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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. It seems Miitomo is being shut down. Final day is May 9th https://www.nintendo.co.jp/support/information/2018/0125.html
  2. I was thinking about re watching those Enterprise episodes again as well. I only saw them around a year and a half ago but I've forgotten everything about them already. I was wondering if we'll see any of the actors from Enterprise in Discovery at some point, like the Mirror version of Hoshi.
  3. It didn't dawn on me at first but when Micheal was asked to pick a Kelpien slave by the Emperor
  4. I had roughly the same experience. No disconnections and I did well when it was Action vs Action (which was around a third of the time) but yeah, most people in team Comedy were level 50 or close to it and most of the time we were outmatched lol Team Comedy won the Splatfest but I made it to Action King and reached level 42.
  5. Impressive!
  6. I'm loving thew new costumes. The online mode looks like it'll be fun too.
  7. I saved a couple of clips myself:
  8. I made the mistake of registering one of my games and getting gold coins for it already and at this rate they'll expire before I can even use them on anything for the switch.
  9. I'm not sure if anyone here used to read Digitiser in the 90's (the Video game pages on Teletext ) but today marks it's 25th anniversary. To mark it there is a new edition and there will be one every day this week: https://www.digitiser2000.com/main-page/25-years-of-digitiser-day-one I absolutely loved Digitiser growing up so this has made me very happy. As an extra treat they've set it up so you can view it the original way you would have on your TV as well: http://teastop.plus.com:8080/?page=470
  10. yeah that was a blast, enjoyed every second of it. Thanks for the games everyone and Happy new year
  11. i think this one will be my last for the night
  12. I have to drop out for 15 minutes, i'll rejoin if you are still on after that
  13. Whats the password for the room?
  14. hey I can play some Splatoon from now if there's room Friend Code SW-7441-4734-3710
  15. I picked this up on PC during the current Steam sale and I'm enjoying it, but I have some issues with it too. Firstly every stage seems to have a boss battle in it, which are long, boring and tedious. Bosses have life bars this time and they take a ridiculous amount of time to wear down. Another issue is that recent Lego games have had a character wheel that allows you to switch to different characters quickly which was a great feature, but for some reason they have not put in this game, so its back to taping the Y button and hoping you change to the character you need for a particular task (which I found most of the time, it doesn't). The voice acting sounds kinda bad as it seems the voice actors strike was taking place during development, so as far as I can hear, none of the original voices returned which is a real shame. And lastly, as to be expected there are no Xmen, Magneto, Fantastic Four etc who were a large part of the first game. Although I guess with the Fox Disney thing now, there's a chance they'll be DLC. Despite all the negative things I've said, the game is good but I am disappointed because of how great the first Lego Marvel game was. I mentioned it in the OP, but the first game really did have an almost Nintendo-like quality to it and although its probably too early for me to say as I am only half way through the game right now, I don't think this game is quite as good.
  16. Yeah I was really surprised by The Orville. I made the assumption that Orville would just be a bunch of dick and fart jokes on a space ship but it turns out its a decent show. It even feels like TNG at times.
  17. Nintendo Switch Splatoon 2: 170 hours Super Mario Odyssey: 85 hours Sonic Mania: 20 hours Wonder Boy Dragons Trap: 5 hours Blaster Master Zero: 15 hours Wii U: Zelda Breath of the Wild: 140 hours
  18. Someone remade the Bramble Blast level from DKC 2:
  19. Digital Foundry have put up this really good mini-documentary talking about Donkey Kong Country and Killer Instinct for the snes and what went into making those games:
  20. I had very mixed feelings on the film. A lot of the things they set up in Force Awakens didn't seem to go anywhere or went in what I felt was a disappointing direction. I noticed that too
  21. That's a shame about the load times and frame rates, hopefully they'll improve them with a patch at some point.
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