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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yep, sounds pretty dangerous. I totally appreciate what Iun's saying and from my experience in these cultures have blended together to become the new concept of "us" I think that it's fairly well understood that the hijab is becoming the defacto standard and that it's a reasonable compromise considering how much of a cultural clash that the niqab causes. Personally, I think hijabs are pretty cool. I've seen plenty of women doing something really fashionable and interesting with it and (keeping in mind that I used to be a science teacher with lots of health and safety considerations) I've never seen it causing the issue that's mentioned in the OP. I do take issue with motorbiking and religious dress though. I know Oxygen Waste will probably jump on me for saying it but I really don't think that it should be legal for anyone to drive a motorbike without a crash helmet. I don't approve of the turban exception to the rule and genuinely feel that if we impose a law like this that it should be for everyone. What you wear is your business but you can choose to ride a bike or not. I don't think it should be regarded as discrimination in this scenario.
  2. Finished Turnaround 3 last night and feel exhausted... I'm really enjoying the game but I do wish that it was a little harder. I struggle with games like this because when they are easy I make a lot of mistakes because I'm thinking 2 or 3 steps ahead of the game. Maybe it's the way it's been translated this time but it seems particularly prevalent. And you know what happens when you don't solve it in the exact way that the game wants you to? PENALTY *poof* On the upside, I'm loving the characters and animations. I'm happy that they seem to be keeping the main characters relatively 3-dimensional (HAH!) as it's something that I think the series is good at. There are just too many though and it feels like no one is getting enough screen time to develop properly. But hey, they can do more games right! Someone mentioned the lack of investigation earlier. I've noticed this too, it just seems to be much less a part of the game experience as they loaded the new mechanics into the court section of things. The game seems to be much more loaded into the style where you fumble into the truth rather than lead it all with evidence. It's a great game but I think I enjoyed Edgeworth more for some reason.
  3. @Cube just out of interest mate, does your router use both 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz? Quick way to check is if it says 802.11 a/b/g/n. Having 802.11a would confirm that it does and that is likely to be the BIGGEST problem. Possible direct interference between your router and the link between the console and the pad. If you could turn it off then that's going to help things. Must admit though that your house sounds like a bit of a RF prison.
  4. Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen for several reasons, mostly surrounding frequency misuse and how it would increase the chances of people doing so. That and "boosters" are the thing of the devil in terms of RF.
  5. Bang on the money, the human body is an annoyingly large sac of water. Whilst Dcubed is right about having the controller between you and the consoles, that actual angle that you hold it at isn't going to make much of a difference I'm 99% sure that the wireless involved will be using SDM rather than OFDM. Yes the wireless range isn't great in a real situation but in free space it works pretty well. A lot has to be taken into account when they were choosing the design including: data bandwidth required, overheads that lead to latency, chance of interference from other common devices, RF isolation from the other stuff in the console, battery life in the pad. Sure they could have the pad cranking on 100mW constantly but you're likely to end up cooking your crotch or have a battery life of 15 mins. I'm pretty happy with how they chose it. Also keep in mind that this is a Japanese company we are talking about here... they have really think walls over there generally speaking.
  6. Muahahah, fantastico. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in and the 80s/90s mafia looks like it's whittling down quite quickly! It looks like the same people are playing mostly?
  7. Umm so yeah... Archer and stuff:
  8. Hey guys, thinking of joining a mafia game sometime soon but haven't played for AGES! Anyone want to give me a catch up? I really enjoyed these back in the day but it will be really helpful to know how long they seem to be going on for lately and what the kind of day/night turnover is. "Death to townsfolk!"
  9. I think that this is pretty important and might have been slightly hindered by both consoles getting their hype up a little too high and early. My experience with it so far has been pretty positive and although I've not had any hands on with the big titles like Killzone, I've played Knack, Contrast, Octodad, Super Motherload and watched a depressingly large amount of someone playing FIFA. The indie games are pretty awesome, particularly Octodad which is pick-yourself-up-off-the-floor hilarious. It's like playing a game about being drunk and getting away with it! Contrast is beautiful looking and I like the gameplay but a little early to say whether it's going to be amazing. SML though is going to be the PS4's Tetris though.... my friends literally couldn't stop playing it. Knack is (as EVERYONE knew it was going to be) as grey and tepid as yesterday's gruel. It has the gameplay of an early PS2 game and absolutely no charm. I'll reserve my judgement on Killzone until I get to play it but I'm honestly struggling to keep an open mind. When someone says to you "Oh look it's a FPS with cyber-Nazis and epic sized cities and pretty explosions!" it's hard not to get put off by the horrendously derivative pitch of the game. It might actually be great but if you summarised it for me then I doubt I'd be itching to give it a go.
  10. Genuinely had a conversation with someone today about why wireless wasn't getting from one of their buildings to the other. It went a little like this: ME: Do you mind me asking a little bit about the type of walls the property has HER: Oh it's a new build... ME: Do you have foil backed insulation? HER: Oh yeah! It's all in the new extension. Do you think that might be a problem? ME: Definitely. Standard Wi-Fi struggles to get through two layers of brick and the metal foil is even worse. It's like having a big barrier to your Wi-Fi. HER: Oh yes, I guess it would. Strangely I did know that already! So there you go.... people have the knowledge but rarely apply it or even allow themselves to be aware enough of the situation to be able to explain it enough themselves. Physic doesn't magically change just because it's Wi-Fi. What's that I hear you say? Your 2.4GHz wireless headset cuts out sometimes? Would it be because you have the base station sitting on top of the router? Of course it is!
  11. Really wish it was the other way around sometimes...
  12. More details on Smash then and a quick review of what will be on sale for Xmas?
  13. Dude... It's already traded. :-(
  14. Why is Santa there? I hear what you're all saying about public selling it and we have considered it but we have heard about how well the production of the PS4 is going (great yield rate on the chipsets apparently) and with key games being delayed we were thinking that maybe the xmas demand may not be that high :/ Genuinely very indecisive.... do you guys really think there will be the usual internet scream out for these?
  15. I don't wear glasses... but if I did, I'd do this all day.
  16. Really? They were both made by the same french animation studio and were EXCELLENT. Surprised it didn't make it into Belgique
  17. A few for you @Eeunuh - Penny from Inspector Gadget - Arcee from the original Transformers movie (could be done relatively simply with tights with bits painted on and some make up) - Flora from Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors - Yumi from Ulysses 31 - Gadget from Chip n Dale (Tic n Tac in French... not sure about Belgian!) - Blotch from Super Ted - Cheetara from Thundercats (if you're feeling brave!)
  18. Righty, so bluey and I have found ourselves in a bit of a situation.... We don't have a lot of money at the moment as we're saving for a house etc. and so we've been tending to trade and sell stuff to be able to buy the nice things that we want and therefore not spend any unnecessary cash. The Wii U was very much in the firing line in this sense so we tried to sell it but it turned out that no one was all that interested. Together, bluey and I had the idea that we would trade it in at GAME and then use the credit to buy a PS4, which we would then sell to someone we knew for the normal price, hence converting our credit into cash and also getting our friend high up in the preorder chain. So we traded it and got about £240 in credit on a gift card. Last week I get a text from bluey saying that our friend has had to pull out of getting the PS4 My question is what would you guys do in our situation? Do people buy credit like this? Would anyone here like to buy a PS4 from us? We're feeling pretty stuck and we need to liquidise this credit... help us N-E community, you're our only hope!
  19. Rob Fahey is one of the only people that I have read that genuinely gives me something interesting to think about from pretty much every article he's written. He has a very balanced view on a lot of things and likes to put questions out there during his articles. Will post some of the better ones when I get a sec.
  20. Fair point about peer to peer. Honestly though, 3mbps of bandwidth should be more than enough to process the data coming from either side. Latency is going to have a much bigger impact and I would think that the improvement will be due to the RF isolation built into the Wii U because of the relatively complex array of wireless cards that it has to contain. This will reduce the interference, frame collision issues and combined with better (read higher quality since the Wii was released) amplifiers then the symbols should spend more time being translated correctly at the other end and not have to be resent. The Wii U is a 802.11n device so if it doesn't have the capacity to do 150mbps half duplex then there is something wrong (assuming it's 2x2 mimo working on a 20MHz channel which I would be very surprised if it's not).
  21. Thanks for this update, I genuinely don't play Namco games that much so it's interesting to hear other people's experiences. I'm taking it that neither of those were running on a Nintendo console though? I suppose the question is how much of an influence can Namco have on the situation? If Nintendo's server architecture is very behind the times then there is little that they could do to change that I would think. By comparison Xbox (from what I have heard) works very hard to make things easier for developers to create the back-end for this kind of online stuff.
  22. Could be, although I can't think of anything off the top of my head in their back catalogue that assures me that they will do a better job.
  23. I'll be enjoying it "exclusively" on my PC, that's if it doesn't turn out to be rubbish.
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