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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I got a question. I've already pre-ordered this on GAME, if a bundle is announced with Wiispeak and a standalone copy of AC is announced, will GAME send me an e-mail or something asking which I want?
  2. Stages: 100% Treasure: 100% Missions: 100%
  3. Finally got 100% on stages. 97% on treasure and 87% on missions EDIT: Make that 100% Treasure.
  4. Yay! No waiting for months after everyone else.
  5. Just beaten all of The Shake King's missions. Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
  6. Yes, please :P
  7. Buy the map from the shop.
  8. How do you feed the 5th boss two bombs in a row to complete the mission?
  9. EWJ!!! Curse you Mega Man 9 for using up my Wii Points!
  10. A trailer has been added to the UK Nintendo channel. Don't know if anyone mentioned this.
  11. Play Asia got that up fast.
  12. Fire Emblem DS confirmed for early 2009!
  13. I read on Gonintendo that the back camera is 3MP and the front camera is 0.3MP. Not sure if that's right though.
  14. I would probably re-buy MP1 and 2, and possibly Chibi-Robo. Are they adding widescreen resolution to the games?
  15. Great news. This shall be a day 1 purchase.
  16. I haven't gone through all the news yet, but are they releasing DSi compatable only games? I really want the new WarioWare game.
  17. Bah. I'm getting a Lite for Christmas as well.
  18. How do you complete the "Don't defeat any enemies" mission on Slipshod Slopes, because the stupid ice block keeps killing the stupid penguins.
  19. Got my Zelda manga this morning, Viz has done a pretty good job (for a change). Better than the fan translation IMO.
  20. Gonintendo is saying it's true now? Where was this confirmed 100%?
  21. I would have prefered if they let you download Videogame music instead.
  22. The game is fairly straight forward until chapter 5 where you aren't told where you are supposed to go. Here's a tip for chapter 3
  23. I know, I had to wait 3 days before they shipped my order even though they were all in stock. Now I pay always pay for 1st class. Amazon has sent my copy of the Zelda manga today, I was hoping they'd send One Piece volume 19 as well but, nope.
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