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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I've added almost everyone on that list. Will add everyone eventually just a bit tired of doing numbers. Thanks from the PMs as well!
  2. Does anyone know if there is a limit yet?
  3. Right people time to start putting up your QR images for your Miis :-D
  4. Yay! Finally allowed myself to get excited for this and will be going to midnight launch! I shouldn't get that excited, HMV Richmond are literally doing the minimal, i.e. opening at midnight and that's it. But yeah get ready for some hadukening mudda cluckers. Specially you Will
  5. Any chance it could be a z depth sensor for the AR, like on the Kinect?
  6. Quick question: Does anyone know what the little port (looks like infrared port) on the back does? Those funny health and safety pics we saw about a week ago said not to look in it... But what does it doooo?
  7. Now I don't know what everyone else thinks but I don't remember framerates ever spoiling my experiences of games back in the day. OK there were the odd occasion of making games like Perfect Dark unplayable on the N64 but generally it didn't phase me. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that sometimes they made games feel really good because they felt like they were pushing the system to bursting point. Take Contra 3 (Super Probotector to most here!). In the first level there is an almighty huge explosion that the SNES just can't handle so it chugs which makes it seem even more devastating.
  8. Is anyone else confused by the amount of different tablets being planned or that are already available for Android? Can anyone give me a quick summary of the ones that are available from companies that are trustworthy? I've just looked at a review for the Xoom and it said that the functionality is a bit sub-par and the OS just doesn't seem ready. What's the deal? Is this the case for all Android tablets?
  9. Oh dear.... that questions thing sounds like a HORRIBLE mechanic. Couldn't Suzuki think of a better way of merging it into the gameplay a bit rather than having it punch you in the face with an arbitrary and completely random question?
  10. I trust the people who are involved in this. Glad to see that the sense of combat animation has come through from Avatar. I really liked that series and as long as Liono isn't a complete hamster chump again then there's a bit of hope. Chitara looks pretty cool :-)
  11. Yes Nintendo are getting more popular than ever and yes they are making more money than ever probably so my answer the question is: NO. What I do worry about it Nintendo creating a system that provides me with games that I want to play, pitched to me as a customer, delivering new gameplay experiences. And as far as their console goes, as opposed to their handheld, I'm out already.
  12. Had a go with one of these in my local Gamestation yesterday. I think that the 3D looks pretty good and I think the most telling thing was that there is nothing wrong or uncomfortable about the system at all. I didn't have any of the "problems" that people have talked about with the 3D as I found it very easy to snap into. On the other hand, I thought about the fact that I'm still having lots of fun with my DS and I don't really have £200 lying around for a system that doesn't have the games yet that take advantage of the investment of that money. I'm going to need some games to wow me first.
  13. That sense of WW comes from the use of all of the same sound effects. Strangely looking at Link's latest design he looks more like the Space World version than ever before.
  14. Jamba


    Seen some really great bands around the upper arm made from Escher artwork recently. The birds into fish progression looks excellent.
  15. goss? I don't get what you mean...
  16. Btw it turns out that this whole thing is crap. Just a whole bunch of comments taken out of context and people scraping the barrel. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2011-02-17-ea-mirrors-edge-an-important-franchise
  17. I must admit that I enjoyed that more but I haven't been interested in playing one in years as I'm a bit bored of Vietnam and so on. Was Heroes good then?
  18. Hmmmm... what up EA? Losing lots of money? This has had some really good market exposure and a sequel would probably sell quite a lot if it reviewed half well. What are you going to do with DiCE now? Make other generic shooter that won't compete against COD?
  19. I'm not a big fan of the series so I'd like to see something that would make me want to play it. I've never liked the mechanics of how it plays but I haven't player GTA4... It always seemed to be trying to do every type of genre all at the same time and the master of none... I'm not a big fan of the series so I'd like to see something that would make me want to play it. I've never liked the mechanics of how it plays but I haven't player GTA4... It always seemed to be trying to do every type of genre all at the same time and the master of none...
  20. More likely to be huge variations in weather surely? I don't think that I will be getting this unless I can somehow demo it and it turns out to really change my mind. I got bored of the N64 one quite quickly and personally I think that this is a hardware demo kind of game for the 3DS. Not saying that it'll be a bad game but just not for me.
  21. Hells yeah Ville! V day is so pressurising but let's face it, if you do feel that way the only person putting pressure on you is yourself. It is another day and most couples think it's stupid and lame so don't go thinking "it's ok for you.. you're in a relationship" cos you really aren't missing out by being in one!
  22. Congrats to those in Egypt. I am very impressed by how assertive that they are being. The fact that they will come back week after week until they are satisfied is amazing. Just hope that this all works out for them. And as someone said above, I hope this happens in Iran. All of the Iranian people that I have met have been intelligent, respectful and diplomatic. I find it disturbing that they have a leadership that is so riddled with ignorance. They deserve better.
  23. Feel sorry for the devs.... but if you work for Activision this is going to happen as they are the new EA.
  24. Having heard about the developer response and if this price point is anywhere near correct (which it totally isn't) then colour me curious. I'm looking forwards to hearing far more about the software. [Just edited my ignore list which has made this thread far more readable].
  25. Well to bring this thread screamingly back on topic and to steer away from a conversation about absolutely nothing; has anyone played the BSG online open beta yet? There is a Mac but that is stopping me from being able to play it atm but its looking nice so far for a browser based game.
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