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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I need to download the app. What is it exactly?
  2. -Dem0-

    Haha, yeah! Although I've had my fair share of spoilers as of late :heh:, oh and to answer your question about what the spoiler was:

    Sanji vs Doflamingo and that "Blackbeard is back!!!".

  3. -Dem0-

    Noooope. I have watched the Z arc fillers though. Finished them off on Saturday. I'm ready for Z!

  4. Urban Champion (Nintendo, NES VC) - €4.99/£3.49 Clu Clu Land (Nintendo, NES VC) - €4.99/£3.49 They love Urban Champion over at Nintendo HQ, huh?
  5. This week's 3DS downloads.
  6. Went into Reflection cave with a Charmeleon, Wartortle & Ivysaur came out with a Charizard, Blastoise & Venusaur.
  7. "Pic of the day. Stages like this one are often seen in the New Super Mario Bros series. It means trouble."
  8. While I keep on getting Scatterbugs... Basically it's a blind trade. Both trainers put up a Pokemon and you trade.
  9. What do you actually do in Friend Safari?
  10. Anyone come across a Dawn Stone yet? H-o-T? Redshell? King V?
  11. I've been looking for that too, although I think I'm going to need more than an Old Rod.
  12. Route 10 Menhir Trail.
  13. That would be best. The way I see it, you only have six slots in your party so you should cover as many Pokemon types & attack types as you possibly can.
  14. Yes you can beat the game. You can expect the trademark Pokemon campaign/story here. Go town to town and challenge all the gyms, take on the League and become the Pokemon Master of that region. The real fun is everything else. To get Sylveon firstly you have to max out it's happiness, then teach it a Fairy type move and finally level up. EDIT: Perhaps it will be better if you watch this:
  15. I agree with Sawyer's reaction to the latest One Piece episode. It was great.
  16. I'm running an Eevee factory over here and They're coming off my conveyor belt one after another. Next target = Froakie.
  17. Yup, I thought it was a nice little mode for improving your Pokemon's happiness but in truth it does more than that. I used it for about 10 minutes on Pikachu & Charmeleon and had already received XP bonuses at the end of battles.
  18. Caught another Eevee. Deposited it on the GTS for a Charmander. 30 seconds later I got a Charmander. Now I'm going to deposit the Charmander for a Bulbasaur. Eevee is the golden ticket. EDIT: Got a Bulbasaur.
  19. Some more artwork.
  20. Added @Ramar & @The Peeps I did the exact same thing, so far I've managed to paralyse everyone except for Emolga so I'm thinking that Electric Pokemon can't be paralysed anymore, if that's the case then can fire types get burnt/Ice frozen/Poison poisoned etc?
  21. A little high I'll admit Part of the reason why my party are at 22-25 (same stage as you right now). but you can fix that by just using a Pokemon that can paralyze, coupled with capture o-power = good times.
  22. I regret evolving Chespin...
  23. Yes.
  24. Hell yeah! Managed to trade my spare Eevee for a lvl 1 Squirtle! I finally have a water type in my party now!
  25. Just traded a luvdisc for a Steelix in the town that has the 2nd Gym (forgot the name). Spoke to an NPC in the Pokemon Center.
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