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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Great Success. And it was me, though only because she told me to
  2. Just went facebook legit with my girlfriend. Hurrah.
  3. Dan_Dare


    It all rings a bit much like crowds shouting 'jump!' at people on rooftops and the frankly baffling instances of people thorwing rocks at paramedics attempting to help people who have collapsed in the street. Pretty grim. I don't get it.
  4. Dan_Dare

    Prey 2

    the thing with the portals in prey was that they were really just doors. It wasn't like in Portal where they had cool physics properties etc. Looked nice though, and made the ship feel more alien, which was a plus.
  5. ..... ... cock.
  6. Dan_Dare


    The man makes a good point. The awfulness of the song (it really is fucking shit) and the crass crapness of the video are one thing to joke about, but the sheer bile of the twitter response aimed directly at Black herself is just...unsettling. Deeply unplesant stuff.
  7. Ha! Everyone go on goole and search for 'Helvitica'
  8. Alright so we know that the internet goes a bit mental on April 1st but it's hard to keep track of everything. I thought this could be a fun thread to basically log all the cool jokes and articles that we can find today. First one I saw was The Gurdian one. They've 'reveresed' their republican agenda and launched a pro monarchy live-blog counting down to the royal wedding. Ok, your turn. I've got work I should be doing.
  9. Dan_Dare

    Crysis 2

    MP is fuuuun. Kind of manic, which is a change from the SP, but it's cool. The nano suit feels really fun when you bounce around levels at silly speeds and fuck around with cool moves and tactics. Good times.
  10. Ha. Hadn't heard that one. Just his particularly vile reputation as a racist cunt.
  11. I'm not always big on Miller but he's occasionally incredible- I really rate this book and a few others. He's unbearable elsewhere, though, and clearly a total shit, personally.
  12. Awesome page, anyway. Stone cold classic.
  13. Anyone got a spare 100k?
  14. Amusingly, that sort of thing happens all the time in the book; Cap will have planned it so he directs the perfect calibur round at the perfect angle bcause he knows the model of car and the exact spot to hit for a bullet to pierce the fuel tank and ignite the petrol.
  15. I'm fine with a reboot- most comic series' do it annually or so anyway one way or another- but if Hollywood is going to follow this kind of model too (Spider-Man) then they really, really need to stop doing origin stories. Batman's parents were shot and it made him sad. We know. Now get on with the bit where he punches a thug's kidney out. In fact, it should be mandatory that all origin stories are confined to pre credit or credit sequences like in Watchmen, which managed to establish an alternative history to half of the 20th century, introduce and kill of several characters and set the thematic tone for the entire film all inside the running time of a Bob Dylan song. Not bad, considering it usually takes oriogin movies half an hour or more to do even less.
  16. She looks like an enraged skank on a fancy dress hen night chasing down some hapless wretch desperate to avoid her unwelcome sexual advances.
  17. Hi, I'm Dan Dare and I approve of this purchase.
  18. Seeing as I can't see the full text, I'm going to assume it's a PSA poster about the benefits of a full back, sack and crack wax.
  19. I love the combination of porn and stun, then Jamie Bamber being both.
  20. Dan_Dare

    Crysis 2

    Not actually had a crack at it yet. I've been having so much fun going solo that I've hardly considered it.
  21. Dan_Dare

    Crysis 2

    Having played a fair bit more tonight, I'm absolutely loving this. The campaign is just...bloody marvellous. Sure the story is a clunky jumble of poor characterisation (I think 'doing a half-life' with Alcatraz was a disaster) but mechanically it's a wonderful game. It's Deus Ex via Halo, Far cry 2 and Thief. The tools, the balance, the combat...It's just awesome. It really is.
  22. Dan_Dare

    Crysis 2

    But it's no clone. Not at all. It's not far off Halo but it's definitely miles away from cod et al. I just think your criticism is pretty unfounded so maybe you should give it a couple of hours and see.
  23. Dan_Dare

    Crysis 2

    Well that's just....not true. At all Shorty: not sure how it compares exactly but you have the stealth, armour and speed set plus some other tricks to play with. Stealth plays a big part, though that's as much down to my style as anything really.
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