world. There are two more games that I'd like to be remade but I'll probably put them down later on.
  15. Some retailers will eventually drop the price to around £30, but I think there are some special games that actually warrant a premium price, and in this case, Wind Waker is one of those special games. Timeless classic. If it's too expensive then just hold out for a sale, price drop or bundle.
  16. Still my favourite ending. Although, most of them have been very good.
  17. I'd say the pacing has been ok these past few episodes. Since we're reaching the climax of the arc the animation has also started to pick up. For example episodes 607 & 609. After this weeks episode things can only get better (content-wise) according to the manga chapters after that. Unless they ruin it we should be getting fast-paced action, great animation and good story progression all the way until they arrive at the next island. I'll say this though, Punk Hazard was a really great arc overall when I read it in the manga, but the anime has been like a see-saw. Damit it! I'll stay strong!
  18. Okay... That picture looks amazing. How good does Mega Man look in this game? and by that I mean his design, it's fantastic! It's quite funny too, I picture Wii Fit Trainer as the mother, shouting out to her little child not to wonder off too far...
  19. More here: http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/ozil-at-arsenal-the-first-pictures Full Premier League Squads: http://www.premierleague.com/en-gb/news/news/2013-14/sep/premier-league-squad-lists-201314/
  20. When characters get hit, they show different reactions during the actual collisions. One of those expressions are the eyes getting smaller. Like these: And that's a similar expression to what Luigi is portraying in the image above. Donkey Kong D-Throw (0:28): Mario's taunt (2:07):
  21. Ha! My MGS shirt reminded me that we've already passed the 25th anniversary :p but yeah 15 years ago, 1998, was a special year indeed and not just for MGS1.
  22. I've finished 1, 2, 3, Twin Snakes, Peace Walker & Portable Ops. I started MGS IV not too long ago but haven't returned to it yet but even so, I can safely say that this has been an amazing series and like H-o-T, is also one of my favourites too! Playing MGS3 on the 3DS for the first time... one of my best ever gaming moments.
  23. I would like to know that too. This contains all the DLC, but it doesn't look all that great if I'm honest. - Additional Character - Dampierre - Collector's Armor Set - Customization Equipment Set - Headgears Set - Modern Costumes Set - Tekken Costumes Set - Sexy Costumes Set - Armor Set Still, it seems like a good price.
  24. Talking about One Piece makes me ache man... I've been saving up the chapters since May! It's getting really difficult, haha!
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