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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. It's weird, from the screens this really doesn't seem like you can roam around. It seems about as 2D fixed as Soul Calibur, as in you can dodge and move side to side but its no way near as free as Power Stone. In fact to be roaming, wouldn't it be a better idea to tip the camera up a bit to be able to get a sense of moving sideways? I think I need to see some videos.... this title is confusing me now.
  2. Yeah but people do things for reasons. From the sounds of it she had been talking to someone else about you, that's what suddenly sparked the change.
  3. Taken from gamesindustry.biz: He is totally right about the fact that PS3 and the Wii are not in direct competition. But to say that the Wii is a niche product? Seriously? Does the 360/PS3 side of the industry really see things this way still? No wonder that there market is so narrow cos to me it's the other way around. Wii is the least market niche games device that there has ever been (alond with the DS). What do you guys recon? Insightful words or are Sony stuck in the dark ages?
  4. If someone makes a mistake or betrays you then your knowledge and understanding of that person is changed. The picture of who they are is drawn in in more detail and so I think that you have to re-access how you feel towards them. It's like having a dog that has bitten you once. You know that you're 90% sure that they won't bite you again but there's still that feeling of risk, that small chance which leaves you a bit unsure. I don't like that feeling and after a time I have to let go. It tires me out all that grey area stuff. On a seperate note, I'm quite worried about how personally everyone takes things that happen to them here. It doesn't even seem like most of the betrayals that people are talking about have even been examined properly. I wonder if those people consider how the other person feels? Why they came to doing what they did or even if they meant to do it. Take 'wolf for instance. I know you summarised but did you ever really think about why your friend pushed you away? Would you have felt the same way if you were given the information that she had at the time? Was she a different person in reality to the one in your mind?
  5. Wow, some of you have some pretty discrete answers considering the range of things there are to forgive and the differen type of person you are forgiving (as in your relationship to that person). If most of you dealt with most things that way then I'm surprised that any of you have any friends!
  6. So you'd hold it against someone? That's not exactly forgiving... that's more like not bringing it up.
  7. Been working today too. Quite a quiet day but I had a bit of a bombshell dropped on me before I left and its left me feeling a bit "ok" all day. I don't feel bad or good or mediocre, I feel kind of nothingy... think I'm still a bit in shock and don't know what to do or how to feel. Feels so pathetic that I'm actually wanting someone to tell me how to react. It's like I'm not sure that what I'm doing is fine. I'm sure I'm doing the right thing but why don't I feel like I've dealt with it yet?
  8. Lately this has come up several times in different ways, mostly thanks to my brother. He's quite an unhappy person and he holds onto grudges like it's a good thing and vents his anger about almost everyone. In particular, he has decided to hate our cousin's wife entirely based on one ill-advised (and totally in bad taste) joke that she made. Not only does he think that she's an idiot but he actually hates her. It got me thinking about how we all react to people making mistakes. Some of us perceive mistakes as just that but sometimes we see them as malicious or at least things done, whilst well informed and out of choice. Day to day things can be quite easy to forgive but if they re-occur frequently then they can really start to bug you (classic bad housemate situation for instance). So how do you guys deal with this? Do you forgive easily? How does it make you feel doing it? What kind of things do you forgive and what do yo not?
  9. I think that TP proved that Zelda needs a bit of a shake up. The game design is almost archaic now to the point where you kind of know what going to happen all the time. I think that they need to change the underlying design.
  10. I'd expect the next Zelda to be near the end of the console's life time. I have a feeling that it will be the Wii's final hurrah.
  11. You talking from experience fish? I don't see why people say "I won't go private". It's not like the NHS would be losing out. In fact you would be one less person in the queue and due to the fact that they can afford to have the staff and regulations that are required (and also with out government interference) then you actually have much less chance of getting infections like MRSA or C diff. Explain to me how that's a bad thing? You help yourself, you help others and all it costs you is money. Usually helps fund some spanking research too.
  12. Exactly what I was thinking. Bang on. Hope this turns out to be fun but nothing is exciting me about it that much right now. The way the camera works is going to have a lot to do with whether this will be any good. I wonder if the spraying will be done like a hose cos that would control well with the Wiimote i recon. Did anyone else read "magical crown" and just think, "oh you mean the bandana?" Also hope they sort the texturing out a bit. It's on the repetitive side and makes my eyes hurt a little.
  13. It was an action game but is now a bar-room brawl ala Power Stone? That doesn't sound good to me... sounds like they wanted it to be something else but had to settle on this. Glad that the engine sounds healthy though.
  14. I remember reading that they started with the WW engine but modified it so much during the process that the two are completely incomparable now. The engine isn't that versatile, it's just a lot of hard graft by Nintendo that you're seeing there. Also: LOL @ dazzybee. I keep forgetting how excited you get, you're only going to disappoint yourself with your wild sepculation y'know?
  15. You have no SOOOOUL! :p It's only cos you can't see what's inside my head... it's exciting for me.: peace:
  16. Ah me sees, thanks for the link. I'll see what Bluey says, she might have seen advertising around but if Matt's right then that is TRULY rediculous.
  17. Wow, I didn't know that you were in Japan.
  18. You know that lovely paper art-craft where paper is nice and think with torn edges and is sown together? That's kind of what I was thinking. Would certainly pull the the cute illustration card, which would totally appeal to girls. And anyway, who woul rather have Nintendogs Wii rather than this?
  19. Yeah but the fanbase is already buzzing for all of Apple's products and waiting for the new release (usually with a good idea of what it is already). Nintendo's audience are all pretty ambivalent and unaware by comparison
  20. Well take a look at SSBB, it's graphics got better and kept the same feel. I would recon that they will got for a style that will give it an illustrated feel. Maybe cell-shaded or more of a paper style which personally I think would fit AC very well.
  21. Hey, it might get a total overhaul. You never know how long the team has been working on it. I can see it working very well with the way Wii works, getting msgs on your Wii. Don't forget that they were using examples including AC when Nintendo were talking about online for the Wii in the early stages. I think that they'll have a lot of features that they want to implement that integrate into the system itself. Also, let's not forget that this is Nintendo. Could you have really seen what they were going to do with SMG before they showed us? Did you see that Metroid would have gone 1st person? This is why they are fantastic developers and we are not.
  22. I doubt much can come of it. All they would have to do it argue that RB is not a culmination of the seperate parts og the different Konami games. Either that or they could argue that the games are sligthly different or that Konami are trying to monopolise it. From the outside it seems like a pretty leaky case. I doubt much will come of it.
  23. Ahh you see, the Wii version on Animal Crossing has a lot of potential as they can do SO MUCH more with it visually compared to the DS and it's on-line which will already kick the GCN ones ass. So you're telling me that if we got P-O, Kid Icarus and AC between now and xmas that you'd be disappointed? We already know that there's other stuff coming too. Just for people who don't know it/haven't seen it before: RUUUUuuuuumbllllle!!!!
  24. If there's a new punch-out then I will be a very happy Larry... not that I'm a Larry. Would be hilarious because it would blatantly shit all over Facebreaker.
  25. How can that be when they call it "Capcom's mystery Wii project" if it's Flock though. Not exactly that mysterious and not exactly a Wii project is it?
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