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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Just a heads up for anyone that has to manually update their games, the new update is now live. Patch notes:
  2. I love how many little things they add with each update as well as the events. I also can’t wait for it to start snowing!
  3. The game just got an update: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/50552/kw/3d all-stars#v110
  4. It's active now. Todays prize Super Mario games '80s pin set: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Super-Mario-Bros-35th-Anniversary-hub/Super-Mario-Bros-35th-Anniversary-Prize-Days-Day-2-1876607.html?redirect=true And the grand prize is a complete set of Pin badges and complete Lego Mario set: Edit - Actually this went live yesterday and I completely forgot. The prize for day one was the Lego Mario starter set.
  5. It looks like Nintendo will be giving away Mario themed items every day from the 16th of this month until the 20th of December: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Super-Mario-Bros-35th-Anniversary-hub/Super-Mario-Bros-35th-Anniversary-Prize-Days-1867229.html
  6. I'll try and pop in if I can but I'm moving home (in real life lol) so between packing stuff i might be able to but I don't know If I can. Sorry in advance if I can't make it
  7. There’s a demo for this on the eshop now
  8. New theme competition starting just now
  9. I was playing Animal Crossing just now I stopped into Nooks Cranny before closing time to find out it plays different music. I remember previous games did this too but I wasn’t prepared for it how nice and calming it sounds:
  10. Demo being put up later today:
  11. Has anyone here been watching The Boys on Amazon Prime? I've only started watching over the past week and its probably one of the better shows I've seen in ages. The premise is its set in a world where Super Heroes are just an accepted part of life. The main Super heroes in the world are 'The Seven' who are the equivalent of the Justice League. The thing is, they' re all quite nasty pieces of work. From being sexual harassers, drug addicts, rapists, to straight up murderers, they're dreadful people that the general public only see as super heroes that save lives every day. They're overseen by a corporation that handles their PR, merchandise, film rights etc who are also trying to get "The Seven" into the military. Meanwhile there is a group of Vigilantes who want to take them down, as each of them as had their lives effected by them in the past. The violence is pretty strong in this and perhaps a little much at times but I've found myself binge watching this show, something I never normally do because each episode has been solid so far.
  12. Nice video showing off how this thing is set up and some of the features:
  13. It seems to be on the eshop now. I had to go to the Nintendo Switch Online section to find it.
  14. Not sure who I'd want in the game. Master Chief, Crash Bandicoot or possibly:
  15. Nintendo have changed their minds on delisting one of their games:
  16. The fall update is live now
  17. Yeah Stickerbush Symphony is probably my all time favorite track from a video game. I'm glad to see its liked by you guys too! There are quite a few fan remixes that I like, here's two of my favourites:
  18. On the eshop now £17.99
  19. Black widow has been pushed to 2021: and Shang-Chi has been pushed back a couple of months to July I honestly thought Black widow would go straight to streaming the same way that Mulan did
  20. Animal of Legion of Doom has passed away at aged 60. RIP
  21. The games are available now
  22. It looks like Nintendo may have accidentally revealed a game early: This is on their Play.Nintendo site in the Game Finder section (or at least it was at time of writing this post) https://play.nintendo.com/parents/game-finder/
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