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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Cheers guys. I think I'm done freaking out now. Feeling a bit raw though. stupid cat...trying to die on me...asshole.
  2. So like...weird day. went to jayseven's house warming last night. Good times (he sends his regards from internet-less serfdom, I'm sure) so today, hungover and watching awesome 30 rock all afternoon then I got an interview for the journalism masters at sheffield, which was ace. then my cat has to go to the vets and I wasn't sure I'd ever see him again. Cue me sobbing like a baby and being reduced to a bloody wreck. I literally had to just walk out the room without talking to anyone to hold off on breaking down before I got some privacy. Thankfully, vet reckons he has a treatable thyroid problem rather than kidney failure. I'm still wrecked from it though. Even though he's (probably) going to be alright, I'm almost crying again just writing this.
  3. The thought of this thread staying open terrifies me more.
  4. what the fuck?
  5. I include my various web contributions alongside my magazine publications on my c.v but I'd never put my mod status down. It's trivial and hobbyist- it doesn't relate to work.
  6. Yeeeess! that looks ace!
  7. I'll take a look if you like. Despite my less than stellar employment record I actually have a great C.V :P
  8. Locked for massive fail.
  9. I think he's been superb in Dark Reign, actually. His relationship with Osborn has been brilliantly handled in Dark Avengers (with the parallels between the void and the green goblin) and the fact that everyone is basically shit scared of him is great. I can't wait to see what happens with him once it all falls apart.
  10. The Sentry arc is my favourite so far. Genius way of doing the origin story and establishing him the MU where did The Sentry go in Civil War? Seems odd that they set him up in New Avengers as a major player then Millar totally ignored him in the main Civil War arc. Strange. Especially as he could have done the role played by that weird cyborg Thor thing.
  11. Breaking Bad should have won everything. Or shared it with Mad Men.
  12. Owch. oh well! oh I forgot to mention: I bought the second New Avengers hardback. Absolutely immense series.
  13. Ted Mosby: the man can pull off corduroy. Admirably so.
  14. because they clearly have no fucking idea what a car is! they're rabbits!
  15. Hahahaaha Happy birthday.
  16. uh, friend of mine. That bad?
  17. new muse track: further confirmation that the new album will be boring as fuck and do nothing interesting.
  18. Speaking of DR- Iwas told last night to get up to speed on War Machine Which issues should I be concerned with?
  19. na not just you. She does the voice of the main character.
  20. Good image, that. (now you've found it) I feel the need for new sigg-age. This needs thought.
  21. You know it. Anyway, I guess we're done here? Yeeeaah.
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