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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Another one I've had was in Hull when a friend of mine got some vile racial abuse from some passing chavs. Good ol' Hull...
  2. some cuntsack egged a mate of mine a while back- doubly offensive because they hit my fucking copy of Civil War I'd just leant him. Callous fuckers.
  3. ....Can't say I have, no. I need more adventures...
  4. Great band, but one of those Great Bands I hardly listen to for no reason then, when I do, I curse my own ignorance.
  5. Ninja Cat is Ninja
  6. you're mean
  7. yeah but I don't want to talk to you
  8. Yeah it's bullshit. All of it. It stands out because the rest of the achievements in the game are actually great and explore most of the content in an intelligent and thoughtful way that suits both casual progression and determined hunting. Halo 3 and ODST also have the best set of achievements ever in the dlc ones that you need to get in order to get Recon armour for your Spartan, so it all works out I suppose.
  9. ORLY!? well, tbh I've never met anyone profoundly deaf before so I'm not really anyway, but I was just musing.
  10. the recent Chronicles of Riddick game had 50% of the achievements online. I checked it out once, played for maybe fiver minutes and fled. the game was absolutely awful online- irredeemably shit and yet the devs had seen fit to weight the achievements available massively towards it. It's a shame, because that game is otherwise damn good. Halo 3 had this one absolutely infuriating achievement that I never got. Now, I'm pretty good at Halo by all accounts but the one where you have to get a double kill with the Spartan Laser in a ranked free for all game of slayer just takes the piss. There's just like...no scenarios that ever allow you do get it pretty much. And your timing has to be perfect (if you don't know, the SL is like a giant sniper rifle that charges up to fire then goes through several targets) It'd be a monumental achievement to get, and yet it's only 5g. WTAF.
  11. Interestingly, it would be literally impossible for me to learn sign language. I can't make complex enough shapes with my right hand.
  12. a bumfluff beard is like writing ID ME, FUCKER on your face. Funny story: Corporation in Sheffield used to be notorious for letting the under age in- it was pretty much guaranteed entry at 16+. Then a 14 year old girl got her tits out for Zoo, got published and the place was investigated by the cops. They now ID everyone
  13. Ah it's piss easy. What you don't see there though is that i used the grid piece to align the top layer by eye then used coordinates to neaten things up. The best tip is to pick a height and stick to it for everything.
  14. More pictures
  15. So how are you guys finding Forge? After inviting Some Guy over in to my Forge session to 'see how it was going' we ended up in a 3 hour marathon Forge session that saw Fire Core go from rough concept to a fully feldged, multi storey extravaganza. We kicked ass, with some really cool ideas and buildings pulling together something of a tour de force for the aesthetic potential of forge. I have a bunch of shots that aren't on b.net just yet but this one has come through and gives a reasonable idea of what we did. More tomorrow. Fire Core by Dr Oatker feat. Some Guy
  16. Wait, Silicone Knights? Huh. Now, either I get excited because they made Eternal Darkness (underrated, absolutely awesome game) or I shit one because Too Human was proper bumflakes. I'll get back to you when I make up my mind.
  17. Bungie toned down Gruntpocalypse in the update. It's about the same as everything else now. I got 777cr on the slot machine last night that put me on 1500+ for one game. Half my team quit too but we still kicked their asses.
  18. Guys, come on. It's early October.
  19. There isn't one. Just play the game! daily challenges boost your haul but every game generally = 700-900 points anyway.
  20. N-Europe prevails!
  21. Well seeing as my music taste is not lead by my dick, no. No interest.
  22. HIMYM actually has a surprisingly high amount of continuity for a sit com of its kind. I'd say you may as well watch it all as it is very good right from the start and you'd miss some great jokes.
  23. Exactly. Total loss of any tension and drama right there.
  24. Fuck Yeah! Birthright is bloody brilliant. (originlol)
  25. The Matrix sequels are, by no small margin, the nadir of human civilisation. They are truly the worst of the worst. The first film was a tightly scripted action movie / thriller with more or less perfect structure. It has character arcs, drama, genuinely ground breaking direction and SFX and one of the coolest concepts behind it that I can think of. To date, it's probably the best action movie since Die Hard. It was clever, surprising and a joy to watch. The sequels are just...nothing. They do, say, achieve or even try to accomplish absolutely nothing. The reliance on 'The One' totally undermines pretty much every core concept of character, drama and structure that all good cinema is based on (and which made the first film so good) and as such, they are not only poor, boring films, but they fail completely as narrative works of fiction and cinema on every fundamental level ever conceived.
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