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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I actually like Pixie. Great character design in a proper X-Men style
  2. the purchases thread was rubbish. UIG was decent but it'd be more fun if someone posted a 'this week's theme' series. The movie thread can die in a fire.
  3. The issue after that with the original X-Men hunting Creed in New York is easily one of my favorite ever. It's so, so good.
  4. X-Men is a weird one- you could read Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men and never step outside of it for a full and comprehensive story, but the same couldn't be said for Uncanny X-Men, which has just come to the end of a 5 year story spanning three or four books in full. pretty heavy.
  6. you don't have to be super l33t to go online. I only ever played mates 1v1 for shits on sc1 and it was awwwwwesome. Just because SC goes esports doesn't mean everyone has to be that good to enjoy it.
  7. I call this show touchcloth for a reason.
  8. ....what a retard.
  9. The Walking Dead kicks off in October. Check out the thread for info on that. It's AMC so if you check out Mad Men, expect the same (astronomical) levels of quality.
  10. What the fuck?
  11. You could say the same for Invincible Iron Man though, especially the first arc. Marvel tends to work in 'volumes' in that every now and again there will be a major departure or change in the story and in the next volume everything will be self contained. You only need to know a fiarly recent amount of history, relatively speaking.
  12. I think you can get in ear ones that 'aim' sound directly in to your ears (rather than just being speakers that fit in your ears) but I'm not sure what they're called. I always used cans.
  13. The problem isn't always going to be volume- Shit headphones will leak sound whatever you do. Buy a decent pair with noise reduction and you're golden.
  14. well, yeah, that too.
  15. The full interview is good, fyi. And online. Yeah personally it doesn't bother me at all- in fact I'd rather see more of it (as long as it has attached consequences) but I see his point about young readers. It's a complicated issue, I suppose- though there's far worse problems in comics like the routinely and industry wide degrading portrayal of women, for one.
  16. So Jayseven informs me that we've been playing 'Catan wrong for years. Oops.
  17. True- but when I was fifteen I was about 6 inches short of walking in front of a bus going full speed. Slightest difference then and I'd be dead. Dwelling on what might have happened and what didn't happen is useless, especially when you did everything you possibly could in the circumstances.
  18. It's the best thing currently being produced by human enterprise.
  19. Woah that's crazy, man. Sounds like you did the right thing though.
  20. be fucked if I can find it now but it was the second Essential X-men issue of The Age of Apocalypse with a panorama of Magneto's X-Men being AWESOME everywhere.
  21. Dude, "Anyone got wood" is a classic. That's never going to stop being funny.
  22. i told you he makes it sound shit. Just read my post and then go and buy it.
  23. Hm how to describe it without spoiling it... It's a revenge story about immortal demi-gods and focused around a mystical sword. That's the loosest possible explanation though- the rest is just really worth reading yourself - i really think the storycraft in the book is the best I've read in years. Beyond the premise though, it's just a fantastic character drama with brilliant, brilliant art and pace. It's easily in my top five. Only 24 issues too so it's very easily obtained in full. edit: damn it Rez, you make it sound shit!
  24. I just finished The Sword. That. Was. Awesome. Daft, you'd love it. Brilliant run and it's a complete story, too. No catching up, no continuity just a really good read.
  25. Chromeo are the shit. They're full on retroists in a proper style- they use all kinds of old equipment and sounds to pursue that very particular electrofunk vibe.
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