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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Another one for 2014. NoE:
  2. Happy belated birthday! You look nowhere near 30!
  3. I like the disc art too.
  4. Some screenshots and artwork.
  5. Still nothing on my order yet.
  6. Worst DLC ever? Pre-order from Amazon to get this:
  7. The Limited Edition Ganandorf set comes with a reversible cover.
  8. Haha, I thought they'd try something like this!
  9. Pundits and commentators were saying that this was Arsenal's first real test against an out-and-out top quality side. The result? Arsenal put in the complete performance and made Napoli look average at best.
  10. I thought they were going to introduce some new moves from Lost World. We still don't know his entire moveset but from what we were shown yesterday, so far everything is the same.
  11. Wii U Image Share: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Wii-U/System-Software/Internet-Browser/Wii-U-Image-Share-service/Wii-U-Image-Share-service-807545.html
  12. Looks like a fusion between Ganandorf and the great fairy.
  13. Give it to me now.
  14. These screenshots... Damn.
  15. I thought the ND was good. 3D & Lost World both look terrific, and I also noticed that quite a few people are now looking forward to 3D World after today's trailer.
  16. Sonic is right at home on the Wii U. Looking great too!
  17. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/Latest-Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct-698557.html
  18. That's what I'm hoping for.
  19. The WFT Pikmin, a new Pikmin type has been revealed for Pikmin 4.
  20. Don't know, but it doesn't help when you get retailers such as Studio who think it's great to send out their Christmas catalogue as early as Spring/Summer every single year.
  21. Happy birthday
  22. They should know what ND's are all about by now, and just in case, Nintendo make sure to mention what console(s)/games they'll be covering in the upcoming conference's every time. So...
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