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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Ah, remembered that I wanted a Charmander for Mega Charizard X. This is harder than I thought.
  2. If the Pokemon trainer is going to return, then I think the best time for this to happen would be around the X & Y release. Make it happen, Ninty.
  3. Has the Pokemon Bank annual fee been announced for Europe yet? Also, are there going to be more Pokemon in the future that can Mega-evolve? or is it just a selected few?
  4. Well I know half my team now; Torchic, Chespin, and Squirtle. That's looking mighty fine so far!
  5. Wii U eShop Downloads.
  6. Sounds like they slightly changed the animation for his gun, unless I'm reading too much into it.
  7. Here it is. Retail Downloads
  8. Hard fought point for Arsenal, West Brom were a constant threat with Sessegnon & Berahino. Well played by Wenger for keeping Wilshere on, he kept fighting hard and linked up well to get the equaliser. International break coming up just at the right time.
  9. Some noticeable changes.
  10. Some more screens
  11. 34.99
  12. I've done well to stay spoiler-free so far. All I know are the starters, the mega-evolutions and that double blade Pokemon. It was a tough job but I'm almost there now. Anyway I'm going with Pokemon X & Chespin as my starter. What version & starter are you going with?
  13. Really enjoying this. I'm going to upgrade the picto-box before heading to the Forest Haven.
  14. https://twitter.com/GoonerFC10/status/386164424521678848/photo/1/large You do it through the Wii U Image Share service. Use the link that Ike provided: http://i.nintendo.net
  15. Even though he was my favourite character I also agree that Snake didn't fit, and I doubt that he would return in the next game. Mega Man on the other hand has a long history with Nintendo and the design that they chose for him in this game represents that. He looks amazing. Sonic too has been appearing on Nintendo platforms for years, Hell he's practically part of the family now!
  16. Sorry Gibbs Some pics if you're interested to see.
  17. Squads mode trailer.
  18. Nope. All the character reveals have been returning characters so far apart from the 3 newcomers they showed at E3. So if it continues along this path we should see him before anymore newcomers. Even so, I doubt he'd be excluded, especially when you consider that Ness was a playable character since Smash Bros. 64. Also there are a lot more people who are aware of 'Ness' and the 'Earthbound' series today than ever before thanks to all the recent hype from Nintendo Direct, Miiverse and the Eatherbound release on the Wii U eShop.
  19. Pic of the day.
  20. I planned to start on Hero mode originally, but now I think I'll save it for my 2nd playthrough.
  21. Just found out that my order is being processed now.
  22. The home page still has the same W101 header.
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