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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Lol at the funnies! No info from me i'm afriad.
  2. I was thinking more of ovely concerned... bit like Neil from Young Ones.
  3. I understand what you're saying but the public don't want to know about the technicalities of the situation. They will want the same online quality as they get in MK, they dont care how that happens. If I knew that it was going to have problems then I would have suggested that they didn't put online in at all. It doesn't do the game justice if it can be used as a black mark.
  4. Jamba

    Iron Man

    You can thank Adi Granoff (sp?) for the fact that it actually looks like it should.
  5. I must be the only one who think that this looks crap in the way they have designed it visually. Seriously the settings and the characters don't gel at all, it looks like he's been stuck onto the level in the way it's rendered, coloured and lit. No cohession at all. I don't see this "style" bringing anything new to the character or feel of the franchise especially when its so obvious that they can neither let go of the realistic style nor bravely design an original style. It's a mess, jumping on the cell-shaded train offering nothing visually.
  6. Oh yeah sure but lets get things in perspective. I don't remember many computer games out at the time that were ready to get metaphysical on their own story. It's not so much a dream anyway, more like a coma.
  7. I agree with this. Halo's story is poor but some of the characters are good.
  8. Haha... I love it how people are rushing to defend Zelda "story". We are talking about the story alone not the game and although the way that that story is told may be good its still a piss poor story. It's the most bland combination of "coming of age" + "hero" stories that I've ever seen. But lets face it, I am talking about the "conventional" Zelda games, so in contrast I must say well done to LoZ: LA and LoZ: MM for actually doing a very good job.
  9. Not sure if that's the case. The reviewers were pretty sure that their connections weren't that laggy and there should be systems in place to stop bad connections from individuals ruining a game. Point is, it's a problem but it's not a problem on MK. People (including me) want to know why that is and would also like to see it fixed.
  10. Does anyone else think that its creepy that I'm actually quite interested in the psychology of this?
  11. From what I've heard and seen in reviews, one of the main problems with SSBB is the online system. It's meant to get really bad sometimes and it seems unplayable. It's really harsh, especially when we all know how good a game it is and also how absolutely sweet the online for SMK:Wii is. TBH, I seriously hope they sort the online for the Euro release, maybe they could patch the American one.
  12. Controversial? Hows can this series be controversial after like 8 different games?
  13. I voted for him cos i want info. Surprised that you guys are actually out to kill him. And yes there have been games with townie killers. Fandango was one in the Animafia.
  14. I'm up for some pressure too! Vote: Moogle
  15. Count me in. It'll get me to read more comics as well (hehehe). We should so get Rez to join this. He'd love it.
  16. Hey, it's fine. Most people aren't as stupid as they seem in these games.
  17. I've got a feeling that this is going to make for a slow day. No information from me guys, sorry, although yay for no deaths.
  18. Ummm what's this mean to say Fish? I think that there's a missing bit here.
  19. Fair point. I wonder if we should actually have some kind of Mafia black list to stop people from joining up and not participating?
  20. Aimless! Happy Birthday fellow of fellows! Haven't seen you on much Mistah, where you been hiding?
  21. Rarely. It all felt very smooth and pollished but from a gameplay point of view I just had a huge amount of "so what?" going on most of the time. I liked the first one because of the puzzles but there was very little of this as it was more tactical gunplay this time. It just felt like a shooter with the occasional gravity gun puzzle and even those were pretty poor. From a game point of view, I was fairly unstimulated for most of the game (i.e. all of the middle). True the WHAT was very well scripted. But lets extrapolate that into any other form of culture and what you have is a piece of media or art that tries to do very little other than what you see. This is why I think that it has no story as such. Well scripted sequences with little attention to WHY anything is happening is the definition of an Action Movie to me. It all kind of turned out like Transformers the Movie (2007), accept with Sam the main character missing entirely (being the best bit of the movei btw). That said, everyone and his dog new that it was going to be a bit of fun with no expectations of it being a piece of classic cinema. But HL2 has herritage in greatness and variety of gameplay which was completely lacking. I know Dan is going to hate me for saying this but I found the actual story, characters, gameplay and setting in GoW to be superior to HL2 in everyway. Sure it was very homo-erotically "marine cliche" but who cares? It new that and it even takes the piss with it. HL2 may have been technologically fantastic and groundbreaking which they deserve praise for but just like Crysis, its nothing that I want out of a game.
  22. Yep. It's a bad sign that they've told you so much of whats going on already. Hopefully there will be far more too it than that as this is Monolith but the lack of media exposure from this game is a bit worrying. Especially as this is basically a Nintendo game now. :S
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