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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Looks like DGV is out February in the US. Which hopefully means the UK version is out around then as well. I'm glad it's coming out pretty quick. Hopefully VI and IX will be released late 2009 as well.
  2. Sonic CD is on Sonic Gems Collection. The problem with the SGC version is that it's the US version, which had the far inferior soundtrack to the EU/JP version soundtrack. I'm pretty sure it won't be worse than Sonic The Hedgehog [2006].
  3. I'm tempted, but I have most of the games on the list multiple times already. SEGA sure love their Mega Drive compilations.
  4. I ordered an American BluRay disk forgetting it might be region locked. I have a BluRay player on my laptop so I was wondering if that was region free or if there is a program that will play it?
  5. Yeah I know, but the GC version is pretty rare now, plus free NES games. :P I couldn't help it. 1st class orders usually arrive on Thursday, although sometimes not until Friday (pretty rare though). Is there a price requirement on that code? I might use it on my Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon order (once they put it up that is ).
  6. I didn't know there are going to be 4 WarioWare games. I'm glad the original is being re-released since i missed out on it (I had the Gamecube version though, but it's not quite the same).
  7. I got an e-mail from GAME today about my pre-order saying the price has dropped to £29.99. Thinking this was way too cheap for the bundle I check the site and they now have a bundle version up for £49.99, which it way too much considering I'm buy FE:SD on the same day so I think I'll just be buying the game by itself. Also I know I probably shouldn't have, but I found a pre-owned copy of the GC version so I snapped it up.
  8. They've always been able to talk while in the super form. I don't know where you got that from.
  9. LA was my first Zelda game which also got me into the series so the game has that special honour for me. The Wind Fish song is one of my favourite songs from the whole series. Been thinking of replaying this and the other Zelda's as well but I'm a bit busy at the moment, plu sI need to play some of my back logged games first.
  10. I read that old games will still only be able to use WEP. I can't remember where I read it though, probably on Gonintendo but I don't know how reliable their source was.
  11. Are new games added at 11pm now since the clocks went back?
  12. They put the game up for pre-order shortly after E3 at which point it wasn't confirmed that there would be a bundle for Europe. It seems they still need to update the site with some updated info since they still have the game down with a Q4 release instead of 5th December. They still haven't added Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon despite the date got announced ages ago, which is annoying me. I've already pre-ordered AC:LgttC so I'm hoping they'll ask which I want once they update. Edit: OK, seems they have updated the AC:LgttC page with the correct date and lowered the price to £34.99 and I never got an e-mail telling me they had changed it. Still nothing about the Wii Speak bundle though.
  13. NoE are doing a survey available for those who have registered the game on the website, so if you want a easy 50 starts go and fill it out (Click on Stars catalogue and there should be a link there).
  14. I did .
  15. Ah, man. Looks like I've been forced to update.
  16. I went to GAME, HMV and Whsmith's today and they didn't have the game, didn't have time to check any other stores though.
  17. Yeah, it's been months and nothing. In fact they still sell the Freeloader which won't even work.
  18. Looks like Crush40 did do the theme song. They sing it at the end of this video of them performing at TGS. And part 2 Too bad they forgot the some of the words
  19. Was that released in EU? And if it was, any chance of us getting it this week?
  20. DQIX is using the same battle style as DQVIII apart from the battles no longer being random, and hopefully sped up a bit for online.
  21. Crush 40 did a version of Seven Rings?
  22. I thought I was watching Xbox 360 footage for a second.
  23. Looks like I'm buying this then.
  24. I love the anime cut scenes, especially where they're all shopping. I really hope these are included in the game.
  25. Personally I think DQIV looks waaay better than the FF DS remakes.
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