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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. If you wanted something truly small then theres a lot of people doing custom builds on the Hiper Media Centre cases. They're the same size/shape as a DVD player. Alternatively, save some money by buying an Xbox and hacking it, should only set you back around £50 these days Out of curiosity though, why not just use you're Wii? I has a web browser and you can stream media from you're computer through that.
  2. It's a dodgy abbreviation of Software used to describe software that is obtained illegally
  3. Interesting list. Never heard of half the games, then again i tend not to take any notice until a couple of weeks before release. Turok looks great though, and im desperate to see Too Human released, been following it for way too long now! Don't care if it's shite, i just want to play it :p
  4. Did you ever see an dog fly? I've seen a horse fly. I've seen a dragon fly. I've even seen a house fly. But i don't recall ever seeing no Dog Fly! (ok, i stole inspiration from Dumbo, just wish i could remember the actual quotes)
  5. "Somebodys been shagging a cheap whore again! And let me guess, you didn't think you needed a rubber?" or "Nurse, £50 says this man is dead before the year ends. You in?"
  6. Small Arms, one of the worst fighting games ever? Just bought it and it's a pile of wank, thanks to IGN for recommending it! Not a clue how im taking damage half the time...
  7. Come on, own up. Whatever you're taking, i want it :p
  8. McPhee

    Guitar Hero 3

    I can give you a 48 hour code if you'd like, or give you some links to the cheapest places to buy Live Gold
  9. Actually, if the PC version is free i'll just get that and then buy Fable on 360 Sucks about the 50Hz thing, they should really be warning us about that, or doing something crazy like FIXING IT!
  10. w00t! Thursday can't come soon enough! I want, nay, i NEED to know!
  11. I tried some last week. Was horrible, but then again it was out of a supermarket so what did i expect :p £3.99 for a 330ml bottle! I suppose it might just be down to me hating the taste of wine though, especially white wine.
  12. McPhee

    Guitar Hero 3

    yuppage ...
  13. Well said! Also: Isn't it odd how Gin has disappeared off most people's drinking lists? Hardly anyone seems to drink it now, it's all about Archers, Bacardi, Smirnoff and Jack Daniels...
  14. You know Jesus?
  15. *steals idea* if i put this photo up on Sunday morning do i win by default? Just got to persuade the GF to a threesome! Outside. With a sticky pink dildo. (oh christ! i've not got any chance here have i?) Obviously she doesn't have to do all the work, i'll take it upon myself to empty the cider bottles :P
  16. Are those two black guys humping the floor?
  17. McPhee will first hunt Mcoy down and rip Mcoy's balls from his body, frying them and then force feeding them to Mcoy. Then McPhee can die happy. EDIT: Hmm, maybe thats why im more likely to die. Is the 0.1% increase meant to symbolise my risk of death whilst carrying out the above action?
  18. Windows can do it :p (sorry, couldn't resist. I had nothing constructive to add cause Odwin got here first...)
  19. Yup. What service are you on? They're taking the piss even if it's only a 1MB connection, i live a good 3 miles (maybe further) from my nearest exchange and get about 1Mbps almost all the time Monitor it for a couple of days, write down the speeds and the times of day (make sure you do 2-3 a day) and then phone em up, complain and email them the figures. They should be able to fix it for you.
  20. I might get Fable. Having it on the HDD is handy, means no messing around with disks. Psychonauts would be good, but im not buying until someone can confirm it working with PC monitros via VGA
  21. Just think, on this day a few years back you both caused you're mothers unimaginable pain. Then they have to be reminded of the fact every year, and buy you presents as thanks. Happy Birthday guys...
  22. McPhee would like to request that Moogle looks at the source image. Mcoy gives his figures to 2 decimal places; 56.70 and 43.40. If Mcoy did round them up then Mcoy is still wrong for displaying rounded figures to 2 decimal places.
  23. I live of water. When out boozing though it's anything goes. I'll drink anything that isn't wine or an alcopop (unless it involves strawpedo-ing it) I do too, a good Scotch Whisky or fine Vodka drunk neat. Highland Park, Monkey's Shoulder (both Whiskey) and Grey Goose (Vodka) are particular favourites of mine. Very nice Not to be rushed though... All 3 are expensive (£30-ish a litre), so i tend to go with J&B (£15/litre) most of the time. Mixed with Coke to mask the (relative) crappyness (still better than Jack Daniels though, and cheaper)
  24. I came in to suggest that very movie! So shite it's awesome!
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