Oh dear. I HATE Tenessee Williams. Stupid melodramatic ****.
Considering that I'm getting 3 A's, I'm going to spend a year out of education and sit home and do the things that full time education hasn't allowed me time for: Music. As for what I wan't to do at uni, I have no idea, I think it's ridiculous that people are required to choose what they want to make of their lives so early, but I'm thinking of just studying eng lit at uni maybe and then going into whatever I feel like at that point.
As for nerves: It's inevitable, just make sure that with Frankenstein you've annoted your text thoroughly with the relevant points/ quotations before going in for the exam, other than that there's nothing you really can do apart from read through the texts one more time before friday and hope for the best. What poetry are you doing? Poetry was actually my fave part of AS, but thats probably because we did the forever awesome Paradise Lost.