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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I took advantage of my Nook's Point Special and got Silver membership. Might try and get Gold later today. Spent most of my money though. My Nook's is upgrading tomorrow as well
  2. My Dad bought the 120GB with the transfer cable for his 360 and we tried to transfer data from his 60GB HDD but it kept saying to insert the original drive which is already in, and it wouldn't transfer. So we gave up on that and tried to transfer data from his 20GB (different 360) to the 60GB, and when we tried that it wouldn't recognise that it was plugged in. So can you not transfer 60 to 120 or 20 to 60 or is something wrong?
  3. Not really, it might just be a placeholder price.
  4. Anyone got a spare Jingle bed for trade/sell?
  5. Ok, I worked it out. You need to change either your head gear or accessory in order for him to give you another present. You can also wear flowers (accepts different colours from the same type), equip umbrellas, a Mii mask or change your hairstyle. After you are given a present you need to enter a building before he gives you another present.
  6. Do you just need to change your clothes to get more presents?
  7. No early update this year then? I'm glad to see we're finally going to get Mana though. I have my points ready to purchase it with.
  8. Dub is only up to Skypiea, although apparently they have dubbed up to Water 8 but that hasn't been aired yet,
  9. Dragon Quest V US site
  10. I put an item up, but no other items have appeared in my auction house.
  11. Anyone actually caught a bluegill yet? I can't seem to find one. And anyone know what size its shadow is? I still don't have any items in my auction house from anyone, did no one bother or I have I just not got any one's data?
  12. I'm pretty sure Ray's don't appear in December,
  13. Is that a voucher at the bottom?
  14. Yay! Pokemon Platinum is out 1 day before my birthday!
  15. E-mail them and explain you didn't get the bonus. I didn't get the bonus for Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, I e-mailed them and they added the 50 stars yesterday (I e-mailed them 2 weeks ago).
  16. It came out in October according the NoE site.
  17. Nope it's new, I bought it at launch. I have no idea who Stefkov is.
  18. I'll probably pick this up, it looks good fun. Plus it comes out after my Birthday.
  19. You can transfer them all, but one at a time.
  20. New Play Control? Odd title. I might pick up Pikmin even though I have the 'Cube version. Tempted to pick up Mario Tennis even though I don't really like Tennis (or sports games). Otherwise I'm interested in Sonic and the Black Knight and Little King's Story. I'm not interested in anything on the DS list. Hopefully DQV's release date will be announced soon.
  21. I know, they keep flying off even if I'm miles away from them.
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