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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Hang on, if 56.7% will live and 43.4% will die then where did the extra 0.1% come from? McPhee things Mcoy needs maths lessons... Quoted For the undeniable Truth of it. The argument ended when the word Seabrook entered this thread!
  2. Can't, some idiot RARed the installer :p (actually had something similar happen before!)
  3. Well thats annoying, if a little predictable. I still don't get why Nintendo can't implement some sort of simple friends list system? Would be nice to only have to enter a code once. Even better would be if it was possible to see what people were playing and message them instead of having to arrange games in advance over MSN/Forums/Phone/Real Life and then hope it all goes right. Maybe one day...
  4. This is why i'd like to see him in charge. I want to see a huge battle, i also want to hate the guy. I want to see the suffering he would cause if he defeated Link, because at the moment defeating Ganon is just an objective that signals the end of the game. I don't hate him, I only want him dead so the game is over. I'd love to see this. Put Link in an actual world for once, rather than one that feels purpose built for his adventure. Make him hurt, and make the player hurt with him! Imagine heading off for some temple in a snow covered area, fighting off enemy after enemy just to collapse from the cold. You see Link struggle more and more with each minute, each swing of his sword until he has no more to give. Obviously somebody saves him :p Definitely, i don't need/want to hear Link speak.
  5. Sounds good to me. TBH as long as the next Zelda game has a more dynamic world i'll be happy. I want to get the impression that this is a world people live in, not just a playground for Link to do his quest. This is where Zelda falls flat on it's arse, NPCs don't really do anything, they just stand and stare or wander around aimlessly. I also want more choice, TP was very linear. Other than that i'd like to see implications for Link's actions throughout the story. An ability to make right and wrong decisions, and the game world changing to reflect these. I think this is very unlikely to happen though. Oh, and voice acting :p
  6. Oblivion + Nights of the Nine + Shivering Isles. The other DLC might be in there too, im not sure. I want some word on TES5 too, shame Bethesda are doing Fallout 3 first Not that it doesn't look good, i'd just prefer to play TES5: Shadow Realm (rumoured title)
  7. Ah, i forgot about Oblivion. Thats another game i need to buy soon, sold my copy a few months back with the idea of getting the GOTY edition and never go around to buying it...
  8. I'd like to see a world with Ganon in charge too, but with a twist. The story runs down the lines of a normal Zelda game all the way up to the Ganon fight, but Link, a teenage boy at this point, looses and is forced to flee. Years pass by and the people begin to forget that the Hero of Time ever existed. They begin to accept Ganon's rule. The game beings with Link's return. Whilst in exile he was shown prophecies which detail where, how and when to defeat Ganon. The games challenge is in bringing this about. It's one huge puzzle! You need to unite the people under one banner, and locate all the pieces of the triforce. But at the same time you need to make sure certain characters make it to the last battle. This might involve saving people from harm, breaking them out of jail, or even killing allies to save you're enemy. If you need a certain character in a certain town on a certain day then you can use yourself or others to lure them there by spreading rumour of your presence or getting yourself in trouble. You need to manipulate friend and foe alike to make sure the battle goes ahead as prophicised. To me this would be a truly different form of Zelda game. Having to do what is necessary to stop Ganon, whilst not getting caught and killed yourself. There are no safe areas, only disguises and friends to keep you hidden. Dungeons would still be around, just fewer in number and centring around specific objects like a piece of triforce. An expansive world, with many towns and cities and loads of countryside to roam upon Epona. City guards, country police and vast armies to combat or avoid as you see fit. You're own decisions, you're own journey and all filled with the implications of the actions you make! Simple, Zelda in it's current form is a bit tired. If it carries on as it is then it won't be long before it's overshadowed, some franchises are coming pretty close! While other games evolve Zelda stays the same, it should be advancing in gameplay and scope but it isn't. Each incarnation is pretty much the same as the last, but with a lick of paint and a new story.
  9. This looks pretty awesome! Finally, a non-Nintendo game worth envying! It only took a year! Nah, but seriously, this looks really, really good. If the Wii keeps this up i might buy one soon, can always sell it off for a good price once i've completed this, smash, metroid and mario (im not away to keep 2 consoles)
  10. Count me in!
  11. http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3165&p=1 Now this, i like! All i need is to find a silent (or at least quiet) GPU and i'll finally be rid of the hoover sitting next to me! Seriously, x1950 XTX is not a quiet card...
  12. I don't watch much TV at all, the set in my room hasn't been switched on by me since i plugged my 360 in to my monitor at the beginning of September! Saying that, i've now got the urge to go watch something... Oh, and i've got 6 TVs in my house. The computers are used for TV a bit too, so thats another 2 laptops and 3 desktops. We've no need of heating any more...
  13. Unfortunately most people don't read review, or at least not fully. They go on the score, case point being the infamous TP review...
  14. McPhee


    They aint great. You've got drivers and configuring to do etc. Still, one of the better products around If you want a gaming keypad then try this: http://gaming.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=9277 I've got one and they ain't half bad. Just uses standard keyboard keys so it's pretty much ready to use out of the box, you just need to change keys that aren't on the board (L and V for example). The size of the thing is great too, frees up a lot of room for the mouse
  15. Fans aren't always objective, and they usually give one side to a story. Let me refer you to this thread then c0Zm1c: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17987 Note that a few people rate Marvel vs Capcom 2 highly. By you're reasoning the opinions of fighting game fans counts higher than the others. So does that mean that Marvel vs Capcom 2 doesn't belong in the Top 10? The Bard is probably the biggest fighting game fan on these boards and he dislikes the game... Having variety in reviews may be damaging to a game Game Rankings placing, but the content of the reviews themselves will be 100 times more useful than reading the same thing over and over, just written by different people.
  16. That'd be as dumb as only having reviews from people who are big fans of a series. Variety is the key. This happens. People comment all the time on how some console games would be better with a keyboard/mouse and some PC games are better using a controller. UT3 on PS3 and Assassin's Creed on PC will be two very clear examples. Both will see a mixture of people using a dual analogue stick controller or a Keyboard/Mouse set-up
  17. Im not visiting gamespot again, never mind tomorrow
  18. The Wii didn't need to be HD, if it could run multi format titles at a lower resolution then it would still have gained a lot more games. Also, Nintendo do need to pay people. You said it yourself, a game doesn't need to be good to make money. If mini game compilations sell well then why would publishers spend more money making a good shooter/rpg/platformer? If PS2 ports sell well then why bother making a Wii exclusive? There needs to be some incentive. Obviously good 3rd party games will come regardless of any financial incentive from Nintendo, but they will be fewer in number.
  19. The Flight Simulator review was completely valid in it's content. If he reviewed it from a flight enthusiast point of view it would have gotten a 9/10, he even stated this in the review. Problem is most flight enthusiasts will buy the new flight simulator regardless of reviews. This would make the review very unhelpful to those who actually need to read it As for the Resi4 review, he's not the only reviewer that didn't like the control scheme (didn't take me long to find that 1up didn't like it either, probably a few others out there too). The bloke obviously preferred Resi 4 with a dual analogue stick controller, why is that so wrong? Comparing that review against others highlights that not everyone puts the Wiimote at the top of they're controller list. Wiimote/Nunchuck, Dual Analogue and Keyboard/Mouse are alternative control schemes, which is better is down to taste. Even if he is in the minority in not liking the Wiimote/Nunchuck set-up, that doesn't make him wrong QFT It's also interesting who the hate comments come from, i could have predicted most of them.
  20. Exactly the problem, 3rd parties can't be arsed. I suspect this might be down to Nintendo though. They've scuppered the chances of multiformat games appearing on Wii by nerfing it's power and as a result need to start paying 3rd Parties to make exclusive games for they're system. At the moment they seem to do this very rarely, whereas it's commonplace for Microsoft and Sony. It would also help if they kept 1st and 2nd party IPs out of 3rd party games, not every good exclusive has to feature Mario...
  21. Fair enough, it's you're right to be a fool. Those reviews are far from worthless, it's called a different perspective
  22. It's the exact opposite of how you find the controls, but obviously he didn't find them so easy and simple. Why question the integrity of reviews? Can't you just accept them for what they are? There's no right and no wrong as long as the reviewer is honest
  23. Might want to add a wink or something to the end of posts then, bit difficult to tell if you are flaming or just being sarcastic
  24. Only if you just read that one review. Otherwise it highlights the possibility that you might not enjoy the Wii controls either, which is very, very helpful. This is the Other Consoles board, so theres no place for Nintendo Fanboyism in here. Also, theres a pretty good community within this small section of the board and i don't want it ruined by fanboyism of any type
  25. Do you mean Solitanze? He's banned
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